Sorry, media — this press conference played very differently with Trump’s supporters

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Michael Goodwin:

Maybe it’s not a coincidence that Barnum & Bailey is folding its tents this year. After all, how could the circus possibly compete with Donald Trump?

The president proved once again that he is the greatest show on Earth. Lions and tigers and elephants are kid stuff next to his high wire act.

Next time, the White House ought to sell popcorn.

Amid feverish reports of chaos on his team and with Democrats fantasizing that Russia-gate is another Watergate, Trump took center stage to declare that reports of his demise are just more fake news.

Far from dead, he was positively exuberant. His performance at a marathon press conference Thursday was a must-see-TV spectacle as he mixed serious policy talk with standup comedy and took repeated pleasure in whacking his favorite piñata, the “dishonest media.”

“Russia is a ruse,” he insisted, before finally saying under questioning that he was not aware of anyone on his campaign having contact with Russian officials.

Trump’s detractors immediately panned the show as madness, but they missed the method behind it and proved they still don’t understand his appeal. Facing his first crisis in the Oval Office, he was unbowed in demonstrating his bare-knuckle intention to fight back.

He did it his way. Certainly no other president, and few politicians at any level in any time, would dare put on a show like that.

In front of cameras, and using the assembled press corps as props, he conducted a televised revival meeting to remind his supporters that he is still the man they elected. Ticking off a lengthy list of executive orders and other actions he has taken, he displayed serious fealty to his campaign promises.

Sure, sentences didn’t always end on the same topic they started with, and his claim to have won the election by the largest Electoral College margin since Ronald Reagan wasn’t close to true.

Fair points, but so what? Fact-checkers didn’t elect him, nor did voters who were happy with the status quo.

Trump, first, last and always, matches the mood of the discontented. Like them, he is a bull looking for a china shop. That’s his ace in the hole and he played it almost to perfection.

The immediate impact of his performance is likely to calm some of the jitters among Republicans in Congress and supporters elsewhere, especially after the beating he took in the last few days.

On Monday night, Trump suddenly removed Gen. Michael Flynn, his national security adviser, over circumstances that still are not entirely clear. And on Wednesday, his nominee for secretary of labor, Andrew Puzder, withdrew after Republicans said he didn’t have the votes to be confirmed.

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As we all know by now the news media is pretty much 100 % behind the demac-RATS the Vulture the Shark and the donkey are partners in crime demacrats’Lawyers and Journalists they remind me of the name of a movies DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS or DIRTY LYING BASTARDS

I watched the presser, laughing outloud at parts looked like he was having fun, joking with the press. Unlike Obamas press conferences he didnt stutter through 1/2 of a long drawn out answer with loads of me and I.

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 2h

The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!

The man has a mental disorder. You’ve put a mentally unbalanced person in the White House.

77 minutes, no notes and no teleprompter.

@Greg: Who is mentally unbalanced? Trump is not the typical politician they can take down with their less than half truths but they keep trying over and over with their formula .Liberals have no sense of humor or they would get the joke.What is the definition of insanity trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. It worked with Palin people actually believe she said she could see Russia from her house. But Obama actually said he was to 57 states.
They forget we can watch this stuff, we ARE watching this stuff and when they go overboard with lying descriptions of what we watched it doesnt help us trust them more, it makes them look koo-koo for cocoapuffs, nutz, bonkers.
We put a man in office that doesnt stutter if he doesnt have a teleprompter, that didnt hang with domestic terrorists, and lie about not knowing Hillary had a private server, when he was emailing to her.

@kitt: He did say the crime rate was the highest in 47 years—his 306 actually 304 electoral votes the highest in—he forgot Obama in 2012 and 2008 GHB and Clinton
That’s just for starters Kitt–you, if anyone, can see through this guy.
How bout a throwback Thurs video–Thanks

@Rich Wheeler: Maybe he needs to stutter more and say I and me more, tell us the premiums will save thousands a year for families, just a difference between repeated intentional lying and making a mistake.
APs mistake today about the nation guard what the hell?

@kitt: Great song prominent in Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs–Thanks
Trump’s doing fine with hand and arm signals. We’ll see how his “beautiful” wall works out and what it will cost the taxpayers.
Reminds me of the King walking naked in the procession but none of his subjects have the nerve to tell him–til the child yells out “he’s naked”.
Obama had a big ego but this guy is an egomaniac.

@Rich Wheeler: I really dont care what the fence /wall costs, it quickly pays for itself in tax savings, illegal alien cost $113 billion per year at some estimates, It is silly to deny that the influx of nearly 11 million illegal immigrants — mostly low-skilled adults and their children — strain resources in public schools and for other social services. And this most harshly affects the quality and availability of education and assistance to the poorest Americans
Then the scarce gang members, drug smugglers, murderers and rapists.
I do have to disagree with who has the biggest ego, having it being stroked constantly by the media for 8 years. Even his wife, you know the end of hope now the Obamas are no longer in charge.(big eye roll)
I say give it 6 months to a year see if any of the GOPs ideas might just work.
Until then try to have a sense of humor and not grab on to every non important slip up.
No comment on the big fake news lie the AP put out today trying to cause panic?

With only 32% of the american public that still trusts the main-stream lie a day news media this Fake News is going to make them beat their brains out against the wall