Texas Lawsuit Alleges Obamacare Money Was Used to Boost Union

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The Blaze:

Two Texas organizations with ties to the now-defunct ACORN are being accused in a federal lawsuit of using Obamacare navigators to recruit union members, according to Watchdog.org.

The lawsuit has prompted a call for a federal probe into the matter.

Cedric Anthony’s civil complaint says he was hired by Southern United Neighborhoods, which holds the Obamacare navigator contract, and was then told to enroll members in Local 100 United Labor Unions.

Anthony — a former Texas Democratic Party employee — filed the wage-and-hour lawsuit in June against the two organizations, both run by former officials of the liberal Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now, or ACORN, which collapsed under a scandal in 2010. The complaint says Anthony was jointly employed as a “federal navigator assisting people with the Affordable Care Act.”

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The source of this story is http://watchdog.org/175987/lawsuit-aca-navigators-used-union-recruiters/
The Blaze simply summarized it.
Here’s a key point:

Rathke’s groups [ACORN and all its new iterations] have a long history of using workers hired with federal funds for political purposes.
ACORN’s implosion amid scandal in 2009 is widely known, but the very first complaint against the group is much the same as Anthony’s.
In 1977, ACORN had a $470,000 federal contract to assist the poor through the Volunteer in Service to America program, which it lost after a congressional investigation found VISTA workers were being used as union recruiters.

All this political skimming probably explains, in part, why ObamaCare insurance premuims are going up so fast.

Iowa’s insurance commissioner has approved three rate adjustments that will raise health insurance premiums for thousands of Iowans.
He has approved premium increases from Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield, CoOportunity Health and Coventry Health.
Wellmark had sought a rate increase of between 11.9 percent and 14.5 percent for about 19,000 of its customers.
CoOportunity had initially requested a rate increase of 14.3 percent. That increase was later revised to 19 percent on average, the commissioner said.
Coventry requested an 8.7 percent rate increase on average.
The three rate increases will go into effect Jan. 1.

Obama wanted insurers to NOT TELL about this until AFTER the election.