Supercut: “I’m Reclaiming My Time!”

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The Democrats shredded the social compact today.

As they shred it every day, lately — there’s not much left.

Today they shredded the social compact by defending and justifying terrorist attacks on law-abiding Americans.

They also shredded it by holding a Stalinesque show trial of AG Barr.

They would “ask questions” — really lob unfounded accusations — and then cut off Barr as he attempted to answer. They would shout “I’m reclaiming my time!” as a way of telling Barr to shut up, as they did not want his answers to count against their five minutes of time.

I wondered why Barr didn’t just walk out of the hearing.

I think that obese malignant dwarf Jerry Nadler might have actually tried instructing the Sergeant of Arms of the House to put Barr under arrest if he tried to leave.

I think that’s where we are now.

Here’s a supercut of the animals flinging shit at the zoo.

By the way, NeverTrump still believes that if they just throw yet another election, their Very Good Leftwing Friends will go back to being Nice Reasonable Liberal People who sometimes Talk to Them About Marvel Superhero Movies on Twitter and then we can go back to 2003 when the c*cks were in charge of the Permanent Minority Party. They had no political power, but their leftwing friends did let them pretend they had some power, and kept them in the position of Kapos to actual conservatives.

That’s not going to happen.

2003 is hell and gone from here, C*cks.

2003 — the year we Very Nearly Won in Iraq, the year of Peak Neocon — is now old enough to drive, morons.

You’re stupid soft-minded fools deluding yourselves with happy fantasies.


We’re in the endgame now, to put it in terms that feminized manbabies Jonathan Last, David French, and Jonah Goldberg can understand.

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You think each of those liberal idiots came up with the same idea independently? It was a coordinated political show for the idiots. Everyone else understands that their time includes asking the question AND the answer. These idiots acted as if the answer was an imposition. More resemblance to Nazi “People’s Courts” that had their orders to convict, not find the truth.

In their defense, all those Democrats on the committee are probably under investigation and fearing for their freedom. They are all corrupt criminals and liars.

Andrew Klavan Shut Up!
Guess what?
He had Leftists pegged back in 2011.

Sadly, they insisted on putting AG Barr under oath thus they have talking points of him saying three words UNDER OATH that lacked accuracy.
I expect ads made out of these answers.
It must have been their “letter from Hanoi” du jour.
Their instructions about how to coordinate their talking points today.

Off Topic: did you see doddering Joe Biden take a few questions from “reporters,” today?
He slurred, he had to have their names written down as he had no idea who each one was.
All the questions were softballs.
When he got tired (really quickly) he just quit and those “reporters” let him.
Can you say Potemkin village* campaign act?

*an impressive facade or show designed to hide an undesirable fact or condition – Merriam-Webster dictionary

joe biden is the titular nominee of the democrat party…

The Democrats made complete asses of themselves, wild unfounded accusations and conspiracy crap they chucked at Barr, never allowing him to speak or refute the out right lies.
Nice to know there is someone vetting the documents Rudy scored in Ukraine.

That’s why the Donkey is their Mascot and another name for the Donkeys Ass

@July 4th American: Biden is just a tit.

@kitt: Looks like Rudy has some people very worried, doesn’t it?