by Alex Berenson
This week, Dr. Ranney – one of the leading public health voices (Gawd help us) on Covid policy – offered readers at her thoughts on where we are now and what happens next.
I will do my best to translate this majestic piece of cognitive dissonance, Faulkner-style:
the vaccines are saving everyone and you should be superhappy you got yours which is why infections are through the roof but hospitalizations aren’t but oh wait they are and deaths too but if we just vaccinate children, who are KNOWN not to be at risk from OR SPREAD the virus it would all be okay but we will never get back to normal but science will save us if we just trust us also make sure you open the windows because that’s the only thing that actually works –
We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it.
(Sorry, that last line is ACTUALLY Faulkner. Snuck in there somehow.)
Only thing she forgot to mention: get ready for a booster even though it probably won’t work and maybe another booster after that and who knows what’s next but trust us even though we’ve been wrong about oh pretty much everything we’ve told you since last March –
Sorry. Run-on sentences, another symptom of long Covid! I better get checked.
So, yeah, it’s all a joke, only –
All-cause-mortality is running at least 10% above normal in England and Scotland, the only places we have decent near-real-time data.
The vaccines DO NOT prevent you from getting Covid, hence the CDC suddenly changing their “immunity” language.
The Vax DOES reduce transmission, symptoms, and potential spread.
Everyone gets to choose if they get it or not, and NO ONE is responsible for anyone dying of Covid…
…other than China.
This came as no big surprise:
“Moderna said on Thursday it is developing a single vaccine that combines a booster dose against COVID-19 with its experimental flu shot. ….”
Now, last year I got a pharmacist in big trouble when she faked that I was going to get the “over 65” flu shot while she planned to give me the regular flu shot!
So, pharmacists lie.
If you are planning to get a flu shot: look at the label with your own eyes, do NOT trust the word of the one giving you the shot.
Insist the shot’s contents be pulled from the vial in front of your eyes, too.
Bait & switch would not be above them.
The Left honestly believes that the ends justify the means.
Will some semblance of honesty and truth ever return to government? The left has utterly destroyed it.
Liars always believe that everyone else is a liar. Trump has utterly corrupted the GOP.
Actually, liars always accuse everyone else of lying, though they can never prove it. You on the left have been PROVEN to be liars, so that much is confirmed. Now, whatever you say is assumed to be lies and that assumption is usually correct.