by Bonchie
Gov. Ron DeSantis continues to lead while other Republicans cower in the corner. With the rise of the so-called “Omicron” variant of COVID (they skipped the Xi variant for obvious reasons), the Florida governor has chosen to double down on policies that actually make sense.
Lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine mandates simply haven’t produced results in other parts of the country. Michigan, led by Democrat Gretchen Whitmer, serves as the latest example with the state now having the highest COVID case rate in the nation. In comparison, DeSantis has rightly decided that it’s better to follow actual data and real-world results than to abide by the gospel of Fauci.
Here he was yesterday reiterating that Florida isn’t playing that game.
Desantis: “In Florida, we will not let them lock you down. We will not let them take your job. We will not let them harm your businesses. We will not let them close your schools. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”
— Michael P Senger (@michaelpsenger) November 29, 2021
But it was something else that DeSantis said that sent the media into fits of rage. While discussing the Waukesha massacre, which took the lives of at least six people with dozens more still fighting for their lives, he went there on the fact that the definition of “terrorist” has now suddenly been narrowed. He also noted that Darrell Brooks had clear “anti-white animus,” something that was revealed by the killer’s black supremacist rantings on social media, including calls to murder white people.
DESANTIS:"Corporate press are more apt to characterize a parent who protests bad policies at a school board meeting as a 'domestic terrorist', than somebody who intentionally rams an SUV into a crowd of innocent people…if it doesn't fit the narrative"
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) November 30, 2021
DeSantis wasn’t proclaiming a certain motive, noting that there still hasn’t been any official announcement, but rather, he was pointing out the hypocrisy we see in cases like this. As he notes, when it comes to parents at school board meetings, the NSBA, DOJ, and news media will rush to label them domestic terrorists. They’ll even use the counter-terrorism division to look into the matter. But a man with highly-charged, racist political views intentionally runs over old women and children, killing six as of this writing, and we can’t call it terrorism?
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You’ve probably noticed by now that when a case doesn’t fit the left’s preferred narrative, another thing DeSantis pointed out, the definition of “terrorism” immediately becomes highly technical and restricted. By contrast, when the press is talking about Kyle Rittenhouse being acquitted, the definition is left broad, as illustrated by MSNBC’s coverage. But the moment it’s a vocal supporter of Black Lives Matter, only out of jail because of so-called “bail reform” enacted by a radical prosecutor, then the standards change. Suddenly, the definition of terrorist becomes as narrow as a one-lane dirt road in rural Mississippi. It’s all very convenient, right?
Teeth were gnashed after DeSantis’ statement, with the Florida press rushing to condemn his remarks. In the end, they only proved his point.
Lockdowns, vax mandates and mask mandates are illegal and cannot be imposed.
DeSantis is just doing his job, thankfully.
” With the rise of the so-called “Omicron” variant of COVID (they skipped the Xi variant for obvious reasons), the Florida governor has chosen to double down on policies that actually make sense.” They are ALL the Xi variants.
Well, nothing gnashes liberal teeth like the truth. Who do we think a black supremacist racist like Brooks got his information from? If he was monitoring CNN, MSNBC, PBS, ABC, CBS, NBC, idiot Biden, whore Kamala or any other Democrat, he would have viewed Rittenhouse’s acquittal as a massive injustice and may very well have been enraged enough to act on his racist hatred and drive into a parade of mostly white people. Though that’s not at all what DeSantis said, the left’s misrepresentation of his comments still doesn’t make sense, in a factual world.”
DeSantis knows the secret; speak the truth, stand by your principles, follow the science and F**K the lying liberal media. No matter what he does, he won’t be making them happy, so don’t even try to pander to them. They are corrupt and nothing but leftist propaganda; like Democrats in Congress, they will never be honest negotiators.
DeSantis is posturing to gain support for a ’24 presidential run, risking the health and lives of Floridians to win points.
Omicron could be nothing, or it could be Delta on steroids. No one yet knows. What IS known is that vaccination greatly reduces the odds of serious illness or death.
October 19, 2021 – Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Refuses To Say Whether He’ll Get A Covid Vaccine Booster
That he won’t say, says plenty.
I live in a Blue State. My county has re-instituted a mask mandate that started a few weeks ago. Almost NO business is enforcing it, even though the signs are up. These are mostly Democrat voters finally calling bullsh*t.
It’s not just DeSantis, it’s all of us. This farce is over.
Posturing? It’s called freedom and it’s protected by the Constitution.
You’re false claims of protecting health be damned.
Fear porn is what this pandemic has been reduced to.
We’ll know in few weeks whether Omicron is nothing serious or a potential global disaster. COVID has already resulted in 3/4 of a million US deaths and trillions in economic losses. Any responsible public official hopes for the best, but takes precautions to forestall the worst.
DeSantis isn’t trying to win points. He’s DEMOSTRABLY saved lives and Florida has done the best with it’s Covid response.
Omicron could be nothing, or it could be Delta on steroids. No one yet knows. What IS known is that vaccination greatly reduces the odds of serious illness or death.
Where is the data to prove the jab does anything? Except damage.
European studies show severe heat damage. Our own AHA reprinted that study. The Vaers CDC site shows 18k+ deaths
Who is risking health here, the MSM not reporting the potential dangers of the vaxx. The State of Florida has a fine antibodies treatment. The vaxx if that is your choice is still readily available.
Now back to the subject, SUVs dont kill people BLM supporters out on 1000 dollar bond for trying to murder their baby mommas do.
The data is available for anyone who wants to look.
COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Research
Trust, but verify. The CDC is not authoritative on Covid-19 studies.
Did you read what you posted the sample size for the test group? less than 500 people under 65 no person that got the 2nd jab less than 14 days those were excluded, looks much like cherry picked random sampling by the drug company. This kind of shit is why they lose in court over mandates. Seems they made a conclusion based on 500 people that had favorable outcomes out of millions. Less convincing than the randomized studies not paid for by Phizer on HCQ or even vitamin D levels.
Gosh darn I hope they all have to eat those millions of vials of heart attack shots.
“DeSantis is posturing to gain support for a ’24 presidential run, risking the health and lives of Floridians to win points.” You confuse leadership with “pandering”. If more of your demigods would lead instead of pandering we wouldn’t have over 6% inflation, COVID running rampant, China threatening the world, Russia threatening Ukraine (again, after backing off for 4 years) and left wing terroristic violence and crime sweeping the nation.
All we know for sure is that the Democrat puppet masters are using Omicron as an excuse to foment more false fear to use for more control and suppression as well as an excuse for more election fraud. How seriously Democrats take it is exposed by how it took 4 days to do anything about it. Holidays first, you know.
greggie dear, DeSantis is telling things like they should be. He has proven that his policies work and his part of the economy is booming. Look at the blue states and their failures greggie! Oh, I forgot greggie, you are not allowed to recognize democrat party failures. You must find a way to spin them.
So what? I don’t care whether he gets a booster shot or not. It’s personal choice. Are you going to wait to see if he gets one before you do?
Hey dementia Joe won’t be given or submit to a cognitive test. That is more important than a covid shot.
Biden’s the guy who said Trump should not be president because there were 200k deaths from covid during his presidency. Well Biden has more than 300k in his first 10 months. Should he resign? It’s his words.
I also like how he said there would be no lockdowns in Florida regardless of whatever variant they come up with.
The whole CCP virus thing is nothing more than fear porn by the industrial medical complex.
The doctors and families of 777 thousand dead US residents would tell you that you’re wrong.
The average US life expectancy has declined by one year since COVID appeared.
greggie dear, you know nothing about statistics either. There are not 777,000 people who died of COVID in the US. THere were that many people who had COVID when they died, but that was not the cause of death. Maybe if you could read you would know that CDC required to list everyone who died that had COVID no matter the cause were to be listed as a COVID death. That was traffic deaths, gun shot deaths and many other causes of death besides COVID. You have been dupped by your president again.
“The doctors and families of 777 thousand dead US residents would tell you that you’re wrong.”
Over half of those killed by idiot Biden… right? Utter and absolute failure to “shut down the virus” as he promised.
Most of the those deaths are after Biden was installed into office, and after he said he’d “beat the virus” and had a vaccine. Every single death is his fault and his alone. He caused them to die.
Not only is the death toll a lie, but it’s expedient and necessary to pretend we’re in a pandemic when we are not.
All lockdowns, mandates, and forced vaccines should be halted immediately.
The Press (or as he says “corporate media”) has been anti America for at least 70 years. Big diff in the last 20 years is the “net”. We now can , if we are not too lazy to look, get the truth; which is far different from the MSM American hate!
The Narratives Fail
Sen. Ted Cruz Brands Flip-Flopping Fascist Fear Fuhrer Fauci ‘The Most Dangerous Bureaucrat in the History of America’ — Pushes for 5-Year Prison Term for Lying to Congress Over Evil Gain-of-Function Research

Gentlemen, Greg is laughing how easy it was to distract from the Jihad-BLM SUV driver mangling and murdering innocent Christmas parade goers and participants. 7 children still hospitalized, one losing a kidney. Another murder charge filed today for the little 8 year old boy not a friggin car!
I think greg is globalist euro-trash shilling for the NWO and using China as a vessel.
No Nathan, I think greggie is just the village idiot who can only repeat what he hears.
Maybe, but there are patterns that go beyond the usual CNN reverb.
Whether he’s paid or just a quisling, his goal it to silence us the way Democrats are: ruthless repetition of a narrative no one actually believes….until they do.
That’s textbook Maosim.