The disease of modern medicine

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BY Alex Berenson

Covid has barely touched African countries; can they stand up to international donors and just say no to the mRNA jabs?
The meek have not inherited the coronavirus.
Half of African countries have Covid death rates lower than 1 in 10,000 people – less than one-twentieth the American rate.
These low death rates are NOT because the coronavirus has missed Africa somehow. Antibody testing across the continent shows very high rates of Covid infection and recovery.
Malawi, population 20 million, has had fewer than 2,600 Covid deaths. Yet as NPR reported last week in a piece called “Africa may have reached the pandemic’s holy grail,” up to 80 percent of people in Malawi had Covid antibodies by last summer.
Much of this advantage is due to demographics. The average Malawian just turned 18 and is thus at little risk. Still, African countries collectively have about 150 million people over 50. About one-third of those are over 65.
To care for this population, Africa has only a relative handful of hospitals that meet Western standards – a gap that led to predictions of disaster.
In March 2020, the British epidemiologist Neil Ferguson and Imperial College London said Covid would hit poor countries much harder than rich ones, because their health-care systems would likely be overwhelmed. Ferguson predicted poor countries might face up to 40 million deaths by the end of 2020.
From the BBC, March 26, 2020:


This prediction has proven as accurate as all the others from Ferguson and Imperial College.
The entire African continent, with 1.3 billion people , has had 240,000 Covid deaths since the epidemic began – fewer deaths than from traffic accidents in Africa every year.

(SIDE NOTE: Just over a month ago, Ferguson predicted as many as 5,000 Britons a day might die of the Omicron variant. As the Daily Mail reported, “Imperial found ‘no evidence’ the variant was less severe than Delta, dismissing real-world evidence.”
That forecast so far has been high by a factor of about 20, or one standard FUPF – “Ferguson Unit of Prediction Failure.” The man never tires of publicly embarrassing himself, gotta give him that.)

What is saving Africa from the Covid ravages Ferguson predicted two years ago?
The mRNA vaccines, of course.
As of mid-December, only about about 7 percent of all Africans were Covid vaccinated. Non-mRNA Indian and Chinese vaccines accounted for part of that total.
And Omicron – running rampant across heavily vaccinated countries worldwide – has barely touched Africa.
The exception is South Africa, which had an Omicron wave in December that was large by African but not Western standards. As it happens, South Africa is highly vaccinated by African but not Western standards.
Total coincidence, no doubt.
In the absence of the miracle of mRNA, Africans seem to be protected by – wait for it! – their own immune systems. Natural immunity built up over previous waves that spread widely and without much notice, Kondwani Jambo, an immunologist in Malawi, told NPR.
“Jambo says their apparent resistance to severe disease was likely built up as a result of all the prior exposure to earlier variants.” NPR went on:


Further, Africa’s relatively undeveloped health-care system may actually be an advantage when it comes to Covid. As Italian physicians warned in the New England Journal of Medicine just as the epidemic was starting in March 2020, hospitals themselves can help drive Covid transmission to the most vulnerable people:
We are learning that hospitals might be the main Covid-19 carriers, as they are rapidly populated by infected patients, facilitating transmission to uninfected patients…
Coronavirus is the Ebola of the rich… It is not particularly lethal, but it is very contagious. The more medicalized and centralized the society, the more widespread the virus.
Yet the clear evidence that Africa has avoided and will continue to avoid any crisis from Covid has made no difference to vaccine fanatics.
They are desperately pushing for the United States and other rich countries to spend tens of billions of dollars to force mRNA vaccines on African countries – whether those countries want them or not.

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I would also bet that most people living in Africa have a more robust immune system just by virtue of not living in an environment where everything is sanitized. Natural immunity is a wonderful thing.

There has got to be a reason for elitists to be mandating these vaccines when they are clearly no longer effective and where they are totally unnecessary. Is it merely the kickbacks from big pharma or is there some other more devious reason? One thing is for sure; it isn’t for the good of the population because those pushing all these mandates cannot wait to get back to their elitist environments where they can ignore all their own mandates.

Most Africans dont have access to our highly processed long shelf life foods full of pesticides and herbicides.

Technocratic world is upside down, you can certainly buy any opinion or conclusion of a study using the leverage of funding. This is why these findings in the real world are often found wrong.

Alex Berenson didn’t touch on the widespread use of ivermectin in much of Africa.
This graph does.comment image
Averaging all those non-ivermectin countries with all those who do use ivermectin adds to the strength of the immune response of your African people.
But the continent’s collective youth is also a big factor as he points out.

More good news  Finland will now join England, Ireland and Denmark in ending their COVID restrictions. With rampant demonstration and trucker strikes wont be long Europe will get most of their freedoms back.

This is entirely a matter of age demographics. Populations of all the countries of central Africa have a very low median age. In Niger, for example, the median age is only 15.4 years.

The populations of northern and southern Africa have significantly higher median ages. The median age in northern Africa is 25.5 years.

More a factor a population that works hard every day, isn’t over-sanitized and maintains stronger bodies. They also routinely treat themselves with ivermectin as a preventative against other afflictions.

Regardless, the LAST thing they need are injections of vaccines ineffective against the current variants.

Fortunately, there are numbers available about how Western nations are affected by Ivermectin us, and that use saves lives.

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Reality is not your friend.

Withholding the privilege to govern, is.

Rig elections, and you don’t get authority.