‘Straight-up psycho’: Sheldon Whitehouse refuses to take off his tinfoil hat before shamelessly mansplaining to Amy Coney Barrett

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Via Twitchy:

It’s never a party until Sheldon Whitehouse takes the floor. And we’ve gotta tell you, he did not disappoint at today’s SCOTUS confirmation proceedings.

He busted out the board and everything:

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Shelly should be in a padded cell out of contact with the public.

Sheldon Whitehouse exposes a conspiracy to uphold the constitution as law, be afraid be very afraid.
Wake up people they are all in on it!

Actually, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse is totally on target. This is precisely what behind the republican-majority Senate’s effort to ram through Barrett’s confirmation only three weeks ahead of the general election. They CANNOT comply with the wishes of the American people on this point, because a strong majority are of the opinion that the process should be delayed until after the election. They cannot comply, because after the election it will be even more obvious what they’re doing.

Though it has been pointed out countless times before, I’ll point it out again: The GOP’s rationalization for pushing Barrett’s appointment through three weeks ahead of an election is a total contradiction of the avowed principle they used as an excuse for keeping Merrick Garland’s nomination in limbo for the better part of a year.

Do this, and the Democrats will nullify the effect by expanding the size of the court. They’ll likely be able to, because Trump will be gone, and the republican Senate majority will be gone as well. Trump will have led the GOP to self-destruct, exactly as predicted.

@Greg: When did you get the psychic powers where you know what a majority wants? Damn man you should be picking your lottery numbers.
This isnt about what a mob wants. This is about not getting hung decisions on the highest court.
Biden said expanding the court was a bonehead idea back in the day.
We are still looking for the 50 billion for a border security fence that passed in congress in 2006 where Democrats held the majority.

Has Vlad changed horses? “Now you see my special BLUE attack.” (Just wanted to work in a musical interlude.)

As if the democrat clown show could not get more ridiculous,

Hirono Asked ACB about sexual harassment

“Sen. Mazie Hirono asks ACB “since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature?”

She obviously does not want to be outdone by the lunatic whitehouse

Whitehouse also railed against the Federalist in U.S. House testimony last month.

The irony is that Whitehouse — and the left in general — have a “dark money” problem.

As the Wall Street Journal noted:

[O]n Tuesday Mr. Whitehouse refused to abide by the normal practice for congressional witnesses of answering questions.

Mr. Whitehouse knew that, if he answered questions, he was under legal obligation to tell the truth. House Republicans might have asked him about the dark-money outfit Arabella Advisors. This for-profit entity oversees nonprofits including the Sixteen Thirty Fund and the New Venture Fund, which together reported nearly a billion dollars in revenue in 2017 and 2018.

Arabella affiliate Demand Justice ran a smear campaign against Brett Kavanaugh and is now calling for Democrats to pack the Supreme Court. Demand Justice bills itself as a “project” of the Sixteen Thirty Fund and the New Venture Fund, and in public disclosures it lists the same office address as the two nonprofits.

Mr. Whitehouse’s silence about his own ties to dark-money networks shows his goal isn’t to clean up politics. He wants to silence those who disagree with him. If Mr. Whitehouse holds power in the Senate majority next year, do not expect what Joe Biden says will be a new era of comity and fair play.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) followed Whitehouse, and pointed out that “dark money” spent on Democrats dwarfed that spent for the benefit of Republicans.


the Democrats will nullify the effect by expanding the size of the court.

If the Democrats win, and they do pack the USSC, you will see such an uprising against the Democrat Party as never exhibited in the history of our nation. You want to kill the Democrat Party, stack the court.

They’ll likely be able to, because Trump will be gone, and the republican Senate majority will be gone as well. Trump will have made the GOP self-destruct, exactly as predicted.

And you purchased your crystal ball where?

If the Democrats win, and they do pack the USSC, you will see such an uprising against the Democrat Party as never exhibited in the history of our nation.

You can burn your Social Security checks, Medicare Cards, voter registration cards, and other Symbols of Marxist Democrat Oppression in protest. While you do, maybe Democratic majorities in the House and Senate could blow up Citizens United and get special interest dark money out of politics. Financial disclosure for all federal elected offices could be made mandatory.

And you purchased your crystal ball where?

eBay has a wonderful selection, but to quote Bob Dylan, “You don’t need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows”.

@Greg: This is even worse that the usual turds your employer gets you to sell, so just get off it.

Win legal elections, then you get the power to make decisions. Don’t destroy the system just because you and your ilk are butthurt losers.

You can burn your Social Security checks, Medicare Cards, voter registration cards, and other symbols of Marxist Democrat Oppression in protest.

Weak. Packing courts, toppling statues, and kangaroo courts are what authoritarian regimes do.

That’s what you support, because that’s what China wants.

You work for China.

@Nathan Blue:

Sometimes Comrade Greggie posts something that is so butthurt stupid, it warrants no response. #10 reflects that.

Of course, he would refer to the Weather Underground with his Bob Dylan quote. Birds of a feather, and all that.

Sen. Mazie Hirono asks ACB “since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature?” pic.twitter.com/6JgLkoIXIF

Amy are you a rapist like Kavanah?

greg is as useless as tits on a bore. He is not worthy of dialogue. His mind is frozen in a leftist view that is total failure. The democrat party hates America and Americans ergo, greg hates America and Americans.

@Nathan Blue, #11:

Win legal elections, then you get the power to make decisions.

That’s the plan, and it’s looking good at the moment.

@July 4th American, #14:

greg is as useless as tits on a bore.

I’m not holey certain such a useless condition actually exists.


greg is as useless as tits on a bore.

I’m not holey certain such a useless condition actually exists.

You rally are a city feller research appears to indicate that boar hogs do in fact have tits. Which they are not known to use.
Just take a look at Nadler that guy needs a bra


That’s the plan, and it’s looking good at the moment.

It’s really not, but I’ll let you hope. Polls don’t decide the election. Votes and the EC, do.

Have you prepared your excuses/disinformation/propaganda for after Trump is re-elected?

Time for Whitehouse to bee shown the Door

It does not portend well for a candidate when you have to hunt back through nearly a month’s worth of every poll result imaginable to find a single entry showing a positive number—and that result has him up only by one point.

With current electoral college projections, Trump could win all remaining toss-up states and he’d still fall well short of 270.

This is a very different picture than the one in 2016 that showed Clinton the likely winner. In 2020 there’s a unified and highly motivated Democratic base. This time around there are no disgruntled Sander’s supporters who will be voting in large numbers for a Jill Stein.

So far as any dramatic turn-around is concerned, I think the virtually certain Barrett confirmation vote will prove to be a major GOP miscalculation. That alone could become a huge motivating factor for undecided voters who were leaning Democratic in the final weeks before the election. It won’t have a similar effect with most Trump supporters because their minds were made up already.

If I’m wrong, I won’t need an excuse. I’ll have just been wrong.


The metrics for a President Trump re-election favor President Trump:

Here Are the Metrics That Show Trump Has a Lock on the Election

Finally this;

@Greg: Maybe Ted can help you with Citizens United. Loosen your tin foil hat before viewing.


If I’m wrong, I won’t need an excuse. I’ll have just been wrong.

You parroting of the polls, like every other disinformation troll out there, is a tactic: not an opinion.

In the absence of any substance at all, about Biden’s abilities, his platform, the radical left take over of his party, you have to go with the Bandwagon Fallacy?

Indeed, you have one metric you’re using (one that’s notoriously corrupted by the Left), but ignoring all others.

Democrats are losing black voters. They have lost a majority of latino voters, and are losing true “liberal” voters to boot.

Without your disinformation outlets, the Dems would have no semblance of a chance at all. The misleading and flat out fallacious information is gaining votes from people who simply don’t know the Truth.

I can’t find a single person who thinks Biden is a better candidate. Instead, if they say they’ll vote for Biden, it’s just because they hate Trump…because they’ve been programmed to. All their facts are wrong, and usually just sound like a half-logic Chris Cuomo screed.

That’s not Democracy. That’s tyranny.

It ends in November.

@July 4th American: That clip is awesome!

I’d like greg to give us his usual irrational-rationality speech to say why Biden will still win, after Jorge just laid it out so well.

But the polls!!!

Democrats cook polls, and they will cook elections. That makes them unfit to serve.


Actually, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse is totally on target. This is precisely what behind the republican-majority Senate’s effort to ram through Barrett’s confirmation only three weeks ahead of the general election.

You couldn’t be more wrong, though I am sure you will give it a try. There happens to be a vacancy and Trump wants to fill it. Of course, Shithouse conveniently ignores the vast amounts of money Soros has poured into the process of getting far left radical liberal judges in courts, which has resulted in tremendous miscarriages of justice and obstruction.

The Democrats have set up conditions for massive amounts of litigation after the election (their chosen means of legislation). It is far more important now than in 2016 to have the full Court. In addition, after Spygate, Russiagate, Obstructiongate, IRSgate, Ukrainegate, Kavanaughgate and Impeachmentgate, Democrats, showing no honor, credibility or integrity, deserve no consideration.

While you do, maybe Democratic majorities in the House and Senate could blow up Citizens United and get special interest dark money out of politics.

While they keep their own.

That’s the plan, and it’s looking good at the moment.

No, actually it’s not. Not the Democrat plan, at least. Their plan is to cheat big and cheat often. Pelosi even tried to sneak banning voter ID into her cynical idea of an “aid” bill. Democrats desperately need to cheat and, along with the corrupt media, it just may be enough to win. We shall see.

@July 4th American:

Hirono Asked ACB about sexual harassment

I can’t help but suspect that was setting up another late-moment dropping of a Kavanaugh bomb. Nothing whatsoever is below the Democrats.

@July 4th American: It’s like Citizens United vs Union contributions; the left wants THEIR money to keep flowing but wants to strangle the flow of money to Republicans. It’s all evil, except for Soros.


Just take a look at Nadler that guy needs a bra

And plastic pants as well.

I think the Democrats really, really messed up when the statues came down. That’s such an incredibly sensitive thing for Latinos, given Cuba, Venezuela, etc.

Trump landslide, indeed.

@Deplorable Me:

It’s like Citizens United vs Union contributions; the left wants THEIR money to keep flowing but wants to strangle the flow of money to Republicans. It’s all evil, except for Soros.

Just last evening, I received a call from the CWA (Communication Workers of America) to donate to the Biden/Harris campaign. A union who is nation wide lobbying for the Democrat ticket for POTUS.

Now, Comrade Greggie will have no issue with a union doing so, but feels that a publicly traded company, with individuals who are share holders, should not be allowed to do the same. It is called the “Union carve out.” Never has Comrade Greggie explained how a union member, who has the right of vote in union business, is different than a share holder, who also has the right to vote in corporate business. And while a share holder has that position voluntarily, a union member is often required to join a union in order to have a job.

You see, Comrade Greggie, thru Commucrat shaded lenses, wants to stack the deck.

@retire05: Also, companies that take taxpayer money should not be allowed to donate to candidates, as Planned Parenthood does. They are simply taking taxpayer funds and sending it to Democrat candidates.