The Disgusting Tale of Harvey Weinstein Manages to Get Even Worse

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Jim Geraghty:

As ugly and repulsive as the New York Times account about Harvey Weinstein was, the new report from Ronan Farrow in The New Yorker is much, much worse, detailing claims of sexual harassment and outright sexual assault from thirteen women. The accounts from the women – many recognizable names – will leave you sick.

Even worse, it appears a significant number of Weinstein’s employees were complicit in arranging and/or covering up his serial acts of sexual harassment and assault.

Sixteen former and current executives and assistants at Weinstein’s companies told me that they witnessed or had knowledge of unwanted sexual advances and touching at events associated with Weinstein’s films and in the workplace. They and others describe a pattern of professional meetings that were little more than thin pretexts for sexual advances on young actresses and models. All sixteen said that the behavior was widely known within both Miramax and the Weinstein Company. Messages sent by Irwin Reiter, a senior company executive, to Emily Nestor, one of the women who alleged that she was harassed at the company, described the “mistreatment of women” as a serial problem that the Weinstein Company was struggling with in recent years. Other employees described what was, in essence, a culture of complicity at Weinstein’s places of business, with numerous people throughout the companies fully aware of his behavior but either abetting it or looking the other way. Some employees said that they were enlisted in subterfuge to make the victims feel safe. A female executive with the company described how Weinstein assistants and others served as a “honeypot”—they would initially join a meeting, but then Weinstein would dismiss them, leaving him alone with the woman.

This may be just the tip of a very big iceberg; everyone who worked with Weinstein should and probably will face tough questions about what they knew and what they were willing to do on behalf of a disgusting, abusive, repulsive human being.

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To those in the Hollywood scene:
Don’t you EVER lecture us again!

The NYT had this story in 2004… but buried it. Give they a Trump story, verified or not, and they print first, print retractions on page 30 later.

This is how Weinstein behaved in public, there for anyone and everyone to see. Yet the bleeding hearts are claiming, “golly, we never suspected. What a bad, bad man.”

Weinstein, like the Kennedy’s, like Clinton, acted out in the open and whenever they felt the “urge”. They all had a team that kept their actions quiet and out of the public (voters’) eye. These big mouth bleeding hearts… those making false accusations about Trump the loudest… all knew about this, all looked the other way and all happily took the benefits.

It’s a sure sign, when the Left finally starts to eat their own, that they are actually getting somewhere…as in not being a Leftist anymore.

Had to happen sometime…

@Nathan Blue: #3
They’ve been eating their own for years. The problem is that they keep breeding more in universities.
But the generation now in high school may have a surprise for them.

Its not just Harvey, hollywood is a dung heap
Any wonder why they decriminalized child prostitution, try to normalize filth Californication.

@Deplorable Me: Trump is no different than Weinstein, Clinton, Kennedy and many powerful men—they believe they have the right to abuse women emotionally and physically. It certainly won’t stop any time soon.

@Richard Wheeler:

Trump is no different than Weinstein, Clinton, Kennedy and many powerful men

Well, yeah, he is quite different. He hasn’t admitted he did it, like Weinstein, been taken to court, paid settlements and have multiple accusers go public and stand by their claims for decades, like Clinton or kill his girlfriend like Kennedy. This is the very DEFINITION of difference.

@Deplorable Me: Keep dreamin Bill—Trump’s used and abused women most of his adult life AND SAID SO ON TAPE.

@Richard Wheeler:

Keep dreamin Bill—Trump’s used and abused women most of his adult life AND SAID SO ON TAPE.

OK. Provide the statement.

@Deplorable Me: Obviously you hear the Billy Bush tape like a Trumpist—most hear it for what it is.

Such a scandal express shock and disgust, a secret that everyone knew. Nothing new Fatty Arbuckle

@richard wheeler:

Obviously you hear the Billy Bush tape like a Trumpist—most hear it for what it is.

So, you think someone SAYING they COULD do that is the same as someone DOING it, over and over and over, and an entire industry and most of Washington just turning a blind eye as if he was parking in a handicapped spot? No, Rich. No matter how much you irrationally hate Trump, those two scenarios are nowhere LIKE the same.

Weinstein DID it. Clinton DID it. Three Kennedy’s DID it. Trump said someone with money and power COULD do it, which is obviously a fact.

@richard wheeler:

Look, Rich! An accusation of sexual assault. That means Al Green is guilty, right? He should just be impeached and put immediately in jail, because there is an accusation, right?

@Deplorable Me: You’ve got very selective hearing Bill–Trump’s done it –grabbed pussies and said so in the tape– You choose not to hear it–your problem–few agree with you–not even his wife.
The fact you give him a pass says a lot about you–and it’s not good.

@Richard Wheeler:

Trump’s done it –grabbed pussies and said so in the tape–

Wrong, as usual. Here is what Trump actually said, as reported by a left wing media:

“When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything … Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

How was he wrong? Time after time, we see “stars” disrespecting women and committing sexual harassment. You choose to twist his words, saying a “star” can do things like that to a tacit admission that he has done those things.

So RW, do you want to talk about the members of your party who have actually done those things? All those “stars” who are now on the front pages who have actually used their “stardom” to take advantage of women who are threatened by the “stars” power?

The man that your party lionized actually allowed a women to drown as he went home, took a shower and went to bed. But I guess Ted Kennedy, and his womanizing brother, John, were not “stars” in your estimation. Just two of the most powerful men in the world. I guess Bill Clinton, who actually settled a rape charge out of court, was not a “star.”

You (or one of your sycophants) have called Trump a rapist. Where is your proof? Where are the jury decisions, the out of court settlements, or any thing else that substantiates that claim?

But then, even though I ask pointed questions, I know you will not answer. That’s your m.o.

@Richard Wheeler:

You’ve got very selective hearing Bill–Trump’s done it –grabbed pussies and said so in the tape– You choose not to hear it–your problem–few agree with you–not even his wife.
The fact you give him a pass says a lot about you–and it’s not good.

I don’t give anyone a pass. What I do is make decisions based on facts, not on how hard my butt got hurt in the last election. Facts, not what liberal propagandists tell me to think. Facts, not just what my little crybaby heart WANTS to be the truth.

I guess as a commander of men in combat, you routinely sent soldiers to face the enemy because you wanted to believe they were weak and stupid? Or, did you use INTELLIGENCE to determine what the actual conditions were?

You should try it. It’s pretty neat.

@Deplorable Me: If you and 05 truly believe that Trump was not describing HIS actions—-So be it—shouldn’t surprise me.
You give him a pass on all his questionable tweets and actions.

@richard wheeler:

Just can’t bring yourself to answer straight forward questions, can you, Richard?

You’re just like every liberal I have even known; want others to answer questions, but no answers to questions put to you.

To quote you:

—-So be it—shouldn’t surprise me.

@richard wheeler: If only you liberals would hold your representative to the same lofty standards you hold others to, we would not have had Obama, Hillary, Biden, Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, Weiner, Bill Clinton, Reid, Sharpton, Green, Waters, Holder, Lynch… an entire administration worth of failures.

Buuuuuuuut, you don’t. You have no standards or principles. You merely try to find something to accuse conservatives of and use to induce blunt force political trauma. Misogyny is bad… unless a Clinton or a Democrat benefactor does it. Gun violence is bad… unless it is an epidemic in a Democrat enclave or committed by an illegal immigrant in a sanctuary city. Racism is bad… unless it is a liberal former First Lady that is practicing it. Propaganda is bad… unless it is liberal propaganda. On and on and on.

@richard wheeler: The thread is not about Trump, no doubt there were women who threw themselves at the multi-millionaire and he could and most likely did take advantage of that.
This is about Weinstein, did the hollywood feminists out that creature, or protect the young actresses from that pig?