The Democrats are trying to make something out of Donald Trump’s alleged dalliance, twelve years ago, with porn performer Stormy Daniels. I wrote about it here. Frankly, I don’t think anyone cares.
But the story is interesting because it raises questions about what, in our era, constitutes a scandal. Trump’s long-ago romps with Daniels–assuming the stories are true–don’t qualify. There is one person, of course, who has a right to be outraged and probably is, but Melania doesn’t work for the Washington Post or the New York Times, and what she makes of the story is none of our business.
Worst case, Trump paid Stormy Daniels. But he didn’t kill her. That distinguishes him from the Liberal Lion of the Senate. If you want a scandal, and a cover-up that succeeded to a remarkable degree, look no further than Chappaquiddick. The Democratic Party conspired to cover up Ted Kennedy’s crime–manslaughter, in a particularly vile form–to preserve his political viability, at the cost of an innocent young woman’s life.
To this day, most people have no idea what the Chappaquiddick scandal was all about. That is how successful the Democrats’ cover-up has been. Most Americans assume that Kennedy was guilty of drunk driving and negligently causing the death of Mary Jo Kopechne. But the truth is much worse.
Several books have told the real story, but the movie Chappaquiddick may finally blow the lid off the Democrats’ cover-up. Based on the trailers, it apparently will tell the truth: that Ted Kennedy, after driving off a bridge into Poucha Pond, escaped from his car but made no attempt to save Miss Kopechne. That Kopechne didn’t drown, but eventually suffocated for lack of oxygen as she waited for Kennedy to rescue her. That Kopechne could have been saved if Kennedy had simply called the local rescue squad. That Kennedy was such a self-centered coward that he left Kopechne to die, concerned only for his own political future. That instead of calling for help, he walked back to the house where his party was still in progress. That when he arrived, he tried to convince his cousin Joe Gargan to say that he had been driving the car. That he never did call the police to report the accident, but rather spent the night trying to concoct an alibi. That the Democrats fixed the legal process so that Kennedy would pay no meaningful penalty for the death he callously caused. That Kennedy pretended to have been injured in the accident in order to excuse his cowardice, and wore a neck brace to Kopechne’s funeral to further that lie.
But look at how Kennedy learned a valuable lesson from Chappaquiddick and straightened out his life. Oh, wait. He didn’t. He continued to be a drunken womanizer. To the end of his days, the thing most important to him (much like Bill Clinton) was the same as the last syllable in the town he made his scandal in.
Oh yes They care, they bumped the school shooting victims right off the boob tube. The first noise of this they reported Melania moved out to a hotel or awhile, boy could they break up his marriage? Wouldn’t that be fun? Where are the christians with the stocks and the sign “FOR UNLAWFUL CARNAL KNOWLEDGE”, pitch forks, torches and I’m with HER signs? Our argument has to lower to look at Kennedy, look at Slick…nope. It is none of my business, it did not happen in the oval office. He denies it, and she has proven she will do ANYTHING to be in the spotlight and ANYTHING for money, so let her have her 15 minutes sell tons of F-Flicks she is getting past her time hope she invests well.
I especially appreciate his lawyer’s claim that he spent $130,000 out of his own pocket to buy the porn star’s silence regarding the sexual liaison with his client that never actually happened. That’s one gem of an altruistic, self-sacrificing lawyer.
Trump lawyer Michael Cohen says he paid Stormy Daniels with his home-equity line
so where is the check. payoffs are: cash, cash than a 9 mm to the brain, or just a plain 9 mm. fabricating a tale is easy. did she get a photograph of his penis? she was arrested in ’06 which put a bump in her political career. next thing she will be running for the US Senate. she is no Native American like warren, but a porn actress would fit well in the Senate.
@Greg: The issue here isn’t whether he did it or not; the issue is the enormous hypocrisy of the left, which is neither news or surprising.
Super-rich people (not in politics) like Trump 12 years ago, know not to even give a woman a chance to make up a crap story about him.
BUT, if one does, he certainly can pay for a non-disclosure agreement to shut her up.
(Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have been playing that shakedown game for decades now.)
It is always cheaper, in the long run, to pay to shut her up even if it’s a bald-faced lie.
BUT, if a rich man is also a politician, a Dem one, he can get away with piccadellos even in his elected office, he can even, as Teddy Kennedy and JFK showed, get away with murder.
(I’m presuming Marilyn Monroe was murdered, too. I mean who kills themselves with an enema of drugs?)
If Stormy really had sex with Trump why wait til now to tell-all?
She could have been part of the battalion of girls paid to tell before the election who vanished into the woodwork afterward.
Who is really impacted?
Donald and Melania.
If Melania choses to stay with Trump, isn’t she doing no less than what Hillary did after the Monica thing became public?
It’s up to her.
SHE’s the only potentially injured party here.
Not me.
I wasn’t voting for a saint.
I was hoping for less than what Pres Trump has already delivered.
He deserves another term just based on
1. Destroying ISIS.
2. Bringing North Korea to the table.
3. Putting Americans back to work at REAL full-time jobs.
4. Bringing manufacturing back to America.
5. Lowering Black unemployment to record low levels.
6. Rebuilding our military.
7. Killing ObamaCare.
8. Tax Cuts.
9. Fixing our lopsided trade deals.
So much more, too.
The wall?
Don’t even worry about it.
I hope he likes the prototypes he’ll be looking at in CA.