Slain SEALs get form letter from Obama. Heavy D gets personal note

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Last November Barack Obama sent a personal letter of condolence when rapper Heavy D passed away at 44.

Al Sharpton read the note at the funeral.

“We extend our heartfelt condolences at this difficult time. He will be remembered for his infectious optimism and many contributions to American music. Please know that you and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers.”

But when 17 members of the elite Navy SEALs were killed in the crash in Afghanistan back in August 2011, he sent their parents a form letter.

Via Gateway Pundit

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Priorities… clearly.

this talk more than words, no one should explain differently than
finding that he doesn’t give a dam,

This is exactly why Obama recently spoke in front of the military and they barely applauded for him at all:

President Barack Obama was greeted with fleeting applause and extended periods of silence as he offered profuse praise to soldiers and their families during an Aug. 31 speech in Fort Bliss, Texas.

His praise for the soldiers — and for his own national-security policies — won cheers from only a small proportion of the soldiers and families in the cavernous aircraft-hangar.

The audience remains quiet even when the commander-in-chief thanked the soldiers’ families, and cited the 198 deaths of their comrades in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The audience’s reaction was so flat that the president tried twice to elicit a reaction from the crowd.

“Hey, I hear you,” he said amid silence.

The selected soldiers who were arrayed behind the president sat quietly throughout the speech.

CNN and MSNBC ended their coverage of the speech before it was half-over. – Source