Soledad O’Brien’s bumbling attempt to defend Prof. Derrick Bell has caught fire and judging by the tsunami of left wing logorrhea Joel Pollak has scored a direct hit on the Barack Obama Death Star.
From John Nolte at Big Government:
Has anyone ever before seen the corrupt media work so hard for so many days to push back on what they’re telling the world is a non-story?
For a “non-story,” the media sure has used up an awful lot of ink, bandwidth, and airtime on what has now turned into 48-hour crusade to cover up the true history and words of a man our president publicly embraced as a 28 year-old Harvard law student.
But in the case of CNN’s Soledad O’Brien, what’s been used up is whatever was left of her credibility. In an unhinged fit of insufferable smug Thursday morning, O’Brien not only made a public spectacle of herself, but while she was aiming that smug directly at’s Joel Pollak, we’ve since learned that she was covering up the fact that she’s a huge fan of a huge fan of Louis Farrakhan’s — Professor Derrick Bell.
As Thursday rolled into Friday, CNN must have realized that O’Brien’s very public flameout had gone viral and that she is now a public laughing stock. This is the only explanation as to why this 1500 word monstrosity popped up on the cable net’s Web site yesterday. The writer is Tom Cohen and the obvious goal is to turn divisive racialist Derrick Bell into something closer to Dr. Martin Luther King.
The simple fact is that you can wrap as many words as you want around it, but nothing can ever turn Derrick Bell into a noble crusader for racial equality — because he was just the opposite. My colleague Dan Riehl put it about as well as anyone could:
Bell didn’t only de-legitimize white critics based upon race, he de-legitimized his white liberals colleagues, as well, seeing them as incapable of being anything other than oppressors.
In a 1987 interview with the New York Times, Bell made clear that only Black Americans can understand oppression and racism. Moreover, Bell believed that white Americans have to “imagine” that “they are not oppressors.”
”Even liberal white scholars have to imagine oppression, and have to imagine that they are not oppressors. Black people have stories and experiences that provide the basis not only for their lives but for their scholarship.” Does he then consider it impossible for white scholars to understand and to teach on this issue? ”It’s not that they can’t, but they do face barriers to their ability to explain the reality of racism in America.”
Mr. Bell says he had other reasons to write the book. ”My wife says I spend my life trying to teach white folks. I’m not so sure I’m proud of it, but she’s right. The other half of that is that I’m affirming what black folks already know is true.” For all of his efforts, Mr. Bell is uncertain about the future of race relations in America. ”At some point America may actually be a land with opportunity and justice for all; it’s not that now. [ Black Americans ] are the only people that understand that and are willing to say it.”
Soledad. O’Brien, her bios describe her as bi-racial. Her Mother was Cuban her Father Astrailian, What race are they? One listing claims that her parents could not get married in Maryland because at that time that state did not allow bi-racial marriages. What am I missing?