Stuck With Mitt – For Now

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Mitt Romney pulled out a weak win in Michigan last night. So that means we are stuck with him a GOP candidate against Obama.

I don’t need to emphasize how underwhelmed I am. I was happier with the McCain selection in 2008 – and I was not thrilled then either.

Mitt has no more Mulligans. None.

I repeat: He has no more Mulligans.

One misstep and many independents, tea partiers and others will determine that a neutered Obama facing a GOP controlled Congress (with subpoena power) is far more preferable than a big-government Romney.

Here is the list of Must Not Do’s Romney has to abide from here on out or he will lose to Obama:

  • Never give an inch to the human-created Global Warming nonsense. Promise to over turn all the regulations calling CO2 a pollutant, close down CO2 exchanges, end all Green subsidies and tell the EU no US company is paying their stupid green taxes.
  • Open up all areas of the US to oil and gas exploration and production. Hold companies to those environmental laws that make sure exploiting our resources do not harm are national treasures, overly impact animals and plants or do harm to humans. We have these rules already so this should not be a challenge.
  • Overturn ObamaCare. If you want to keep some pieces force them to be revoted into existence. Make sure we now the pros and cons of any holdovers.
  • Cut spending now (not in 5-10 years). And no net tax increases anywhere. No new revenues unless it is 100% offset by closing down existing streams. Government may only shrink – not grow.

These are his 4 weakest areas and the ones I doubt the man can hold to. But he must abide by these boundaries to win. They are also non-negotiable. He best stop rationalizing and excusing. This is what he must promise.

If he slides even a fraction on any of them, or hints at any wiggle room or gray area, or appears to be just giving lip service so he can explore beyond these boundaries when elected, he will not be elected. I promise you that.

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Never give an inch to the human-created Global Warming nonsense. Promise to over turn all the regulations calling CO2 a pollutant, close down CO2 exchanges, end all Green subsidies and tell the EU no US company is paying their stupid green taxes.

Jeez, talk about stumbling right out of the gate. Romney has been a promoter of green energy and global warming.

“I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that … It’s important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may be significant contributors.”

But then again, previous policy pronouncements mean very little to a dynamic politician like Romney, “dynamic” because he’s always changing to fit whatever constituency he must appeal to in order to win.
He’s so duplicitous, I wouldn’t buy a used car from him. In fact, he’d give used car salesmen a bad name!

We are so screwed if we allow Romney to be our candidate against Obama.

Never give an inch to the human-created Global Warming nonsense. Promise to over turn all the regulations calling CO2 a pollutant, close down CO2 exchanges, end all Green subsidies and tell the EU no US company is paying their stupid green taxes.

Sorry, meant to block quote this paragraph.


Funny how you guys portray Romney, a Republican, as being worst than Obama – who you often portray on here as a communist. So does that leave the political spectrum, going from right to left, as Conservatives, Comminists & Mitt?

I suggest conservatives spend their energy on printing those Romney 2012 badges rather than trying to destroy him:)

I would not sayRomney is worse than Obama, odds are he is slightly better but being a fiscal conservative I think getting our financial house in order should one of the Presidents top tasks. Neither one of these guys will do that.
Mitt is not a conservative so there is need or reason for me to support and/or vote for him…I’ll write in Jim DeMint before I vote for Romney or Obama..


So isn’t slightly better – still better than not voting for the only viable alternative – rather than having a divided house and letting Obama win?