The claim that you meant to say this other thing that is 100% the opposite of what you actually said is the reason why you really, really need to take that cognitive function test, Joe.
You creepy tween-sniffer and sex criminal.
Earlier today, I made some comments about diversity in the African American and Latino communities that I want to clarify. In no way did I mean to suggest the African American community is a monolith—not by identity, not on issues, not at all.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) August 7, 2020
My commitment to you is this: I will always listen, I will never stop fighting for the African American community and I will never stop fighting for a more equitable future.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) August 7, 2020
By the way, Joe Biden didn’t just say “Unlike African Americans,” Latinos have diversity once yesterday.He said it twice, in two different Basement Appearances, as Tom Elliot points out.
This is the hill Biden's apparently going to die on. This afternoon he appeared in a virtual roundtable and doubled down on his “Latinos have a more diverse culture than blacks” take
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) August 6, 2020
I like how they have this senile husk just repeating words that sound nice to him now, like, “Dignity. Respect. Strength. Finger-rape.”
Joe Scarborough and His Cast of Idiots fell over themselves to say, no, Biden had it right the first time, blacks really are a monolithic block.
Scarborough: “Biden made that argument inartfully, he didn’t need to include the African-American community in the discussion, but he does seem to recognize the Latino community is not one giant monolithic community."
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) August 7, 2020
Apparently Latinos (Latinxes?) come from all over the world, but blacks only come from… where?
Africa’s a pretty big place, you know. There are first and second generation American blacks from Africa.
Also, there are a lot of blacks in the Caribbean.
Oh, and there are a lot of blacks in South America. You know, that diverse place where so many diverse Latinxes come from.
Does anyone else remember when the Democrats were claiming an old white guy couldn’t solve their problems? Anyone?
Maybe Biden’s problem is he watches too much MSNBC!