by Stephen Kruiser
One of the more prominent divides in these Contentious States of America involves the opinions of the societal cancer commonly that those of us on the Right refer to as the Deep State.
Because we’re fans of freedom, conservative Americans have a healthy and most necessary distrust of the machinations of the federal government. The Biden years have more than validated that distrust.
The Jill Biden cabal running the presidency since 2021 has weaponized the Department of Justice to attack the political opponents of the desiccated husk masquerading as the chief executive of the United States. Illegal aliens are free to commit every violent crime under the sun while the Federal Bureau of Investigation rounds up people who sing hymns outside of abortion clinics.
The American Left celebrates this federal flexing of power.
So we’re not getting along much these days.
Something happened last month that a lot of the people on one side of the political aisle would like to forget about. Here’s Kevin with a reminder:
It’s been exactly one month since a smelly, pimply-faced incel’s bullet narrowly missed President Trump’s face. Bleeding and defiant, Trump rose moments after the bullet struck his ear, shook his fist in the air, and yelled, “FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT” like the boss that he is.
But the shooting seems like ancient history now because the mockingbird media mudpuppies running most of our news outlets have decided that the story was bad for their bolshie business because it shows that Trump has a pair of brass stones and is a true leader.
We have had little in the way of answers explaining how a lunatic kid was able to saunter up onto a rooftop and attempt to murder the former President of the United States of America. True, the rarest of rare things did follow the assassination attempt — a bureaucrat was forced to resign — but that was more of a smoke screen than anything else.
The story we’re being told is that the Secret Service was plagued by a bout of incompetence after an extraordinary, lengthy run of doing its job exceedingly well.
As far as I am concerned, that doesn’t pass the smell test.
The Executive Branch of the United States government under Joe Biden has been very focused on destroying Donald Trump. Since 2020, we live in a world of tinfoil hats, so it’s not ridiculous to wonder if one of its agencies might have deliberately shirked its duties to put Trump in peril. In fact, that’s easier for me to believe than the idea that one of the few government agencies that does its job well suddenly turned into a bunch of incompetent buffoons.
I write that as someone who typically expects those who work for government agencies to not do their jobs well.
For the longest time, the Democrats have been fond of blaming “rhetoric” for violence in the world. They even went through the motions of pretending that they’d tone it down when speaking of Donald Trump. As Catherine writes in a recent VIP post, that promise never came close to being kept.
Donald Trump is still a target because the Left wants him to be a target.
The Deep Sate Socialism/Liberalism/Globalism the UN and the Globalists who want total power and control over our lives
Oliver Anthony agrees!
I also!
Democrats fear the consequences of their actions. Many of them should be in prison for the rest of their lives and, if the DoJ were to suddenly become non-partisan again, they very well could. While election fraud is always a possibility, Democrats would love to kill him, for numerous reasons. Even though the learned absolutely NOTHING from their failed lawfare campaign, I don’t doubt for one second they consider it. AND, they’ll pick their patsy more carefully.