Thomas Sowell:
Socialism sounds great. It has always sounded great. And it will probably always continue to sound great. It is only when you go beyond rhetoric, and start looking at hard facts, that socialism turns out to be a big disappointment, if not a disaster.
While throngs of young people are cheering loudly for avowed socialist Bernie Sanders, socialism has turned oil-rich Venezuela into a place where there are shortages of everything from toilet paper to beer, where electricity keeps shutting down, and where there are long lines of people hoping to get food, people complaining that they cannot feed their families.
With national income going down, and prices going up under triple-digit inflation in Venezuela, these complaints are by no means frivolous. But it is doubtful if the young people cheering for Bernie Sanders have even heard of such things, whether in Venezuela or in other countries around the world that have turned their economies over to politicians and bureaucrats to run.
The anti-capitalist policies in Venezuela have worked so well that the number of companies in Venezuela is now a fraction of what it once was. That should certainly reduce capitalist “exploitation,” shouldn’t it?
But people who attribute income inequality to capitalists exploiting workers, as Karl Marx claimed, never seem to get around to testing that belief against facts — such as the fact that none of the Marxist regimes around the world has ever had as high a standard of living for working people as there is in many capitalist countries.
Facts are seldom allowed to contaminate the beautiful vision of the left. What matters to the true believers are the ringing slogans, endlessly repeated.
When Senator Sanders cries, “The system is rigged!” no one asks, “Just what specifically does that mean?” or “What facts do you have to back that up?”
In 2015, the 400 richest people in the world had net losses of $19 billion. If they had rigged the system, surely they could have rigged it better than that.
But the very idea of subjecting their pet notions to the test of hard facts will probably not even occur to those who are cheering for socialism and for other bright ideas of the political left.
How many of the people who are demanding an increase in the minimum wage have ever bothered to check what actually happens when higher minimum wages are imposed? More often they just assume what is assumed by like-minded peers — sometimes known as “everybody,” with their assumptions being what “everybody knows.”
Back in 1948, when inflation had rendered meaningless the minimum wage established a decade earlier, the unemployment rate among 16-17-year-old black males was under 10 percent. But after the minimum wage was raised repeatedly to keep up with inflation, the unemployment rate for black males that age was never under 30 percent for more than 20 consecutive years, from 1971 through 1994. In many of those years, the unemployment rate for black youngsters that age exceeded 40 percent and, for a couple of years, it exceeded 50 percent.
Socialism sounds great to the lazy ass with no skills that is too lazy to develop a skill.
Everyone of those Bernie backers needs to right now go and take a vacation in Venezuela.
I know we will do it better (sac)
Oil has accounted for 25 percent of Venezuela’s GDP, and oil prices have collapsed. That might have a little something to do with their problem.
@Greg: Very little, government took over the private businesses and ruined everything. The government even took the farms now no food
People who have never farmed should not try to make a development plan for farming.
Capitalism is the only proven successful economic model.
They are eating rats and any dog or cat they can find.
They are forbidden to stock pile a pantry.
The intrinsic problem with socialism is that it punishes hard work and achievement while rewarding laziness. The left pushes the erroneous “Robin Hood” scam of socialism, decrying the (false) tyranny of capitalism while vigorously ignoring the inherent tyranny of government taking from those who work hard to earn in order to buy the votes of those who do not earn as much – or earn nothing at all. People who start with nothing but manage to build their wealth through hard work are dismissively characterized as “winning life”s lottery” and targetted as being “greedy” for wanting to keep their earnings for the benefit of their own families. Collectivism has been tried throughout human history, and it fails every time it is tried. (Review Captain John Smith and the history of the original Virginia colony, as well as the writings of Cotton Mathet). Yet each new generation of leftists arrogantly ascribes to the ridiculous notion that past failures only occurred because previous attempts “weren’t done by the right people”. They shriek for the right of individual libertinism, while even more vocally screaming for any rhought opposed to their ideology be criminally prosecuted. The eternal essence of human nature is ignored by ideological zealots who arrogantly presume that THEY are so much smarter than their like-minded leftist predecessors, that they remain blind to the inevitable outcome of their economic policy insanity.
And as has been seen on other threads, when one points out the fundamental flaw of leftist ideology, one is branded as a “bigoted hater” for opposing the definitional self-enslavement that is collectivism.
When our youth are bathed in the vile murk of the likes of Howard Zinn and the scumbag linguistics professor from MIT who should always be remembered for his egregiously despicable excuse mongering of Pol Pot’s Khymer Rouge leftist murders – Noam Chomsky, I believe is his name – it is no wonder that the current generation views the Founding Fathers as nothing more than hypocritical slave owners, rather than the awe inspiring devotees of Liberty that they deserve to be remembered as.
I have been accused of being prejudiced against leftists. I wear that as a badge of honor. No matter how many people insist that the clothes of the leftist emperor are the finest ever worn, I will always steadfastly proclaim his abhorrent, laughable nakedness.
@Greg: Right. Socialists are not economic geniuses but thieves that see a golden goose and then proceed to wring its neck for every golden egg they can squeeze out until it is dead. This is what was done in Venezuela; cheap, easy oil money made a good crutch for socialism that always fails.
But, OOPS!… when there’s a bump in the road and oil prices drop, it all comes crashing down… because no one gave any thought to continuity and diversity. Just take the easy money, enrich yourselves and ride the gravy train.
Luckily for ignorant fools like Obama, the capitalistic US has had the wisdom to prepare for a rainy day, but liberal policies are making the preparation less effective. The left would rather spend money subsidizing illegal immigration and paying people to vote Democrat than take the steps that would keep the economy strong and survivable.