So, the Left Is Now Defending Joe Biden’s Showering With His Daughter

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by Matt Margolis

Some things you just have to see to believe because they’re just that crazy.

This week, we learned that the Department of Justice is seeking a harsher penalty for the person who reportedly stole the diary of Ashley Biden — the daughter of Joe Biden.

Prosecutors for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York said in a letter to a judge that Aimee Harris had “abused the administration of justice” by repeatedly providing inadequate excuses to the court that have caused her sentencing hearing to be rescheduled 12 times. They said the behavior warranted a harsher penalty.

Harris’s hearing has most recently been rescheduled for next week, and Judge Laura Swain has grown stricter with the defendant, warning last week that she could authorize a warrant for Harris’s arrest should she fail to appear. Harris is awaiting the sentence for her efforts to sell the diary of the president’s daughter ahead of the 2020 election.

Of course, in light of this story, the infamous diary and its contents have once again become a topic of discussion. As you likely remember, Ashley wrote in her diary that her father used to take showers with her at a young age that were “probably not appropriate.”

Hyper-sexualized @ a young age. What is this due to? Was I molested. I think so – I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma – I remember not liking the woolzacks house; I remember somewhat being sexualized with Caroline; I remember having sex with Friends @ a young age; showers w/my dad (probably not appropriate). Being turned on when I wasn’t supposed to be.

The diary also revealed that she thinks she may have been molested but can’t remember.

Naturally, left-wing journalist Ed Krassenstein came roaring to Biden’s defense this week regarding the diary.

Of course, what Krassenstein likely forgot is that Ashley Biden has confirmed the authenticity of the diary, and so far has made no claims that anything was manipulated. But, then he covers himself by saying, essentially, that, even if Joe Biden did shower with his young daughter, this was completely normal.

This was a point that didn’t sit right with a lot of people for obvious reasons. But, rather than concede the point, he made the following whopper of a claim:

Do you know any fathers who shower with their young daughters? Have you ever known a pediatrician or child psychologist who has ever given this their stamp of approval? I get that this is an election year, but how is it possible that Krassenstein could possibly make this argument? Is the left so desperate to defend Biden that they’d downplay blatantly predatory behavior? Apparently, that’s where we’re at now.


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The left simply doesn’t have a negative view of pedophilia. So Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden forced his young daughter to shower with him? It’s probably not the worst, most degenerate thing he’s done.

Didn’t we see the same play when Clinton was soiling dresses in the oval office? Paying 850K for women to drop charges? from politifactless
How Bill Clinton’s settlement with Paula Jones differs from Donald.
These people are sick.

AI is so skewed to the Left that you can ask it “Is it appropriate for joe biden to shower with his 12 year old daughter,” and get a “yes, it is part of bonding to do intimate things like this with your child.”
But ask the same AI, a minute later, “Is it appropriate for Donald Trump to shower with his 12 year old daughter,” and it says, “no, that is a sign of pedophilia and should never happen.”

Well, that’s clear enough. Democrats are pedophiles, so a Democrat old man showering with his young daughter is right in line with Democrat behavior. It’s just degenerate for everyone else.

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MUST SEE: Chanel Rion on Ashley Biden Diary Investigation: The SDNY Is Biden’s Personal Gestapo – They’re Not Even Hiding It… And Joe Biden Is a Ped*phile (VIDEO)

The diary confirms three things:

** Joe Biden is a pedophile who produces drug addicts for children.

** The DOJ will stretch the truth like taffy to protect the Biden name, and

** The DOJ is willing to throw anyone under the bus who exposes crimes against their dirty China doll politicians.

(1) Chanel Rion OAN on X: “Again, if you think the Ashley Biden story is about the Bidens, you’re MISSING THE PLOT. WHO at the DOJ (and the SDNY) is getting paid to be the Biden Family Clean Up Service? Why are YOU paying for their cleanup? @OANN #AshleyBiden #DOJcorruption” / X (

Last edited 10 months ago by TrumpWon

Fat ass Bill Bar sat on the laptop. Barry and Harry at Diddys crib. All the video evidence from the Epstiens estates will be joined by Diddys stuff. There have been some rumours of Weiners laptop and Hillary, Huma might have had more than 1 copy of an insurance policy. Weird shes seen dating Soros kid. What are the chances for Huma with family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood hooking up with a nice really rich Jewish kid?
Strange goings on in the just noticing conspiracy circles.
Mostly these people are sick.

Ashley also concluded that she was molested. Only a pervert father showers with a 13 year old daughter. Also- the Krassensteins are perverts

Also- the Krassensteins are perverts

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