Students Create ‘Healing’ Space to Recover from a Speech They Didn’t Even Attend

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Students at California State University–Los Angeles have set up a “healing” space to deal with pain they were caused by having Ben Shapiro speak on campus — even though that speech was three months ago and most of them didn’t even go.

“On February 25th, our campus experienced immense hurt and trauma,” states the description for the event, which will take place on Tuesday night.

“Almost two months later, students are still feeling the emotional, mental, and physical effects that this event posed, and nothing has been done to facilitate our healing,” it continues. “How can we help each other heal and move forward? How were you affected emotionally, physically, psychologically?”

Here’s the real kicker: According to Young Americans for Freedom program officer Amy Lutz, who attended the event, most — maybe even all — of the kids involved in this event didn’t even go to the damn speech.

I mean, really, kids? You’re suffering “immense hurt and trauma” and dealing with “emotional, mental, and physical effects” from a speech that happened sort of near you three months ago that you didn’t even attend? You need “healing” from that?

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does the active workplace and the military have save places? liberal all. wonder if they can read or write??
the welfare begins at the end of the stage at graduation

They should establish their own country: Pussiestan. There, they can bravely protect their feelings from harm and utter not a single word for fear of offending someone, somewhere. I’m sure others will respect their safe space and not invade, kick their asses and wipe them out.

Eric Hoffer noted “education should implant a will and the facility for learning: it should produce not learned, but learning people. In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” these deceitful liberal students will inherit the welfare class of citizens.