Taking a cue from Obama, Lindsay Graham draws a red line

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Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) warned Wednesday that Republican lawmakers would call for President Obama’s impeachment if he released more prisoners from Guantanamo Bay without congressional approval.

Republicans worry Obama may try to shut down the prison camp unilaterally after congressional opposition has repeatedly stymied efforts to pass legislation to close it.

“It’s going to be impossible for them to flow prisoners out of Gitmo now without a huge backlash,” Graham said. “There will be people on our side calling for his impeachment if he did that.”

Graham served as a House prosecutor during former President Clinton’s 1998 impeachment trial.

Congress tried to build in a safeguard against Obama making unilateral decisions on releasing terrorist detainees by including language in the National Defense Authorization Act requiring the administration to alert Congress of such moves at least 30 days in advance.

Obama did not follow that law when he swapped five senior Taliban commanders for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.

More at The Hill

Obama knows how much a red line means. If he does this again, Boehner promised to cry.

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Graham drawing a red line, saying he will call for the impeachment of obama if obama releases ANOTHER Gitmo prisoner, is like someone breaking a prisoner out of jail, then being told that if they do it again, they will be prosecuted. When will ANY republican go after obama for ANY of the MANY crimes obama has committed?

Miss Lindsay is a jacka$$ — go to Ann Barnhardt’s archives — she produced a video re this meathead in 2011 — while you are at it – check out her Koran burning video —

More cheap talk from a RINO. What a suuurprise…

Meanwhile, I expect that Bohner will be soon running his makeup with tears while he tell us why we should all kneel behind 0Muslim on this.

What Obama did in the trade for Bergdahl is treasonous. He should immediately be presented with bipartisan articles of impeachment and be immediately removed from office. His biggest offense in this ordeal: releasing very, very top, skilled Taliban “officials” whose hate against America and skill to perpetrate further attacks on American soldiers and Americans is the most loathsome thing Obama could have ever allowed to happen.

Obama will try to dodge the attacks against him from bipartisan politicians and people throughout the United State, but as time passes this issue will not go away; as the villains he just released will be planning and plotting havoc on our soldiers and citizens.

Obama, as I have previously said and has come to pass, is a depraved person who as a Muslim is consistently siding with Islamist terrorist killers and other Arab extremists: against Israel, against common Americans, against our economy, against our religious institutions, against our traditions, and more seriously against our Constitution.

I say give Obama the Nixon treatment, only worse. Obama is a traitor to America. Note: Obama’s ignoring the law is no small matter. The law is clear. He should have consulted with Congress regarding the release of active terrorists. And, remember, the bank robber once caught holding up a bank is allowed to apologize or not; however is promptly thrown into prison for a long, long time. That’s Obama.

The Nixon treatment? — too mild — all Nixon did was try to cover up a petty theft break in at the WA DC communist party HQ (masquerading then as now as the so called Democrat Party) in order to find the links to the commies

Nixon was patriotic American — he WAS NOT a traitor.

The SOB currently in the WH is a traitor and almost the whole damm congress has been complicit.

Wow. Just Wow.

The way our Veterans are being treated… those on the field and those who have sacrificed so very much (for all of us) is just shameless.

The way our White House has put this soldier on a pedestal as ‘some kind of hero’ and paraded his parents out in ‘our’ rose garden is… despicable!

All the while IGNORING those SOLDIERS and their FAMILIES who PERISHED or INJURED trying to find him…DESPICABLE!

You have to be a moron to not believe this, all of this, is not for political purposes (see! “I” did what “I” promised “I” would do) and PR (see what a great guy president “I” am). Ugh..

These are the moves of selfish, despicable piece(s) of flesh (and they know who they are) in our Government! Inclusive of this soldier (no matter what we are told his ‘intentions’ were – his own words tell us what his attitude and his ‘intentions’ were).

If this keeps up we will no longer have Americans who will “volunteer” for these essential, honorable positions. They will become ‘involuntary’ as in “Draft” (wouldn’t the liberals just LOVE that!!)

Now that Senator Graham opened his mouth and drew that proverbial line regarding impeachment…let’s see if it gets ‘acted’ upon…