Senior Democrats have concluded two things. First, Joe Biden must step aside in favor of Kamala Harris. Second, Joe Biden will not, so they will attempt to have George Stephanopoulos euthanize Joe Biden’s campaign later this week.
Back in 2009, Politico revealed that Stephanopoulos, James Carville, and Paul Begala had regular phone calls with Rahm Emanuel and, occasionally, Democrat pollster Stan Greenberg. The first three have been friends and compatriots since the Clinton campaign in 1992 and are still regularly in touch.
Since the Democratic debate, Carville has been on television repeatedly saying that there is no way Biden can continue and that he needs to get out of the race. Begala has been more measured but has also made clear his views on television. Likewise, internal Democratic polling is so bad that if the election were held tomorrow, Trump would win in a landslide with over 300 electoral college votes and a majority popular vote.
The polling for Biden, conducted by OpenLabs, a highly respected and secretive polling outfit, shows Trump winning every swing state, plus New Hampshire, Virginia, and New Mexico.
That brings me to George Stephanopoulos. He has been complicit in covering up Joe Biden’s decline. When confronted by Nikki Haley on television, bringing up Biden’s cognitive decline, Stephanopoulos pushed back hard. With it now abundantly evident to everyone, Stephanopoulos has to try to protect his reputation and do an “I can’t believe he was like this, and I had no idea” turn.
So, when Stephanopoulos interviews Biden later this week, his job will be to euthanize the Biden campaign. Biden likes Morning Joe and George Stephanopoulos. Morning Joe has tuned protective. Stephanopoulos must draw blood for the Democrats. His friends have warned Democrats all week about what it will mean if Biden stays in.
If Stephanopoulos can damage Biden through a tough interview, the countdown will be on for Biden.
Loathsome bitch.
But that’s not the pearl necklace that got her the DA job, though.
joes days are numbered. He might be a single digit midget. Jill wants to remain the Queen and will say no to all who demand Joe drop out.
The democrats are ready to disenfranchise the primary voters who voted for the walking cadaver.
What if he refuses to leave? What if he uses the National Guard to keep him in the White House? What if he uses F-15’s to attack the Senators and Congresspersons who have signed a letter asking him to leave? What if he detonates nuclear weapons around the nation to draw attention from his incompetence? What if he sic’s Major and Commander on USSS trying to drag him out of the White House?
I just want Greg and Michael to see what they look like.
Part of the reason for Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s rapid decline of late is that, because of the campaign, he is expected to do more. In 2020 he could just hide. Now he has to pretend to be President, too. How is it in any possible way acceptable for the President of the United States to be openly declared and admitted to only be effective 6 hours a day…. and THEN fail to even meet THAT low standard?
If the jettison Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, the Republicans on all fronts should hit the Democrats AND the media relentlessly for all the lies about Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden being capable and able to be President. Notably, all the likely replacements have a history of supporting the same lies, so THAT is convenient.
Well see what the Clinton’s cabana boy does with Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden. If he props him up with softball questions and then suggests answers (even after providing the questions before hand), we’ll know they are sticking with Pinocchio. If he lays into him, pretending to be a journalist (that just seems so counter-Stephanopoulos), we’ll know it’s the Ides of July.
Biden has become a Fly buzzing around the Demon-Rats Heads