by John Green
As we approach the last year of Joe Biden’s first term, it’s an opportune time to reflect back on January of 2021. Our new President had been inaugurated (though we still don’t know that he was elected). Democrats believed the evil Trump had been vanquished from the body politic forever. We were assured that blue-collar Joe from Scranton was going to return normalcy to Washington – as if that were a good thing.
Biden was riding high in the polls. His “wingmen” were in control of the executive branch. His allies were in power in Congress and his media lap-dogs would guarantee that all news was good news. It was a heady time for team Biden.
The left was giddy too. In Joe Biden, they had found that one kid in the gang who would act on any suggestion and accept any dare. Nothing could stop them now. This would be their opportunity to complete the “fundamental change” that Barrack Obama had started, but not finished – because he had a sense of self-preservation that Joey lacks.
So, the left unleashed their man-child in the candy store without adult supervision. Joey did what any spoiled child would do. He indulged his every wish – and he wished to play king. He plundered the candy store like a Viking raider, with complete disregard that the sugar-high would be followed by a stomachache. The man-child was oblivious to the notion that in the adult world, choices come with consequences. That’s a lack of wisdom universal to immaturity regardless of whether one is 8 or 80.
Biden’s first year in office was a time of historic action – and not in a good way.
Goaded by the left, Joe unleashed his inner id, using his pen and phone to fulfill his lusts, and those of his radical toadies. With every action he considered, his gallery of sycophants remained behind him chanting: Go ahead Joey. Do it. We double dog dare you. And Joe did it – consequences be damned.
He bragged about beating the tyrant Trump, and signed executive orders at a rate of dozens per day – to cancel any accomplishment of the Donald’s. It was irrelevant to him if Trump’s achievements were beneficial to Americans. If Donald did it, Joe undid it because … well just because.
He threw our borders open to foreign invasion, simply because Trump had closed them. Joe’s policies added an additional 3.8 million criminals to our society. That’s enough people to populate Los Angeles – admitted with no vetting, no control, and no apology.
Joe added $5 trillion to our national debt – enough $100 bills to reach the Moon and back 10 times. The spending drove inflation to a 40 year high. Interest rates reached a 20 year high, as the Federal Reserve struggled to tame the mess. In so doing, Joe placed home mortgages out of reach for many Americans – but managed to give candy to his leftist buddies.
He choked domestic energy production, making us again dependent on foreign oil. Prices for gas and electric skyrocketed. In the process, he enriched Russia (a producer of oil) and China (a producer of solar and wind technology). We’re expected to pay no attention to the little issue that the Biden family received millions of dollars from Russia and China, for no apparent service.
Joe surrendered – unconditionally – to the Taliban in Afghanistan. As we fled 13 soldiers were killed, Joe broke our word to our allies, and he armed a global threat. It was done because he wanted a talking point on the twentieth anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center.
Joe shipped billions of dollars of our war material to Ukraine – which coincidentally was another multi-million-dollar benefactor of the Biden family. While he armed Ukraine, our own military has fallen to its lowest level of preparedness since before WWII. But our soldiers do get their pronouns correct now.
Joe funded Hamas, using Iran as a financial cutout. Hamas then committed the single largest one-day killing of Jews since the Holocaust. Hamas’ Bidenbucks facilitated murder, gang rape, kidnapping, and infanticide on a scale not seen in the 21st century. While the world watched in horror, Joe went on another beach vacation.
Joe used the power of the executive branch to infringe on our rights of assembly, religion, speech, property, due process, and self-defense. When stopped by the courts, he didn’t comply but pursued workarounds – showing utter contempt for the Constitution which he is sworn to defend.
He weaponized our criminal justice system, breaking all legal precedents in a childish tantrum to punish anyone whom he disliked. Actual criminal wrongdoing was irrelevant. Political adversaries, pro-life protesters, election deniers, and non-compliant members of the press had their homes raided and faced criminal prosecution via creative application of laws, for purposes they were never intended.
Biden made a national address standing before a satanic red backdrop with symbols of his military power standing at attention behind him. He dehumanized half of the Americans whom he is sworn to represent, calling them semi-fascists. In other comments he has repeatedly threatened military force against anyone who challenges his government.
Joe Biden’s first year in office was a time of great hubris, for which I’m sure he felt entitled, given his 46 years of “government service.” But Greek philosophy frowns on hubris for a reason. According to the History Cooperative:
Americans want no more of bribery biden. He has ruined the future for 2 generations or more.
Good riddance.
Trump Stays on Colorado Ballot as State GOP Appeals to Supreme Court
Hey dumbasses! Please tell when Trump was convicted of insurrection. Waiting patiently
Where does it say that someone has to be convicted in a court of law for Section 3 to apply?
Well, since this isn’t Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union or N. Korea, before you are guilty of a crime, you have to be PROVEN you are guilty.
You’re a teacher? REALLY?
I’m simply indulging in one of the literalist readings of the document you MAGAs love so well. Where in the Constitution does it say “innocent until proven guilty”?
So, you are just out in the open fascist now? The whole “Show me the man” thing? I can’t say I am actually surprised. In fact, your cohort Greg thinks “guilty until proven innocent” is a thing as well.
Note: it ISN’T. Check out the 6th Amendment, scooter.
It never once uses the phrase “guilty until proven innocent.” Why aren’t you on board with a literalist interpretation of the Constitution in this case?
What I am on board with is a person being innocent until proven guilty. Hell, you don’t even have proof of an insurrection, how can you have an insurrectionist? NO ONE is an insurrectionist until they are convicted of insurrection, and that especially holds true in these time when whiny, crybaby, butt-hurt leftists declare everything they don’t like an insurrection, fascism, racism or homophobia. Now more than ever, legality is important.
You can’t even admit there is evidence of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s corruption even though we have bank documents, emails, texts and testimony proving his corruption, how can you declare Trump guilty with NO evidence?
A presumption of innocence means that any defendant in a criminal trial is assumed to be innocent until they have been proven guilty. As such, a prosecutor is required to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the person committed the crime if that person is to be convicted. To do so, proof must be shown for every single element of a crime. That being said, a presumption of innocence does not guarantee that a person will remain free until their trial has concluded. In some circumstances, a person can be held in custody.
The presumption of innocence is not guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution. However, through statutes and court decisions–such as the U.S. Supreme Court case of Taylor v. Kentucky–it has been recognized as one of the most basic requirements of a fair trial.
I know. That’s why I’m bringing it up: you and retire05 with all of your “Where does it mention [something the Left approves of] in the Constitution?! GiVe mE tHe VeRbAtIm qUoTe.”
There is innocence and there is guilt. There is no in between. One is innocent until proven guilty. The end.
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has been a total, complete, unmitigated disaster. He gave every indication that this is how his presidency would turn out by being a Senator. The fact that it took election fraud to get us to this point is a credit to the American voter, but nevertheless, here we are.
Spy balloon sent data to China in real time – report
We now know biden lies to the American
people. The spy balloon was purposely allowed to crops our country gathering data and sending it back to the CCP in real time.
And to make matters worse, the was a FISA warrant out on the balloon.
Had President Trump Ben in office this would have been destroyed before ever entering US airspace.
biden is compromised by the CCP. biden has committed treason.
Because the CCP owns Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, they told him when they were through with their balloon and he could shoot it down like he cared about our national security. That’s why election fraud is such a bad idea.
“they told him when they were through with their balloon and he could shoot it down like he cared about our national security”
Do you have even the barest thread of evidence for that assertion?
Hmm… well, we have evidence of the Biden Crime Family taking millions of dollars from China, we have evidence of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden storing stolen classified documents where the CCP would have access to them, we have evidence of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden being cut in on the take, we have evidence of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden bowing to China’s wishes, he has not held China accountable for unleashing COVID on the world, we have a Chinese spy balloon that was allowed, for some inexplicable reason, to traverse the entire width of the North American continent and which wasn’t shot down until it finished its mission.
I guess the short answer is, “F**k yes we do”.
Cool! Then share the memo or email or phone recording or scroll or telegram or postcard that says—or even implies—that “they told him when they were through with their balloon and he could shoot it down like he cared about our national security.”
What I provided is solid evidence of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden being compromised by China and acting in their interests. Now, show me where Trump is guilty of insurrection. Or, like shown above, even evidence he was involved in an insurrection (note: you WILL need an insurrection first).
We dont know why the CIC allowed a spy balloon to enter our airspace fly near nuclear facilities and bases, only to use overkill to blast it after it left. Destroying it in such a way it could not be examined.
Can you think why he would do that?
Seems his military advisors would know better.
1) because he’s compromised (Ukraine, Russia, China, et al)
2) because he’s not running the show, Jake Sullivan is (under Obama’s instructions) and Sullivan doesn’t want to let Democrat voters know that they guy they voted for is mentally deficient. It’s so bad now, Obama spends most of his time at the White House in his own selected office.
Mikey cant think, he is just looking for a bone.
More White House lies.
A ship driver? A balloon in geosynchronous orbit? They’re babbling.
“If you ask somebody to draw an X at every place where our sensitive missile defense sites, our nuclear weapons infrastructure, our nuclear weapon sites are, you would put them all along this path,” And Biden and his clown military leaders did nothing.
you sound like Liberal Snowflake WHINE WHINE WHINE
biden is owned by the CCP. His acts to jeopardize national security are treasonous.
If the FBI secured a FISA warrant, why did biden lie and then cover up the episode?
Comparatively the treason that biden, milley and the regime have done to America, will make Benedict Arnold look like a hero.
Milley said he would give China military information if we came to war.
Biden and his crime family worked with the spy chief of China and sold out our energy independence.
The actual voters did not choose that in 2020. Only election fraud brings that kind of national security threat to our nation.