Teen Attacked By Teacher For Romney Shirt!

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Imagine the outrage if it was a Obama shirt

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Not just attacked. Publicly berated, publicly humiliated.
Subjected to mockery and derision in front of her classmates and other faculty.
If free dress includes a restriction on private speech, then we have government censorship.
“This is a Democratic School.” Really?
What document or law says that?
What other opinions can this teacher prohibit?


Presuming the student has given an accurate account, it is not just the teacher’s racialist misbehavior that should be an issue. The other issues are how did such a misinformed knucklehead:
(1) graduate high school?
(2) graduate teachers’ college?
(3) get a teaching certificate? and
(4) get hired as a teacher in a public school?

one of blatant proof that the mindset of those suppose to teach the young in school are indoctrinated by GOVERNMENT,
they already claim owning the democratist schools, this is unacceptable,
and humiliate that young person for the sign they reject, because they want
the young to hate MITT ROMNEY, or anyone not thinking like them communists where only them get the highest paid and benefices, powered by UNIONS who own OBAMA
that is how far they are imposing their agenda on the , young vulnerable CITIZENS, and adults with other tactics hypocrites sneaking into the society until they reach the total submission of the people,
all that with a big smile,

I can totally sympathize. The first two times I put Obama signs in my yard they were ripped out and damaged. The answer. Put em back up.–Keep wearing the shirt.
Semper Fi

Worse still than her being told to leave class over her T-shirt has been the threatening phone calls she has been getting at her home.
Nasty and so scary she hasn’t gone back to school since.
So, her geometry teacher is black.
Her own family says of her:
“She’s a jokester. Lynn is like the family clown,” one of the aunts said.
And now this ”teacher” – clown wants her victim to ”man up.”
“Do what Lynn would want, what she always wants her kids to do: Come to school. Do your homework. Be on time. Be respectful.”

No excuse for racism.

@Nan G:

I blame this on the Democrat’s MSM and Obama’s extreme political divisiveness (since the start of the 2008 elections,) that is using extremist tactics to turn Americans against each other. If you are Republican or exercise your 1st Amendment right to say anything that doesn’t toe the far-left line or dares question them, you are called evil, a racist, a member of the KKK, etc…

This is over the top flamed up hate for those who simply disagree with the political opinion. A teacher telling a 16 year old girl that supporting Romney & Ryan is tantamount to standing with the KKK is not funny and is inexcusable. These are not “jokes” and can not be dismissed as such. This kind of politics is not good to teach to students, and is not good for America.

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A 16-year-old high school sophomore who says she was ridiculed by her geometry teacher for wearing a Mitt Romney T-shirt returned to school Tuesday following a rally by cheering supporters. The teacher has also written a letter of apology that was read aloud to students.
Pawlucy, whose family had expressed concern for her safety, returned Tuesday after a rally that featured supporters singing the national anthem and reading the First Amendment — as well as shouts of supporters calling “Go, Sam!” and “You’re great, Sam!”

The school’s principal read students the letter of apology from geometry teacher Lynette Gaymon on Tuesday.

“I’m very sorry for all the chaos and negative attention that has surrounded the school in the past couple of weeks,” she wrote. “What I meant as a light and humorous remark during class has developed into a huge conflict between students, faculty, parents and neighbors. My words were never meant to belittle Ms. Pawlucy, or cause any harm, and I truly regret that we have come to this point.”

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Teen-returns-to-school-after-Romney-T-shirt-flap-3931725.php#ixzz28pBfHoed

Teacher ”meant” it as a light and funny remark???
Does she not realize she is the authority figure for her classroom?
Truly an idiot.

it was a natural reaction and she should be fired