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The Administration Knows A Major Terror Attack Is Coming, And It Is Going To Let It Happen

by Sam Faddis

A couple of weeks ago two men drove up to the main gate of Quantico Marine Base in a box truck. They asked to be admitted. They said they were working for a company contracted to Amazon. They were directed to a holding area while their story was checked out.

The two men then tried to drive off onto the base in contradiction of the orders given to them by the gate guards. Vehicle barriers were activated. The truck was prevented from entering the base. The two men were detained.

Both of the individuals in the truck turned out to be Jordanian. Both were in the country illegally. One of them had been caught crossing the border, held for all of 24 hours and then pursuant to Joe Biden’s “we don’t have a border” policy cut loose pending a hearing at some notional date in the future. Unconfirmed reporting indicates he was on the terror watch list but that information was not accessed prior to his release. The second individual flew into the country on a student visa, apparently never actually went to class, and disappeared into the interior of the country.

The information about the incident at Quantico only came to light recently. It was not publicized at the time. Members of both the House and the Senate and the Governor of Virginia are now demanding details and answers. None have been forthcoming from the administration to date.

There may be some innocent explanation for all this. It is also possible that this was a dry run for a follow-on attack using a large vehicle-borne improvised explosive device and that hundreds of Americans would have been killed had the plot moved ahead.

We may or may not ever know. In Bidenworld the focus is not on saving lives and preserving American national security. It is on shaping reality so that the radical agenda of the administration can be advanced, and Biden can remain in power. If that means Americans die that is of no consequence.

The most disturbing thing about the incident at Quantico perhaps is that it did not occur in isolation. It is part of a much larger pattern in which individuals have attempted to enter secure installations around the country.

Two days after the incident at Quantico an individual crashed his vehicle into the gate at the White House. He died in the crash.

In late April a vehicle attempted to drive onto Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story in Virginia Beach. The driver crashed and also died in the attempt.

In late March a Chinese national attempted to gain access to the Marine base at Twenty-Nine Palms. He was stopped and detained. As of late 2023, there had been at least 100 instances of Chinese nationals trying to get onto secure American military installations without proper authorization.

These are the specific instances that have been reported in the news. They appear to be the tip of the iceberg. The US Fleet Forces Commander Admiral Daryl Caudle recently told FOX News that there are two to three instances of foreign nationals attempting to penetrate U.S. military bases every week.

Anyone with any integrity and any common sense would be alarmed at these incidents and want to find out what is going on as quickly as possible. It should be noted, however, that these events are not occurring in isolation. FBI Director Wray has been saying for months that the danger of a terrorist attack on our soil is extreme. Recently the Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines acknowledged publicly that the Intelligence Community was tracking a network connected to ISIS that was moving people onto U.S. soil illegally. I think we can safely assume that when ISIS is smuggling people into the country those individuals are not coming here for summer vacation.

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