When it was being debated, Democrats told you ACA would cost $940 billion over ten years, because they think you’re stupid. But now, with more years of fully-bloomed Obamacare inside the ten-year budget window, the CBO is out with new cost estimates. They ain’t pretty:
Today, the CBO released new projections from 2013 extending through 2022, and the results are as critics expected: the ten-year cost of the law’s core provisions to expand health insurance coverage has now ballooned to $1.76 trillion. That’s because we now have estimates for Obamacare’s first nine years of full implementation, rather than the mere six when it was signed into law. Only next year will we get a true ten-year cost estimate, if the law isn’t overturned by the Supreme Court or repealed by then. Given that in 2022, the last year available, the gross cost of the coverage expansions are $265 billion, we’re likely looking at about $2 trillion over the first decade, or more than double what Obama advertised.
That’s right, the true ten-year cost is going to be still higher.
Makes perfect sense.
None of the real cost-cutting promises ever materialized.
Like, for instance, the ”doctor fix.”
Never happened.
But the CBO had to score the darn thing as though it (and all the others like it) was going to happen.
Then there is the penalty/tax.
Well, which is it?
Only the Supreme Court knows for sure.
Sebelius tried to deny any knowledge whatsoever about the huge number of waivers Obama’s pals all got.
Then there is this:
In order for a contract to be legally binding, it must be a voluntary agreement between the entities entering into that contract.
If one of the entities is coerced into signing, the contract in question violates the principle of mutual assent and is not legally enforceable.
This principle is supported by centuries of legal precedent.
Just another in a long list of lies told by 0-bama to pass this loser legislation. Now this is a real issue that needs to be discussed by America so the reality of a failed health care bill can be realized and repealed.
Yeah, this is the latest going around the righty blogs. It’s a lie. As usual. Go ahead, keep telling these lies to the stupid. Maybe Romney will be elected. Maybe he’ll repeal ObamaKare. Maybe you’ll have to sell your house to pay for a family member’s surgery or treatment when the insurance company drops your sorry ass.
The fine print:
Now, this was from the Washington Times. And the Washington Examiner. Headline “It costs more.” Bottom line, “It costs less”
How is it headlined in other news media?
CNN Money:
etc. Moral: Read the headline. Then read the details.
ObamaCare does several great things. First and foremost, it dramatically increases health care coverage. For sure, this will temporarily strain the system. People with existing health care will be forced to share waiting rooms with all the riffraff who formerly would have just stayed home until just before death and then gone to the emergency room. But it served them right. They should have gotten a job with a company which provided good benefits.
Secondly, it has $11 billion for a pilot project to explore changing the payout paradigm from payment for procedures performed to payment for health care outcomes. This was also Tim Pawlenty’s idea, by the way.
Thirdly, it will make medical bankruptcies a thing of the past. In the rest of the civilized world, no one goes bankrupt because they happen to get sick or get rear-ended by a drunk.
Fourthly, it will dramatically reduce abortions.
I could go on — and have gone on, in the past, though I’m just going to drop this little lib-Dem stink bomb and run, as I have no time for battle now. I just logged onto F/A to read comments about today’s primaries and see what people felt about Santorum vis a vis Gingrich when I saw the headline “ObamaCare pricier than advertised” and I said “say what?” — as I had just read the opposite.
Happy Daylight Savings Time.
Just finished watching “Contagion.” It’s a movie to make one want to go out and buy several more guns.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA
Should it be surprising that things cost more than estimated? Take G.W. Bush’s war in Iraq? And what happened to all that inexpensive gasoline we were going to get?
@Liberal1 (objectivity): Dude, your a little light in the head correct?? Yes an estimate is subject to revision but $900 Billion to $1.7 Trillion?? This is just a flat-out lie by the 0-bama administration to pass such a loser health care bill. Remember how he looked America in the face and said it will cost less?? To believe such crap is the first mistake. Your Kool Aid level must be really high to believe that one.
My insurance premiums have increased 30% since Obamacare was signed into law. No amount of spin from its supporters will convince me that the law had nothing to do with it.
@liberalmann: have you read the bill now law? In this obamacare my brother who has the worst case of MS and has no productive life because he only has use of his right arm and lives in a nursing home (and he is only 47) is in jeopardy of being kicked out. If you read the law those who have no productive life will 1. Be subjected to the death board more often, 2. Will most likely lose what health insurance he has, and 3. Be thrown out on the street. There is a death board although not called that where people over a certain age will go before this board every 5 years to determine if you should end your life so as not burden the health care system. If you have a terminal illness or an illness similar to my brothers, you will go before the board more often. Although people like you who suck off the system or believe everyone should be responsible and pay ( that is unless it is your money) need to take off those rose colored glasses. This forced law is NOT free.
Lets see, partisan sites? Check
Wishful/magic thinking? Check.
Inability to face reality on larry’s part? Check.