I know, right? That headline sounds like a really good thing, doesn’t it? Naturally, the Washington Post, where Democracy Dies with Distraction and Deception, tries to portray this as a scary development, articulated by a “reclusive mastermind”:
The reclusive mastermind behind President Trump’s nationalist ideology and combative tactics made his public debut Thursday, delivering a fiery rebuke of the media and declaring that the new administration is in an unending battle for “deconstruction of the administrative state.”
. . . .
Appearing at a gathering of conservative activists alongside Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, Bannon dismissed the idea that Trump might moderate his positions or seek consensus with political opponents. Rather, he said, the White House is digging in for a long period of conflict to transform Washington and upend the world order.
“If you think they’re going to give you your country back without a fight, you are sadly mistaken,” Bannon said in reference to the media and opposition forces. “Every day, it is going to be a fight.”
. . . .
Bannon framed much of Trump’s agenda with the phrase, “deconstruction of the administrative state,” meaning the system of taxes, regulations and trade pacts that the president says have stymied economic growth and infringed upon U.S. sovereignty. Bannon says that the post-World War II political and economic consensus is failing and should be replaced with a system that empowers ordinary people over coastal elites and international institutions.
I’d be standing on my feet applauding if I didn’t know that this is accompanied by a desire to put ruinous tariffs on foreign goods. But let’s not let that particular bit of economic ignorance overshadow the point of this post: the joy we should all feel at an administration that seemingly wants to take an axe and start chopping down the forest of regulation that is choking off economic growth in this country.
The administrative state has become one of the greatest threats to liberty in this country, in large part because of its trashing of the separation of powers. Bureaucracies pass regulations like a legislature, enforce them like an executive, and rule on the validity of their own actions like a judiciary, with administrative law judges who are arms of the same bureacracies whose regulations they review. Meanwhile, Congress abandons its role in the process, and judges defer to the agencies’ interpretations.
But Donald Trump is fighting back.
Any real good goal would be to get america out of the wretched Useless Nations and evict them from america lets turn the UN facility into homeless shelter train them for a good job give them 1 hardy meal give them a few good hobbies bulldoze the rest of the area for bird sancuary without the vultures already living there
Any bureaucracy that pushes out regulations that have the force of law are unconstitutional. Congress can not delegate its law making authority under the Constitution.
You people never pay enough attention to what will likely pop up in a power vacuum before you charge right in there and create one.
What do you imagine will take over in the absence of orderly and uniform regulatory administration, which is ultimately based on the laws passed by Congress? Concerned citizens’ committees? What happens when Dodge City no longer has a sheriff?
orderly and uniform regulatory administration, which is ultimately based on the laws passed by Congress?
What a total crock of shit
Regulations that have the force of law for failing to comply are in and of themselves u Constitutional, period.
Regulations based on laws passed by Congress do not pass the Constitutional test, moron.
Trump and Bannon are correct in eliminating any and all agencies that push out regulations that have the force of law.
All of what these alphabet agencies do can and should be done at State level. It is time to restore Federalism.
Full transcript: President Trump’s CPAC speech
I love the First Amendment. Nobody loves it better than me. But we’re going to have to do something about it.
Are you paying attention? Read the entire transcript. He’s saying what he’s saying.
The media who profit in fake news are the enemy of the people. Those on the left are too stupid to realize they are dupes of the fake media.
Yeah, tell me about Rush Limbaugh’s $400 million contract.
After Trump calls media an enemy of the people, White House bars many news outlets from briefing
This guy as a mental disorder. He needs to be removed from office, while the GOP still has some ability and will to respond.
Fake news media is the enemy of the people
Dumbass media can not even get that right
CNN is having a bad day. They were blocked from a question-and-answer ‘media gaggle’ that White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer held today and they are not handling it well. Jake Tapper came unhinged and called the White House un-American for blocking out various outlets. Barack Hussein Obama did this routinely but Jake Tapper was fine with it because it only affected conservative media. The tables have turned and watching the meltdown is sinfully delicious.
28 minutes ago: Trump administration sought to enlist intelligence officials, key lawmakers to counter Russia stories
It’s all going to hit the fan, at some point. Too many people have been involved, and some of them are bound to figure out that they’re being sucked toward a potentially career-ending political disaster that they really weren’t knowingly complicit in creating.
One only has to remember when the Democrats engineered the government shut-down for the answer. If you would recall, the government shutting down was so insignificant that the administration had to take steps to make the shut down artificially painful on the American people.
People capable of functioning in a world will do just nicely. If some over-dependent hand-out addicts perish… well, no great loss.
Speaking of fake news, Trump didn’t call the media an enemy of the people; he called fake news (which you just promoted) the enemy of the people, which it most certainly is.
How did that story about the administration trying to suppress FBI reports on associations with Russians work out for ya? This sounds like another one like that, where the administration is recommending that since the FBI has already determined there were no connections, as reported, between the administration and Russians, it would be helpful if the information got out.
It must be quite a blow to the liberal strategy of lying all the time about everything when facts somehow leak out, but that’s the way it goes sometimes.
The FBI suppression story was total fake news and the dumbass troll fell for it.
@Greg: CNN that alleged “repeated” or “constant” contact between Trump campaign members and Russian intelligence operatives. If you really read or listen to the fake news they are very careful to say unconfirmed or will hide somewhere in the story that there is no proof, never putting emphasis on that point.
They would get their asses sued off if they didnt cause its all a big lie that the losers want to hear.
They dont point out that many if not all “spontaneous” Trump protests have the exact same printed signs.
Trump doesn’t care about truthful news, but to report that they would have to become journalists confirm stories do a little work.
Has it been reported by the losers that Trump in his first month has saved US taxpayers 12 billion dollars in his first month, in contrast Obama cost us 200 billion.
Fewer illegals are trying to cross the border?
@July 4th American, #13:
The FBI story hasn’t been demonstrated to be “fake news.” It has only been proclaimed to be so by the White House.
Trump Denounces F.B.I. Over Leaks, Demanding Investigation
The FBI suppression fake story was debunked all day yesterday. Those who stand by it must be absent functioning brain cells…..
Actually, it is revealed, the FBI contacted the White House (Priebus), informed him of the false stories and denied they were coming from the FBI.
I like the meme I saw where Trump said he had bacon and eggs for breakfast, but CNN reports he had SAUSAGE and eggs and Democrats (along with Greg) are demanding a Congressional investigation. Liberal stupidity, adolescent foolishness and gullibility has reached critical mass and is in the midst of an uncontrolled chain reaction. No matter what the tale, as long as it is Trump-negative, the left eats it up, goes berserk, and further spreads the lies.
The entire Russian meme is fake news, the dossier, the hacking of the election(votes) and the illicit contact between Trump campaign operatives and select Russian counterparts has been debunked.
The left needs this meme to create the myth that the Trump Presidency is illegitimate.
This is part and parcel evidence that the left opposes an agenda that is America focused. The resounding defeat of their candidate is a testament to the American people who said they had had enough of the failed liberal agenda.
I wonder if our resident troll(greg) has updated his membership in “organizing for action”
@July 4th American, #16:
It was only “debunked” in the alt-right’s alternate media propaganda construct, which is becoming more detached from actual reality with every passing day. In fact, the Trump administration has only been digging itself in deeper by making claims that the FBI has declined to either confirm or deny.
At some point Preibus will be asked to repeat his claims under oath, and the FBI will be required to confirm or deny his story. That’s where this is headed. Congressional republicans aren’t going to go to the wall for Trump. The risk of total political disaster is far too high, and they didn’t really like or trust him to begin with.
White House backs aide over request for FBI help
Oh ya detached from reality, MSLSD accusing Trump of being an anti-semite when they were silent about Barry actually being one, and anti-christian as well.
Never did they call him out for using tax payer dollars to try to influence the Isreali elections.
Or condemn Palestine for using taxpayer dollars to build tunnels for terrorism.
Never did he mention the genocide of Christians in the middle east, or send help to the 300 christian school girls taken for sex slaves by terrorists, hashtags dont count.
MSLSD doesn’t have much to say of the ongoing genocide either.
He is so much like the European politicians, failures.
As has been the case, our resident troll(greg) is detached from reality. The desperation to attach something or anything to President Trump for the purpose of taking him down keeps failing. Just like their leftist Marxist agenda, it keeps failing everywhere it has been tried.
Good news for real Americans…..
And, our resident idiot troll(greg) said this about such idiotic regulations as above….
What would you do, leave something this important to ordinary citizens?
Such a moron is greg…..
Does not know his ass from a hole in the ground…..
This is one heck of a huge undertaking if taken seriously. The extent of corruption present is unimaginable to the average person on the street..
I have never been a conspiracy theorist in my life, served my country for 10 years and always worked and paid my taxes … I am a conservative, supported the Tea Party and enthusiastically voted for our current Potus.
Things I have had brought to my attention in the past couple of years make me feel like it is all a big lie..
A person need to look no further than the three, yes there were three, building collapse on 9/11. The collapse of building 7 is totally unbelievable. I know many don’t want to or have the time to get into such things.. I understand. I use to be the same way..
View the following if you are so inclined.
This is only scratching the surface..
If President Trump is truly going to drain the swamp he better get a very BIG vac truck, he will need a fleet of them.. and he had better watch his back..
@July 4th American:
Spoken like a true Trump licker.
3 points on your asinine kowtowing to the Trump propaganda.
1) The only source that this nonsensical gibberish is coming from is Trump and his administration.
2) Attacking and discrediting the media is rather 101 in the school of dictatorship or totalitarian government.
3) Trump and his admin are abject liars in every aspect and obviously lean towards dictatorship and a totalitarian government.
I mean, kinda like go figure. And here you are abetting such dishonesty. .
Let’s look at this again.
And here you are being duped by a renowned con man and serial liar.
Get it? Probably not.
@July 4th American:
That is actually a true statement and an interesting phenomenon. I’ve never seen a candidate get away with such blatant anti-Semitic, racism, sexism, lie after lie after lie, a history of scams and cons, an admission of robbing workers of their pay for a job well done as “good business” an admission of sexually assaulting women because of his elitist status, and on and on and on yet came out pretty much unscathed. I really believe he was correct when he said he could shoot people down in the street and his supporters would only love him more.
But as far as you claim of “just like their leftist Marxist agenda, it keeps failing everywhere it has been tried”, no, this doesn’t compare nor is there any precedent.
Please return to your usual function of saying something else totally stupid.
@Ajay42302: You have some great points, could you reference your sources as to Trumps anti-semitism? Is it his favorite daughters conversion and marriage to a Jew? Is it his wanting to move our embassy to the historic capitol of Jerusalem?
He never said he sexually assaulted women, he said when you are famous they LET you do anything to them willingly and often encourage those with fame and money, you know gold diggers.
Turning a hello kiss made in public to sexual assault, well thats just reaching scratching for anything to spin as a negative. google up some of the creepy Joe Biden actions even against children.
Racism when where? I see more racism in the democrats saying Black people are too stupid to obtain an ID.
This was my favorite
How many examples do you want, Chicago, St. Louis, LA, Baltimore, DC, Detroit, Boston, Milwaukee ect ect ect Democrat majority hell holes cause of white flight.
Can I have examples of Democrat run cities that are flourishing, prosperous, safe and in excellent financial condition?
1 example of a socialist success?
@July 4th American, #21:
Thus far, Trump has been getting free passes from his supporters on anything everything. As he once famously observed, he could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody, and not lose any voters.
This isn’t because he can do no wrong. It’s because his supporters have lost all objectivity. Many of them had none to begin with.
Issa: Trump-Russia probe requires a special prosecutor
Not everybody agrees: Republicans divided on Russia probe, calls for special prosecutor over AG Sessions
Right. Trump’s former campaign manager, asserting that the matter should be left in the hands of a Trump appointee, because he has utmost confidence in the man’s objectivity.
That may fly with Trump supporters, but it won’t fly for anyone else. It’s like addressing concerns that the foxes have been put in charge of the hen house by assuring people that one of the foxes will look into the matter.
Seems like an interesting thing for a liberal to say when it appears that the sole intent of liberals is to disrupt every meeting, townhall meeting or strategy session with rioters and cause all the disorder they can. They have not fully understood yet, that they LOST the election. That means the other party gets to govern for a while. Yes the direction they are attempting to lead to is NOT to destruction as have been the objective of the liberals. Sooner or later, they have to recognize, they lost.
His reward for being honest and believable.
@Bill… Deplorable Me:
Excellent description of the truth.
As stated by an Obama licker
In general conversation with the average Trump licker/Obama basher, I’ve started asking the question, I’ve started asking this question: in light of scandal infested and corrupt present administration and looking back at the previous administration, other than being black, what was it with Obama that was so bad? The answer is usually silence.
@RedTeam, #31:
After years of endless repetitions of Congressional investigations of Benghazi and Clinton’s email server, you’re whining about calls to investigate repeated communications between members of Trump’s campaign staff and Russia’s intelligence services, when there’s already evidence that Russia was working to see that Trump would win the election?
Sorry, but that one isn’t going to just go away. Had such a possibility existed with Obama or Clinton, the right would have been howling for prosecution. In fact they were, with far less reason.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the burning question seems to be about how this “fake news” is getting out to the “fake media,” which then has the audacity to report it.
Spicer checks WH staffers’ phones for leaks, vows more searches coming
Time Warner has not renewed CNN citing low ratings. People are tired of fake news, who is next?
need a refresher
and lawless
His legacy was more a crime rap sheet than a legacy.
Trump, earlier today:
There, you have it, straight from the horse’s rear end.
A question has likely occurred to most reasonable people long before now: If there’s nothing to the story, why is he doing everything in his power to discredit anyone and everyone who believes it’s important to know that for certain?
A special prosecutor generally is a lawyer from outside the government appointed by an attorney general or, in the United States, by Congress to investigate a government official for misconduct while in office.
When was their misconduct since 01/20/2017. All of these myths were purported to have occurred in December
Reince Priebus said the FBI approached Priebus the other day and said there was no connection between the Russians and the Trump campaign.
Issa proved he’s a loser throughout the Obama presidency IMO. I think he’s an establishment hack. I believe he’s trying to instigate Special Prosecutor to keep this Russian crap alive for the next four years. Left alone the Democrats would eventually realize it not working in their favor, and go on to some other nonsense, but Issa is trying to lock it in for the duration.
Issa barely won re-election. His district demographically id going all DEM. Soon there will be no R’s from the Confederate State of California
When a politician goes on these far Left shows like Bill Maher’s and goes after his own party, not only do I question their motives, but they diminish themselves and their message by stooping so low.
No professionalism or class at all Issa.
But this election has many benefits. It not only shows the Left’s true colors in their damaging loss to Trump, but it lifted the veil on these RINOs who are part of the Uniparty/anti-Trump crowd.
A waste of taxpayer dollars chasing after an “Intelligence Community”/DNC myth. Wouldn’t this money be better spent looking for Sasquatch or the Loch Ness monster? Maybe running shrimp on a treadmill.
I have no doubt that you “see” more racism in Democrats than you do your Saint Donald. And just as you deny his white supremacist mindset and defend his bigotry and admitted sexual assaults, I’m sure you’d spin or deflect any evidence I provided-or like your fellow clones, deny that it’s even an argument at all.
As far as the prosperity of Dem cities and states vs R, you might want to take a harder look. But then again. it’s unlikely you’ll “see” what’s right in front of you and we all know the references and resources don’t hold much weight here.
What country in the world which has a socialist functioning society has been successful in developing prosperity.