Shocking: AP Reporter Embedded with Federal Officers in Portland Describes Rioters’ Violent Attacks

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Before you review the thread below, read Byron York’s analysis of the mainstream media’s active whitewash of the violent upheaval in several American cities. We saw this in coverage of Seattle’s “autonomous zone,” prior to the murders, and we’re seeing it again now. The national press is treating rioting, looting, arson, and assault as a strange fascination of the right-wing media, doing President Trump’s bidding. The denial of reality and quasi-blackout of disturbing images and developments is so acute that even a powerful House chairman feels confident enough to dismiss the clear developments on the ground as a “myth.” Someone needs to get these tweets to Mr. Nadler, stat. Via an Associated Press reporter embedded with federal officers in Portland, who paints a harrowing and outrageous picture:

“Repeated” firing of mortars, which sounds like something out of a war zone, plus incendiary devices and hard objects intended to inflict serious harm. Recall that many in the press insist on referring to “largely peaceful” protests, employing almost comical language to euphemize the reality — and that elected Democrats continue to blame the federal officers for what’s happening, even after two consecutive months of riots in the city. More details:

Bloody gashes, concussions, vision loss. This is all extremely serious, yet the impulse of Democrats in the press and elective office has been to downplay or ignore all of it, as if they’re following an election year script. Balsamo goes on to report that federal agents defending the courthouse have engaged in “very thought-out” and measured tactics, deliberately seeking courses of action that would not “escalate tensions” between authorities and the decidedly non-peaceful contingent of “protesters.” He quotes a deputy US Marshal who lives in Portland as saying, “I am worried for my life, every time I walk outside of the building.” As city and state Democratic officials cravenly demand a federal retreat, Balsamo reports that “there’s no plan for the feds to retreat right now. Those protecting the building feel a personal and professional duty to protect the courthouse.” He adds, “many raised the same point — the courthouse stands for justice, for all people. And they aren’t going anywhere.” The situation is very ugly, as further documented by local authorities, who have repeatedly been forced to declare riots:

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Hahaaaaaaaha Jordon sneaks in video proof of riots, Nadler complains no advance notification, you know cause it played bad against his narrative of AG Barr.
Peaceful protests escalate.

There are two options here. Either those who deny the ongoing violence is really happening are merely ignorant because they choose to believe all the left wing propaganda or they know it is going on, support it, want it to continue and lie in a vain attempt to hide the truth. Both rely heavily on personal stupidity.

I would like to hear from our resident liberals if they actually believe the violence is happening or not.

I would like to hear from our resident liberals if they actually believe the violence is happening or not.

It’s happening, alright. I saw videos of Trump’s enforcers beating the hell out of a 54-year-old Navy vet who had threatened them in no way whatsoever, and didn’t even respond with violence when they attacked him.

The violence has escalated enormously since Trump sent these people in. He began the escalation when he had the Washington DC street forcibly cleared of peaceful protesters for his church lawn photo-op.

Trump will be gone after the November election. People are sick of what America is turning into.


It’s happening, alright. I saw videos of Trump’s enforcers beating the hell out of a 54-year-old Navy vet who had threatened them in no way whatsoever, and didn’t even respond with violence when they attacked him.

Man, how convenient that the video was ONLY of a short segment of the “54-year-old Navy vet”. What luck!!! Reminds me of the luck of the reporter who just happened to be outside Roger Stone’s house when the SWAT team arrived.

You should be so lucky in Vegas, Comrade Greggie.

BTW, Andy Ngo reported that the “moms” in their yellow t-shirts were some of the same women who had been protesting with Antifa days before as he recognized them. Oooops.


The violence has escalated enormously since Trump sent these people in. He began the escalation when he had the Washington DC street forcibly cleared of peaceful protesters for his church lawn photo-op.

Yeah, cause everyone knows trying to burn down a historic church is “peaceful.”

Jeeze, do you never get tired of showing what an idiot you are, Comrade Greggie?

@Greg: Well, at least you can admit it exists. Now we just have to get you to stop lying about who is committing it. You know, the federal police are secured behind fences and inside the courthouse. The left wing terrorists have to break through the fencing to allow the feds to get to THEM. If you think anyone is actually stupid enough to believe your false rendition of reality (other than Oscar Cobblepot Nadler), you are… well, pretty stupid.