Spin, span, spun: now it’s “climate challenges”

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You’d think with something so devastating, so frightening, so certain, they would not need to keep changing the name to make it more marketable. Maybe they can take a cue from Coca-Cola and call it: “New post normal science AGW” and “Classic AGW”. Yeah, that’ll work.

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I was always told that the Earth was “special”
Now, I’m told that the Earth is “Climate Challenged”

Two or three times (total in 30+ years of ranching/farming) our family had to deal with putting out smudge pots for a potential crop-threatening overnight frost.
Were those ”Climate Challenges?”
Farmers have dealt with the fringe-elements of what the weather CAN (but usually does NOT) do for thousands of years.
There’s no reason to FUND a non-farming bunch of hystericals to know which way the wind blows.
You cannot tax your way to certainty in the harvest.
No amount of money going out the door helps one whit.

Quick, more lipstick on that pig!