Smitten black girl rejected by Biden who instead stopped to take selfies with old angry white women.

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“If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”



Biden is and always has been a racist.

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What with all the children and women joe’s been caught on video sniffing, find one of him sniffing a black female.
Can’t do it.
He just lost that lady’s vote.

Either he doesn’t like how blacks smell or he has a shock collar that goes off every time he homes in on a young girl.

What an excellent twitter feed this Bruce Ballou has!

So, investigators have been digging and it only looks worse for joe as a result.
Turns out this young lady was in the back of the crowd originally.
joe’s staff pulled her to the front so the crowd wouldn’t look so white.
THEN joe ignored her.
She was there explicitly for the photo op and he failed to give his campaign the shot they wanted.

Oh, an PS to Mike and Greg: note the source, a LIBERAL media outlet.
When will you two wake up?