How horrific has the Obama disasterbeen? Just this top ten list alone is enough to make this guy a landslide loser in 2012.
Perpetually overpromising and underdelivering is not remotely good enough, not even for government work. No corporate CEO could survive such a clear history of failure. The economic records set on Mr. Obama’s watch really are historic. These include the first downgrade of sovereign U.S. debt in American history, and, relative to GDP, the highest federal spending in U.S. history save the peak years of World War II, plus the highest federal debt since just after World War II.
The employment picture doesn’t look any better. The fraction of the population working is the lowest since 1983. Long-term unemployment is by far the highest since the Great Depression. Job growth during the first two years of recovery after a severe recession is the slowest in postwar history.
Mitt Romney turned Obama’s own words against him in a 30-second ad in June 2011.
It has been 32 months since Obama said those words.
I tend to agree with him on this.
Hope (and pray) for Regime Change next fall. We can’t survive any more of Obama’s “triumphs”.
Tell me again, exactly what were 52.9% of Americans thinking when they voted in 2008 ? Oh, right, that’s it, the hopey changey thing…. right…