U.S. output of so-called greenhouse gases continues to decline, a new report shows. Even so, global warming activists are likely to be disappointed. The drop has nothing to do with their pet cause, alternative energy.
That’s right. The Environmental Protection Agency’s yearly greenhouse gas emissions report noted that after rising slightly in 2013 and 2014, greenhouse gas output fell in 2015 — the most recent full year for which data are available.
OK, but maybe it was a one-year fluke? Hardly.
First off, the drop was significant in size — 2.2% on an annual basis, far too big to be a fluke or statistical anomaly.
Second, as the folks at The American Interest helpfully point out, “U.S. energy-related CO2 emissions hit a 25-year low over the first six months of 2016, continuing the progress that the EPA says we made in 2015.”
So it’s continuing. More important, The Hill reminds, “The EPA attributed the overall decline to lower carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels, which itself came about because of less coal consumption in favor of natural gas, warmer winter weather that decreased heating fuel demand and lower electricity demand overall.”
This continues a long-term trend for the U.S. of lower greenhouse gas emissions. Ironically, while the U.S. was pilloried for not ratifying the Tokyo Accord (though then-Vice President Al Gore ostentatiously signed it, despite knowing that the Senate wouldn’t ratify it) to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, it is the only major industrial nation actually slashing its output.
Since the Kyoto Accord was struck in 1997, Energy Department data show, U.S. output of greenhouse gases plunged 7.3%, even though real U.S. GDP over that time has grown a whopping 52%. We’re greener today than we have been in decades.
Go figure.
For all this progress, we can thank the fracking business, which has given U.S. industry and homes access to massive amounts of cheap, relatively clean natural gas.
al baby is just one joke after another topical demorate- do we cheat them and how. so how many private jets does he own?? oh, remember that NYC was going to be underwater by 2014 and this same year there would be no more polar bears. al is too stupid to knew he is an idiot. need to read a lot of history on this political slut puppy.
Roke not only hi nobel prize but his oscar as well A INCONVENT TRUTH was lies and junk science and his other book ASSUALT ON REASON this man hilmself is the one who is unreasonable and as for his book EARTH IN THE BALANCE someone(Gore)had their thumb on the scales
recall during the presidential debate when he charged Bush’s podium? he made no point on that debate. does he still hold shares in Al Jira?