Stock Mkt Suffers 6th Worst Week in History, Obama Goes Golfing

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The Dow registered its sixth-worst weekly fall in its 115-year history this week. It was its worst weekly decline since October 2008. The index has also dropped in seven of the last nine weeks.

Obama went golfing.

CNN reported:

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If 0-bama is golfing it means he’s not doing something worse like telling stories to America how our economy has turned around or how many jobs he has created.

Eisenhower was a colonel aide-de-camp to MacArthur while stationed, before the war, in the Phillapines was reported to have been a near scratch handicap which was later raised up to a 22 while president in 1952. By this point in time Barry O’BeanBag should have a USGA registered handicap averaged at 25 rounds, 720 holes, of golf. Is his handicap another one of his personal secrets which the public will never know.

It seems many times he has gone golfing after something ‘drastic’ happens in the US, I wonder if he is secretly celebrating and uses a ‘golf day’ to do so…

Off Topic>> @WmTSherman if you are reading here – Just want to say thanks – you have left me more informed then before…..