I’m sure these idiots are Tweeting that Steve Jobs died and Sarah isn’t running. If brains were gunpowder they couldn’t blow their noses. All we are saying is …. give stupidity a chance.
13 years ago
SDS/ WEATHER UNDERGROUND all over again, the Pontiac Group that met in Flint Mi was made up of some very wealthy bond trust fund brats; namely, Bill Ayers son of electric utility CEO, Bernadine Dohrn daughter of rich banking railroad executive, Tom Hayden son of California wealth, Brian Flanagan family owns many delapitated properties in NYC. It takes major money to be a political oddball and these rioters need full disclosure and exposure by the MSM, I know this is dreaming, telling the public how these oddballs can afford to be strange. Career wise there are no jobs there-there. Those one percenters, like Ayers and Dohrn, that have the family fortunes that will buy jobs in academe can afford such risk but the rest of those in the mobs will be seriously disappointed when those coveted life long union pensioned DMV teller tester jobs go to high school grads and not them.
13 years ago
Does this really surprise anyone? I love the comment Jesse made about putting every liberal policy in a blender turn it on and this is the sludge you get….ROTFLMAO!!! Ahhhh..to be young and Liberal…. which is the same as young, Liberal, and a clueless idiot…
So sad if this is what a College education produces these days….
13 years ago
NAME IT: ” SMOKE DOPE AND TOKE PARTY ” with motto “Don’t Bogart The Joint” aka “Pass the Orb”
13 years ago
I can understand the anger against the role Wall St played in the GFC and the greed & short-term thinking displayed by those bankers involved BUT capitialism is a workable system that needs continual reforming and where necessary regulation. Those who hate capitialism are unable to propose a workable alternative – what would they rather have – feudalism, communism, anarchy or some other crack pot scheme which no doubt bypasses democracy?
Hard Right
13 years ago
Do some research and you’ll find Soros funding behind this.
I’m sure these idiots are Tweeting that Steve Jobs died and Sarah isn’t running. If brains were gunpowder they couldn’t blow their noses. All we are saying is …. give stupidity a chance.
SDS/ WEATHER UNDERGROUND all over again, the Pontiac Group that met in Flint Mi was made up of some very wealthy bond trust fund brats; namely, Bill Ayers son of electric utility CEO, Bernadine Dohrn daughter of rich banking railroad executive, Tom Hayden son of California wealth, Brian Flanagan family owns many delapitated properties in NYC. It takes major money to be a political oddball and these rioters need full disclosure and exposure by the MSM, I know this is dreaming, telling the public how these oddballs can afford to be strange. Career wise there are no jobs there-there. Those one percenters, like Ayers and Dohrn, that have the family fortunes that will buy jobs in academe can afford such risk but the rest of those in the mobs will be seriously disappointed when those coveted life long union pensioned DMV teller tester jobs go to high school grads and not them.
Does this really surprise anyone? I love the comment Jesse made about putting every liberal policy in a blender turn it on and this is the sludge you get….ROTFLMAO!!! Ahhhh..to be young and Liberal…. which is the same as young, Liberal, and a clueless idiot…
So sad if this is what a College education produces these days….
NAME IT: ” SMOKE DOPE AND TOKE PARTY ” with motto “Don’t Bogart The Joint” aka “Pass the Orb”
I can understand the anger against the role Wall St played in the GFC and the greed & short-term thinking displayed by those bankers involved BUT capitialism is a workable system that needs continual reforming and where necessary regulation. Those who hate capitialism are unable to propose a workable alternative – what would they rather have – feudalism, communism, anarchy or some other crack pot scheme which no doubt bypasses democracy?
Do some research and you’ll find Soros funding behind this.