So Many Obituaries. So Much Death…COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis is killing millions of people now.

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by Emerald Robinson

I woke up this morning and read the news that Warriors assistant coach Dejan Milojevic had a sudden heart attack and died on Tuesday during a team dinner. He was 46.

That same day, British sports journalist Mike Dickson died suddenly at the age of 59. The cause of death was conspicuous by its absence in the obituaries — but the man collapsed and died without warning at the Australian Open.

The day before yesterday, former NFL linebacker Ronald Powell died at the age of 32. No cause of death was announced — of course.

There’s a kind of perverse silence running through these obituaries in our newspapers now. You’re told now that it’s impolite to inquire about the cause of death. You simply need to accept that sudden cardiac arrest can strike down healthy athletes in the prime of youth.

They’ve forced us to translate what their headlines mean to glean the truth:

“Died suddenly” = killed by the vaccine

“Sudden heart attack” = killed by the vaccine

“After a brief illness” = killed by the vaccine

“Died unexpectedly” = killed by the vaccine

“No cause of death was listed” = killed by the vaccine

I made the mistake of typing the phrase “football player dies” into Google as I looked for more information on Ronald Powell’s death and so I got these sickening results.

Brace yourself.


Look at the dates. Look at the ages.

Boys who were 12 years old.

Boys who were 15 years old.

I couldn’t read the headlines all the way through. I could almost hear the sobbing of their stricken families rising from the words like a howling wind. I could see the funerals —the frozen ground in winter being freshly dug up for the new graves.

I could see the mothers driven almost insane by grief in their black clothes.

There seemed to be one word being chanted everywhere: death.

Death. Death. Death. Death. Death.

And the chanting is only getting louder.

There’s no way serious adverse effects are limited to only 1 in 800 per shot. There’s no way that the death toll from the “vaccines” will be only 17 million — that’s far too low.

Why? Because 17 millions doesn’t move the needle for the depopulation cultists. That’s a rounding error in terms of global population rates. That’s why the vaccines are contaminated with plasmid DNA. That’s why no government on earth will allow public access to the vaccine and mortality data. That’s why New Zealand is busy prosecuting its own vaccine data administrator for leaking the data showing that COVID vaccines increase the risk of myocarditis by over 25X.

Our corrupt elites, you see, are much more ambitious and much more evil than you can possibly imagine.

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This is so very sad.
So many dying before their time.
I remember the lady who gave hubby and me the covid omicron infection.
She was more worried about us, older people, than herself.
But we immediately took ivermectin and kept up our regimen.
We were completely well within the 5 days of ivermectin doses.
Three days in my case.
She has been sick ever since.
Her hair has fallen out due to illnesses and strong medications.
Her health is poor.
Too late she began asking about ivermectin and nattokinase.

Leftists say ivermectin doesn’t work, so you must be dead.

She just feels a little horse. 😉

Last edited 8 months ago by kitt

Woe to the government and Pfizer when someone finally makes the connection between young, healthy people taking an unnecessary vaccine and these deaths. Woe to anyone else, like the NFL, that mandated the vaccines.

COVID vaccine and the mass vaccination program were developed by the Trump administration and overseen by Jared Kushner. They purchased and had distributed hundreds of millions of doses. Their goal was to create and distribute 300 million doses by the end of 2020.

Trump said in May 2020 that he was mobilizing the US military for rapid vaccine distribution.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

True, except the Kushner part the Covid tzar was Pence, the 15 day bullshit was Pence , Fauchi and the scarf granular data lady.
Kushner was busy assisting with peace treaties.
Trump thought the military was needed because the vaccine had to be held at ultra low temperatures.
We find now that both Fauchi and vaccine makers lied about safety and how effective it was.

Last edited 8 months ago by kitt

COVID vaccine and the mass vaccination program were developed by the Trump administration and overseen by Jared Kushner.

So are you admitting the vaccine is deadly and trying to blame that on Trump? If it’s deadly, why is this regime still pushing it? Why hasn’t Pfizer not been prosecuted?

Trump didn’t mandate that EVERYONE be vaccinated. It was intended for the aged, those that were most at risk for COVID. It was Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, raking in kickbacks from Pfizer, that is forcing the vaccine, which is not even effective against the variants.

Are you stupid or do you intentionally forget such details?

I’m only pointing out that there wouldn’t have been vaccine or mass vaccination without Trump. It’s one of the few things I give him credit for.

Trump didn’t mandate that EVERYONE be vaccinated. It was intended for the aged, those that were most at risk for COVID.

The Trump administration set a production goal of 300 million doses by the end of 2020. That’s around three times the number of people in the US over age 50.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

Next time, check your facts, your memory has been affected. Trump wanted what he was told was a Pandemic over he met with anyone with solutions, guys from Nasa that were going to sanitize N-95s for reuse, air cleaners, not enough beds, he wanted solutions not the constant whining of killer Coumo, putting covid in with the elderly, I dont have enough ventilators, masks PPE waaaaa gimmie it all fuck the rest of the country.

Now Feb 21, 2023Thousands of ventilators de Blasio commissioned for $12 million sell as scrap metal for less than $25K, hope they are ready for for the next pandemic.

Oh, come on. Did you just get here? A leftist check FACTS? A leftist even ACKNOWLEDGE the fact? Propaganda is their facts.

I’m only pointing out that there wouldn’t have been vaccine or mass vaccination without Trump. It’s one of the few things I give him credit for.

The abuse and misuse of the vaccine is all on Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden. More died under him than under Trump.

You do know that each person was to receive TWO doses…. right?

COVID vaccine and the mass vaccination program were developed by the Trump administration

And you were the one who wanted people punished for not taking the vax or wearing a useless mask. You supported the “mass” vaccination program with every fiber of your being.