The Brits Tune Out The Greens

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The long retreat of the global green movement continues, with new news about the collapse in public concern about climate in Britain.

In 2007 19 percent of those asked told British pollsters that climate change was one of the most important problems in the world. These days, despite unremitting green efforts to publicize the view that global warming is driving the world to catastrophe, the Economist informs us that just 4 percent of Brits polled still put it high on the list.

This is not wholly surprising. “Climategate” was widely covered in the British press. There has been a lot of snow. The financial crisis has given many British families something much closer to home to worry about.

Nevertheless the broad collapse of concern about climate in a nature-mad country which agonizes over the fate of its badgers and hedgehogs is not a good sign for the green climate agenda.

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Funny, they keep electing Greenies though.



In 2010 – ONE Green MP out of 650 seats contested was elected in the House of Commons. This was the first ever seat won by the Green Party in the HoC.

Other stats…
No Lords in the House of Lords which has 724 members
2 seats out of a possible 73 in the European Parliament
2 seats out of a possible 25 in the London Assembly
147 councillors out of a possible 21,871 in local English and Welsh authorities
2 out of possible 129 seats in the Scottish Parliament
10 councillors out of a possible 1,222 in local Scottish authorities
1 seat out of a possible 108 in the Northern Ireland assembly
3 seats out of a possible 582 in the Northern Ireland local authorities.

Not exactly a dominant force in the UK.