Sketchy Business – Chairman Nunes Reveals Fusion GPS Connection to Obama White House…

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Well this latest twist is sketchy as hell.  In December last year we learned about Nellie Ohr working for Fusion GPS and channeling Clinton/Steele ‘dossier’ information to her husband Bruce Ohr who worked in the DOJ National Security Division.

Today Fox News is revealing that Fusion-GPS #2 man-in-charge, Neil King Jr., was/is married to President Obama’s White House Policy Adviser, Shailagh Murray; who was also Joe Biden’s Deputy-Chief-of-Staff.

WASHINGTON – House Republicans are expanding their investigation of the Trump dossier, seeking answers from Obama administration officials including a former staffer for Vice President Joe Biden whose husband works for the firm behind the controversial document, Fox News has learned.

A source familiar with the matter confirmed to Fox News that Shailagh Murray, who was Biden’s former deputy chief of staff and communications director before serving as a senior adviser to President Obama, will be sent a questionnaire Friday.

The questionnaire, from Republican Chairman Devin Nunes of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, will ask when Murray became aware that the dossier – commissioned by opposition research firm Fusion GPS – was funded by the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign.(more)

It’s becoming more and more transparently obvious that Fusion-GPS was one of the contractors with access to the FBI and NSA database; and when Admiral Rogers shut down that access (April 2018), Fusion-GPS needed a workaround to access the system through the Dept. of Justice National Security Division (DOJ-NSD), via Bruce Ohr.
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Pres Nixon’s “plumber’s unit” of dirty tricksters tried to pull off ONE op and failed.
But the attempt ended up bringing down that president.

Obama’s Fusion GPS was his team of dirty tricksters.
It successfully pulled off many ops, nearly preventing the Trump win.
Yet he swaggers around collecting over $900,000,000 in speaking fees, donations, book advances, Netflix pay.
All parked offshore so he avoids “spreading the wealth” to those who don’t “already have enough money.”

Obama was (unlike Nixon) smart enough to fold in many wives and relatives of his own top, loyalists to be paid well at Fusion GPS.

Our only hope is that the FBI lovebirds are talking.
They loved Obama but they also love their freedom.
And they have not been charged, although they have done a lot of illegal things.
All that indicates that they are cooperating with the DOJ.

The cloth of deception only woven tight enough if Clinton took the White House. We knew it would eventually lead back to sealed records Barry. Just pull one thread…
Can we go back to the election of 2008 or 2012? Not that the globalist agenda wouldnt have rolled along anyway.

“A source familiar with the matter?” Would that be one of FOX’s “sources on the ground in Benghazi?”

I can understand why they avoid naming names. Retired ‘Navy SEAL’ praising Trump on Fox News was a fake

Their cable news motto should be All the bullshit, all the time. Although they do have a few honest, non-manure spreading newscasters. Shepard Smith, for example. Somehow they slipped up with him.

@Greg: You might want to hold fire until you find out the details. After all, you are consistently WRONG as you continue to defend the most corrupt candidate to have ever run for President and what is developing as the most scandalous administration in history.

NO Trump/Russian collusion but Obama administration obstruction of justice and illegal surveillance and Hillary Russian collusion. That ship is going to sink before all the rats can get off. Better start scurrying.

“The most corrupt candidate to ever run for president” may turn out to be the current occupant of the White House.

The Clintons have been under a microscope for decades, but their political enemies have never come up with sufficient evidence to support formal charges, let alone a court finding that they’re guilty of any serious crimes. Obama? There’s been absolutely nothing. There’s not even a credible suggestion of impropriety.

As hard as you are on those people, seemingly believing every rumor and conspiracy theory that’s been rolled out, you won’t even support an examination of Trump’s questionable business and financial activities. You don’t care that he refuses to produce his tax returns. You don’t care about probable serious conflicts of interest, about undeniable and rampant nepotism, about the criminal activities of unethical people that seem to have been attracted to his campaign and administration as if by a magnet, or about the conferring of high-level security clearances on people who can’t pass the background checks required to qualify for them. You don’t care that he has routinely filled regulatory agency positions with people who represent special interests openly hostile to the very missions those agencies are tasked with. Personal sexual misconduct is evidently totally irrelevant in his case, as are pay-offs to porn stars to cover it up. You don’t care about his repeated scurrilous attacks on the nation’s intelligence community, the FBI, and on respected public servants who have served the nation honorably without a hint of scandal. If Obama or Hillary Clinton had engaged in only one-tenth as much of this sort of behavior, the right would be out there forming up lynch mobs.

The wider the scope of Mueller’s investigation, the better. As far as I’m concerned, nothing is off limits.

@Greg: All potential witness against Clintons seem to wind up dead.
Unless he was elected Obama with his domestic terrorist pal Professor Ayers couldnt pass a real security clearance.

Lynching has historically been a democrat activity.

The Clintons have been under a microscope for decades, but their political enemies have never come up with sufficient evidence to support formal charges, let alone a court finding that they’re guilty of any serious crimes. Obama? There’s been absolutely nothing. There’s not even a credible suggestion of impropriety.

You know, sometimes you read words and you doubt they are the words that are actually on the page.

You have been keeping up, right? Obama created a corrupt DOJ. Holder covered his ass, then Lynch followed in the family (as in organized crime) tradition. We had a DOJ that happily accepted “I don’t remember” as exoneration.

Even YOU cannot deny that Hillary lied about her emails. Tell me, PLEASE, you don’t still believe she deleted 33,000 emails about yoga and did not know what “C” meant on State Department documents. I don’t think I could take it if you tried to make be believe that YOU believe such garbage.

Obama’s teflon nature may be short lived. I am sure a professional weasel such as he took great care to make sure his name was on NOTHING, but we will know the nature of his administration. We already do, pretty much. It was corrupt.

Any reasonable, objective person realizes the Trump collusion fantasy is dead. However, it is a documented fact that Fast and Furious ran guns to Mexico, the IRS targeted Obama’s political enemies, Obama and Hillary lied about Benghazi, Hillary grossly mishandled classified information and lied, lied, lied about it… under oath, to the FBI… anyone and anywhere, Hillary lied. Just because the Reich Department of Justice didn’t pursue criminal charges does not indicate the slightest hint of innocence. The whole lot was corrupt. It’s how corrupt regimes operate.

And they almost got away with it.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #7:

You know, sometimes you read words and you doubt they are the words that are actually on the page.

They’re on the page, alright, and mean exactly what they say.

The Clintons have been under a microscope for decades, but their political enemies have never come up with sufficient evidence to support formal charges, let alone a court finding that they’re guilty of any serious crimes. Obama? There’s been absolutely nothing. There’s not even a credible suggestion of impropriety.

That is a statement of fact. Conspiracy theories and rumors bouncing around in the empty spaces between gullible peoples’ ears don’t qualify as formal charges or as convictions of serious crimes. Nor does a failure to come up with any after decades of slander and rumor mongering serve as proof of the corruption of the nation’s investigative and law enforcement institutions. Try as they might, hostile congressional committees have also repeatedly drawn a blank. It’s revealing that their party won’t accept their own investigative committees’ conclusions.

In contrast, it seems like the indictments, guilty pleas, and the people who are deciding to cooperate are beginning to quickly pile up in connection with Mueller’s investigation. The difference is that Mueller is investigating things that are actually real, and is apparently uncovering evidence that he believes will clearly demonstrate the truth of it in a courtroom. Mueller isn’t doing reality television. He’s doing reality.

@Greg: Just because you choose to be delusional don’t think I will entertain you with pretending to believe you.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: The NY PD says they may leak their copy of Weiners laptop to Assange, his wifes life insurance policy, it is said the things in it made a seasoned cop go in the hallway and puke.
The only evidence the FBI could not destroy. Is this why they reopened the email investigation?
• Abedin forwarded classified and top secret State Department emails to Weiner’s email

• Abedin stored emails, containing government secrets, in a special folder shared with Weiner warehousing over 500,000 archived State Department emails.

• Weiner had access to these classified and top secret documents without proper security clearance to view the records

• Abedin also used a personal yahoo address and her address to send/receive/store classified and top secret documents

• [a] private consultant managed Weiner’s site for the last six years, including three years when Clinton was secretary of state, and therefore, had full access to all emails as the domain’s listed registrant and administrator via Whois email contacts.

@kitt: Yeah, but they said they didn’t and they were never prosecuted by a DOJ run by Loretta Lynch, who met, in what was supposed to have been a secret meeting no one would ever know about, with Hillary’s husband to discuss grandkids and golf… and how the “matter” would be squashed before it would affect Hillary being crowned President. So, obviously, no one should suspect anything.

Folks like Greg see crimes everywhere but where they really are, slapping them upside their partisan heads.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Oh da plane, yes fantasy island where they were speaking of grand children. She is on Air Force 1 not under indictment despite the laundry list of crimes Comey spouted, 1 day later off to a rally with Barry.
Too bad so many people around Clintons drop dead or commit arkancide, Huma felt she needed a file called life insurance on the pervs laptop. Sure he read some of it there was to be a divorce then not, was she so stupid as to not password protect the illegally obtained classified information file?