Team Obama: “Absolutely” We’re Better Off Today Than We Were Four Years Ago

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Ace @ Ace of Spades HQ

Yesterday various and sundry Obama surrogates chocked on a question they should be ready for…Is the country better off today than it was 4 years ago?

Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley was the worst (from an Obama perspective)/most honest in that he flat out said, “no” but of course, he blamed Bush.

Today Team Obama, including O’Malley, are singing a different tune…Of course we are better off under Obama than anyone could possibly imagine and only a fool can’t see it!

But on CNN’s “Early Start” this morning, anchor John Berman elicited a different response from Democratic National Committee spokesman Brad Woodhouse.“Brad you’ve been shaking your head, as you’ve been sitting off camera, because we’ve been playing all the sound from the last 24 hours of Democrats being asked ‘are you better off today than you were four years ago?’” Berman noted. “So, I’ll give you the chance to ask the question: Are we better off than we were four years ago?”

“Absolutely,” Woodhouse said.

On the Today Show, NBC’s Natalie Morales asked Obama campaign deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter: “Let me begin by starting with that central question on a lot of people’s minds, and that is are we better off today than we were four years ago when President Obama was elected?”

“Absolutely,” Cutter said. “Let me just walk you through what life was like four years ago.”

America is “Absolutely” better off today than it was under Bush. I guess that’s their story and they are going to stick with it. Yeah, good luck with that.

Just a reminder, Obama gives his big acceptance speech at “The Stadium That Dare Not Speak Its Name” on Thursday night and on Friday morning August unemployment numbers come out.

As much as we talk about the reality of media bias, this is the kind of thing even the DMM (Democratic Machine Media) can’t help Obama with.

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Hmmm. I pay way more in gas/fuel. My groceries are much higher, on average, per week, than they were then. My concern for how the company I work for will fare with Obama’s EPA is much, much higher now. My hourly rate, which is higher, is in reality less buying power, due to inflation. On top of that, my healthcare plan monthly payment is much, much higher, having increased at a faster rate of increase than it had been going up.

All of which leaves me with less money, after bills, than I had before, and coupled with the decreased buying power of the dollars I do have, means that I can get even less than four years ago. So, you tell me. Am I better off than I was four years ago?

The makes it easy for us…..

Jobs: Since President Obama Took Office, The Nation Has Lost 316,000 Jobs And The Unemployment Rate Has Remained Above Eight Percent For 42 Straight Months.(Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 9/3/12)

Unemployment: 23.6 Million Americans Are Either Unemployed, Underemployed Or Have Given Up Looking For Work. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 9/3/12)

Long-Term Unemployment: Since Obama Took Office, The Average Duration Of Unemployment Has Nearly Doubled From 19.8 Weeks To 38.8 Weeks. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 9/3/12)

Net Worth: “The Net Worth Of The American Family Has Fallen To Its Lowest Level In Two Decades.” (Ylan Q. Mui, “Fed: Americans’ Wealth Dropped 40 Percent,” The Washington Post , 6/11/12)

Median Household Income: “Real Median Household Income In March Was Down $4,300 Since Obama Took Office In January 2009 …” (Mike Dorning, “Obama Fails To Stem Middle-Class Slide He Blamed On Bush,” Bloomberg, 4/30/12)

Savings: 23.4 Percent Of Families Have No Savings At All, Up From 18.5 Percent In 2009. (Christine Dugas, “Recession Added Debt, Drained Families’ Savings,”USA Today, 5/12/12)

Government Assistance: “49.1%: Percent Of The Population That Lives In A Household Where At Least One Member Received Some Type Of Government Benefit In The First Quarter Of 2011.” (Phil Izzo, “Number Of The Week: Half Of U.S. Lives In Household Getting Benefits,” The Wall Street Journal’s “Real Time Economics,” 5/26/12)

Food Stamps: Since President Obama Took Office, The Number Of Americans Receiving Food Stamps Has Increased From 31.9 Million To 46.7 Million, A 46 Percent Increase. (Department Of Agriculture, 8/30/12)

Poverty: 97.3 Million Americans Now Qualify As Low-Income And Another 49.1 Million Are In Poverty; Together, 146.4 Million Americans Or 48 Percent Of The Population.(Hope Yen, “Census Shows 1 In 2 People Are Poor Or Low-Income,” The Associated Press, 12/15/11)

Food Prices: Since Obama Became President, The Monthly Price Of A Moderate-Cost Food Plan For A Family Of Four With Young Children Has Increased From $819.40 To $859.40. (“Official USDA Food Plans: Cost Of Food At Home At Four Levels, U.S. Average, January 2009,” USDA , 2/09; “Official USDA Food Plans: Cost Of Food At Home At Four Levels, U.S. Average, July 2012,” USDA, 7/12)

Gas Prices: Since Obama Took Office, The Average Price Per Gallon Of Gas Has More Than Doubled From $1.847 To $3.744. (“Gasoline And Diesel Fuel Update,” U.S. Energy And Information Administration, Accessed 9/3/12)

College Costs: Since President Obama Took Office, The Average Cost Of In-State Tuition At A Four Year College Has Risen From $6,585 To $8,244, A 25 Percent Increase. (“Trends In College Pricing 2009,” College Board, 2008; “Trends In College Pricing 2011,” College Board, 2011)

Health Care Premiums: Under Obama, The Average Cost Of Family Health Care Premiums Have Increased From $12,680 To $15,073. (“Employer Health Benefits, 2011 Annual Survey, Exhibit 1.11″ Kaiser Family Foundation, 2011)

Foreclosures: Currently 5.6 Million Residential Mortgages Are Either 30 Days Delinquent Or In Foreclosure. (Press Release, “LPS “First Look” Mortgage Report: July Month-End Data Shows Slight Decrease in Delinquencies,” Lender Processing Services, 8/29/12)

Negative Equity: As Of The Second Quarter Of 2012, 30.9 Percent – 15.3 Million – Of U.S. Homeowners With A Mortgage Are Underwater. (Stan Humphries, “Negative Equity Declines Slightly On The Back Of Modest Home Value Gains,” Zillow, 8/22/12)
Each source is linked at the above site.

Of course we are better off. Obama is President.
What do you want? A leader? A person who comprehends basic economics?
Of course not.
You want a good speech reader, someone good at pool, good at doodling, good at golf, and exceptional and making chili. That is what you voted for, right?
You don’t want someone who will not bow to Kings. You do not want someone who honors our longstanding relationship to England and Israel.
You want someone whose best friends are the Dictators of Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. You see, when there is a Dictator, you can go to the man at the top and get your mission done. This is a direct quote from Jimmy Carter.
You want a man whose wife spends tens of millions of dollars on herself. You want a man with a wife who although not elected, has a 25 person paid entourage.
You got him.

Look for him on the golf course.

Were the folks who made the comments that we are better off now than what we were four years ago drug tested?

Who exactly do they mean by “We’re”? – As in… [We’re better off?]… do they actually mean… Obama? Moochelle? Pelosi? Reid? Others in this corrupt administration….?????

Come on!!…..They can’t possibly mean anyone “outside” the “Washington Bubble” Zone….. is actually better off than 4 years ago ??????

Cause I KNOW they are not talking about ME…or Family Members…or friends, or Neighbors…

You have to be a complete…pick one: Fool, Moron, Useful Idiot, in denial, Stupid, Zombie to believe otherwise!?!?

It has been reported that the DNC is busing in students from all across South Caroline to attend Obama’s acceptance speech. It wouldn’t be seemly to have that 74,000 stadium not full to the brim when the Light Worker is telling the nation how much better we are doing since he moved into the White House. But when you have to bus people in, and give away tickets, even the most die hard liberal has to acknowledge that not all is well in Camelot II. Perhaps the DNC should hit the unemployment lines and offer dinner to anyone willing to attend. But then, there would be no guarantee Obama wouldn’t get booed, and college students who are generally still living off mommie and daddy are usually clueless.

But the future is looking bright for The Won even if he loses. It is being reported that Penny Pritzer, another Chicago slug, is trying to drum enough donations to buy the Obamas a tiny shack in Hawaii that cost a mere $35 million. I wonder if Obama is going to talk about shared sacrifice.

The latest chart Obama hopes you never see.

Contra His Incessant Whining, Obama Was Handed an Economy in Recovery

Here’s the chart.
To understand it you’ll need to read from the link above.
A tease:

Yes, folks, the economy had already started to turn around in the quarter before President Obama took office. The healing had begun before the Stimulus package, and before he started propping the economy up with huge deficit spending.

And by the time his policies did kick in? The economy braked like the President passing a golf course.*

The President has been hiding behind the “It’s all Bush’s fault” defense for four years. That excuse was always pathetic, but now we know that it’s untrue as well.

Four years ago monthly job losses were running out of control and the worse single month was still 4 months in the future. Almost 600,000 jobs would be lost in the final month of the Bush presidency alone. Four years ago Lehman Brothers had yet to declare banruptcy, which would come close to triggering a collapse of the entire financial system. Four years ago the biggest single-day drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average was yet to come. The market would soon plunge to 50% of its former value.

“Absolutely” We’re Better Off Today Than We Were Four Years Ago. There’s absolutely no doubt about it. Four years ago there were questions about whether the economic system would even survive.

Retire05 Charlotte is in North Carolina. Even “clueless college students” know that. Why is it so many Conservatives are against higher education?
Why do so many feel a need to deride the poor and unemployed? There but for the grace of God—

BTW Isn’t it infantile,kinda like a 2nd grader might do,when someone purposely mispells Obama’s name? Just askin


t has been reported that the DNC is busing in students from all across South Caroline to attend Obama’s acceptance speech.

Will Sandra Fluke be handing out the condoms?

Hahahahahahahaha. PLEASE keep pushing that line. Please tell everyone you can and then encourage them to vote democrat. Please, please, please!

Rich shows his class again and proves he’s not the moderate he pretends to be. With all that straw you have there rich, you should be more careful. Someone might light it and cause you to get burned.

@Hard Right: There’s nothing to push. Everything said in #8 was the plain and simple truth.

Keep spreading that as a reason to vote for dems. 🙂

@Jason: Do you understand that your post used almost all future tense? That would mean that the things you related was going to happen after 4 years ago!

@Nan G: All of this would have been much worse if a Republican had won the Presidency.


Four years ago things were bad and getting worse. That’s not how things are now. You don’t think 3 straight years of slow but steady job growth is big improvement over losing almost 600,000 in a single month?

I’m voting for the president who turned things around, not for more of the same policies that screwed things up in the first place.

Now we have two leftists posting who don’t get it.
And they wonder why they are losing.

jason, little hint, things haven’t turned around.

@Hard Right:

Even Obie agrees we’re no better off now than we were four years ago.

Roll the tape:


Who are you lefties going to believe? Obama, or Obama?

@Hard Right:

Then there’s this guy.

Roll the tape:

I wonder….was he lying then or was he lying now? Or both?


Perhaps he is schizophrenic and those were different personalities? 😉

@Hard Right:

And they wonder why they are losing.

Romney and Ryan got only a 1 point bounce in their poll averages out of convention week. The GOP had its Ohio voter suppression strategy shot down court. No amount of cash from the Koch boys is going to change the fact that republicans have alienated every voter group but angry white males. If you scrub the writing off the wall, you’ll just work down to the same message you painted out back in 2008.


Mr. Truman’s St. Paul, Minn., pie-for-everybody speech last night reminded us that at the tailend of the record sessions of Congress, Rep. Clarence J. Brown (R-Ohio) jammed into the Congressional Record the following poem, describing the author only as “a prominent Democrat of the State of Georgia.

Democrat Dialog

Father, must I go to work?
No, my lucky son.
We’re living now on Easy Street
On dough from Washington.

We’ve left it up to Uncle Sam
So don’t get exercised.
Nobody has to give a damn–
We’ve all been subsidized.

But if Sam treats us all so well
And feeds us milk and honey,
Please, Daddy tell me what the hell
He’s going to use for money.

Don’t worry, bub, there’s not a hitch
In this here noble plan–
He simply soaks the filthy rich
And helps the common man.

But, father, won’t there come a time
When they run out of cash
And we have left them not a dime
When things will go to smash?

My faith in you is shrinking, son,
You nosy little brat;
You do to damn much thinking, son,
To be a Democrat.

Daily News
November, 1949


You really aren’t very bright. It isn’t 2008. The economy hasn’t bounced back. People aren’t better off.
Unless obama can out debate Romney, you have no hope.
Alienated every group? Hahahahahaha. In your dreams. The dem economy will drive people to vote for the GOP who might not have. Let’s see if you have the guts to come back here after we win.

@Hard Right:

You really aren’t very bright.

You’ve had so much republican Kool Aid you make sloshing sounds when you walk. You get your news from a site named Hot Air and don’t even pick up on the irony.