The Democrats Are Horrible People — Let’s Crush Them While We Can

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by Stephen Kruiser

As I am fond of reminding my brilliant readers, I have been a Republican activist for over 40 years now. Yes, it’s a bit of a flex — my ego does need to be fed — but I mostly bring it up to provide context for anything I write or say about either of the two major political parties.

The Democrats of 2025 are not the same kinds of people I’ve known throughout my activism career. They began to take a turn for the worse in late 2008 and really hit the gas on the Awfulmobile in late 2016. A casual observer from another time or another planet might have thought that the Dems couldn’t be more unhinged than they were in January of 2017, but that observer would be very, very wrong.

President Donald Trump and his Republican majority in Congress are dealing with a Democratic Party that is in dire need of full-time supervision from a mental health professional. These are emotionally and psychologically unwell people who should be treated as such. Republican elected officials in Washington, D.C. have no obligation to treat their Democratic counterparts with any hint of bipartisanship. If they do, it’s akin to a pretty girl in the early 1970s telling Ted Bundy that she would love to go to dinner with him.

Did I just liken Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries, and their Democratic colleagues to a serial killer? Yes, yes I did. They may not come at your physical body, but they want to shove a knife in the heart of any number of freedoms that the Constitution of the United States has promised us. The modern Democratic Party’s philosophy is antithetical to all that this country has held sacred since its founding.

So let’s not play nice with them.

While the Republican majorities in the House and Senate may not be overwhelming, they’re still majorities. In this bitterly divisive era of American politics, the results of the 2024 election are, in fact, a clear mandate. President Trump knows that. He came out of the gate after he was sworn in on Monday showing that he meant business. Republicans in the legislative branch need to follow suit.

The Democrats and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media are already neck-deep in prevarication and obfuscation in dealing with the New Trump Order. They’ll be drowning in it by the time you read this. My colleagues are busy documenting the wretchedness of the Dems. Here’s an example from something that Sarah wrote yesterday:

Today, I was greeted by headlines about how imperialism will be the downfall of the United States, pictures of supposed “illegal immigrants” crying, outrage over the number of “white people” at the inauguration, outrage over the number of “wealthy people” at the inauguration, questions about whether Trump can actually do a number of the things he did on Monday, January 6 virtue signaling, and panic over any number of executive orders signed. There was also commentary about the first lady’s outfit from Monday — “funeral wear” several called it, claiming she was subtly showing that she is just as upset about a second Trump term as the mainstream media is — and my favorite, the freaking out over Elon Musk making a “Nazi salute” because he dared raise his hand in the air in celebration.

That was just the first full day of Trump 47.

The Republican advantage right now is not just in having a majority in the Executive and Legislative branches. The Democrats are in complete disarray at the moment. Yes, they can shout and play the obstructionist game, but they’re a severely weakened, rudderless party. Now is the time for the Grand Old Party to swing with all of its might and deliver a devastating punch to its opponent. I’m not saying that the Dems can be completely destroyed, I’m saying that now is the time to put a boot on the throat of the enemy who’s on the ground and make it clear that said enemy is going to be there for a while.

The boots are on your feet, every Republican in Congress.


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If there are any Democrat voters that care about the country, they need to take a stand and demand their party make a change in direction. While they destroy themselves, they are giving every sign that they DESERVE to be destroyed.

They are asking for it.

If Trump does well, I suggest a DNR be filed somewhere. Somewhere Biden cant steal it.