Many of us remember how “Doodad Pro” and “O.J. Simpson” gave money to Obama during his first presidential campaign. And how this was no accident. From 2008:
The Obama campaign has turned a blind eye to the possibility of donor fraud. Reportedly, during the heated primary battle with Hillary Clinton, the Obama campaign “turned off” many of the security features on its online donor page, allowing any person with a valid credit card number to donate using any name or address.
Typically, card merchants require a cardholder’s name to match critical personal details, such as an address or, at the least, a ZIP code.
And of course some of the money came from the credit cards of real people. It’s just that they didn’t authorize the donations.
Well, in the wake of news that Obama is headed towards raising $1 billion as a candidate this time around, there has been word of a new scandal regarding foreign contributions, which Katie Pavlich says could break as early as tonight.
By the way, Obama’s incredible $181 million take in September was especially notable because only 2% of it was reportable:
The campaign said that just over 1.8 million people made donations to the campaign last month. According to the campaign, over 500k of these were brand-new donors, having neither given in 2008 nor 2012. 98% of contributions were under the reporting threshold of $250. Of these, the average contribution was $53.
That means up to 98% of the September take could be from illegal sources. I’m not saying it is — in fact, it’s virtually certain that any illegal amount is nowhere near that much. But it still could be a lot.
Yeah, I remember.
Millions from GA.
You’d think that was Georgia.
But it was GAZA.
When Obama couldn’t find Mickey Mouse or Sam Spade he supposedly gave the money to the DNC or charity.
Sure, he did.
But there was no mud sticking to Obama over this.
Should have been.
Wasn’t though.
Shows how long the media have been in O’s pocket.
Obama isn’t ”teflon” in that scandals don’t stick to him,
rather Obama has human shields in the form of hundreds of media apologists ready and willing to fall on their swords for him.
It might be a really awful thing, but Obama will probably be given another AA (Affirmative Action) Pass by the media.
And DOJ is NOT going to EVER go after him.
And Congress is SLOW.
A possible contributing factor to his performance on Wednesday?
Same issue as last time.
No safeguards on his site to protect him from ”accidentally” receiving foreign donations.
Romney’s site has protections.
Obama’s redirects all who search for Obama’s site straight to his DONATION site without first screening where they are accessing from.
The media yawned last time.
I’m pretty sure it will again.
Holder’s DOJ ignored it last time, I’m sure it will again.
Obama was only ”shamed” into donating SOME of his obviously fraudulent contributions to either the DNC or charities AFTER he had taken office, IIRC.
Congress is SLOW as syrup.