Michelle Malkin:
Thumper the Rabbit’s parents always taught him, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.” If the left’s self-appointed Omniscient Diviners of True Meaning have their way, conservatives in the public square won’t be left with anything at all to say. Ever.
It’s a treacherous business exercising your freedom of speech in the age of Obama. As a public service, I present to you: “The 2012 Condensed Liberal Handbook of Racial Code Words.” Decoder rings, activate!
–Angry. On the campaign trail this summer, President Obama has become — in the words of the mainstream Associated Press — more “aggressive.” But don’t you dare call him “angry.” According to MSNBC host Toure, that’s racist!
“You notice he said ‘anger’ twice,” Toure fumed in response to a speech last week by GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney. “He’s really trying to use racial coding and access some really deep stereotypes about the angry black man.” Or maybe Romney is just accurately describing the singular temperament of the growling, finger-jabbing, failure-plagued demagogue-in-chief. It’s about the past four years, not 400 years. Sheesh.
–Chicago. The Obamas and their core team of astroturfers, pay-for-play schemers and powerbrokers hail from the Windy City. This is a simple geographic fact. But in progressive of pallor Chris Matthews’ world, it’s an insidious dog whistle. The frothing cable TV host attacked Republicans this week who have the gall to remind voters of the ruthless Chicago way.
“(T)hey keep saying Chicago, by the way. Have you noticed?” Matthews sputtered. “That sends that message: This guy’s helping the poor people in the bad neighborhoods and screwing us in the ‘burbs.”
Actually, it’s a pointed reminder that the radical redistribution politics of Chicago-on-the-Potomac have done little to alleviate the suffering of impoverished Americans in violence-plagued, job-hungry inner cities everywhere. Racist!
–Constitution. Fox News contributor Juan Williams, who proudly calls himself a “real reporter,” has apparently added real telepathist to his curriculum vitae. Earlier this year, he read the minds of Republicans and conservatives whom he accuses of deep-seated bigotry when they show any public reverence for our founding principles, documents and leaders.
“The language of GOP racial politics is heavy on euphemisms that allow the speaker to deny any responsibility for the racial content of his message,” Williams wrote. “References to a lack of respect for the ‘Founding Fathers’ and the ‘Constitution’ also make certain ears perk up by demonizing anyone supposedly threatening core ‘old-fashioned American values.’”
So, if you ever find yourself wanting to hum the “Schoolhouse Rock” version of the Preamble, heed these three words: Stop the hate!
–Experienced. A significant population of American voters believes that qualifications actually matter when running for the highest office in the land. Chilling, isn’t it? They might as well sport KKK hoods. In the judgment of one Basil Smikle of The Century Foundation, “experienced” is a dreaded “racial code word.”
Intoned Smikle: “Experienced? Does it really mean the time that he spent in the Senate, or does it mean, ‘Well, does that guy have the same kind of experience in life that I have?’ … What does inexperience really mean?”
Maybe it just means what critics meant it to mean: “Does this guy have experience beyond the measly 304 days he served when the U.S. Senate was in session before he announced his first presidential bid?” I know: Racist!
IF Dems could use the cry of ”racism” to completely silence the Right, they would.
Too bad for Dems that the Right will not allow them to define the “terms of the narrative.”
Democrats love to change the meanings of words to fit their political manipulations. Revisionism is a means to change fact and reality to conveniently appear the way they want it to appear. They created the “living document” concept when they failed to get the courts to agree with their distortions of meaning. When that wasn’t enough, the began to elect activist judges to go where the honest examination of the law would not take them. The creation of the “separation between church and state” interpretation is an example of this, and they have used this to flip what the Founders considered a limitation of government to infringe upon religious beliefs or institutions, into an anti-religious dogma in an attempt to forbid the expression of religion in government and public places.
Where rights are concerned: They hypocritically use tortured expansive readings of the 1st Amendment for speech they agree with and even things that are not “speech”, while trying to limit expressions of speech that they don’t like with politically correctness and by shouting down or shutting out opponents. Where collective “speech” is concerned they support unions campaign support as “free spech” yet try to deny it to those collectives called “corporations”. In one breath, they will declare the Bill of Rights as individual rights, but try to deny that the 2nd Amendment was an individual right.
In fairness, many progressive Republicans and Democrats together often support conditionally gutting of 4th amendment protections, (TSA abuses and the Patriot act for example,) for our “common good”. However, most of the time these Republicans at least allow words to keep their traditional meaning.
“Multiculturalism” and “diversity” are Democratic code words for segregation and the hyphenation of America.