SHE’S TOAST: Latest Report by David Steinberg Describes Ilhan Omar’s 8 Instances of Perjury – Could Face 40 Years in Prison or Deportation

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David Steinberg released his latest report on controversial Rep. Ilhan Omar on Thursday at Ilhan Omar and her family changed their name to illegally enter the United States back in 1995.

And since that time Ilhan Omar as an adult continued to defy US law. According to Steinberg Rep. Omar committed at least eight instances of perjury going back to 2009. The charges could carry up to 40 years of prison time or deportation.

Obviously, Ilhan Omar has no regard for US law and yet here she is representing Minnesota in the US Congress and a sitting member on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

David Steinberg reported today on Ilhan’s criminal activity.
She obviously has no problem with lying on federal documents.

Please read the verified evidence below — and read it alongside the three years of verified evidence published by Scott Johnson, Preya Samsundar, and myself (our work is linked here). The answers to those questions about 2009 appear to give probable cause to investigate Omar for eight instances of perjury, immigration fraud, marriage fraud, up to eight years of state and federal tax fraud, two years of federal student loan fraud, and even bigamy.

To be clear: The facts describe perhaps the most extensive spree of illegal misconduct committed by a House member in American history.

David Steinberg concludes his report with this list of possible crimes committed by Ilhan Omar.

Consider the disturbingly inadequate evidence used to obtain FISA warrants on members of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. Consider that Democratic representatives have demanded that Attorney General William Barr release grand jury testimony — itself an illegal act.

Yet here we have:

  • Verifiable UK and U.S. marriage records
  • Verifiable address records
  • Time-stamped, traceable, archived online communications (Convictions and settlements based upon social media evidence are commonplace, Anthony Weiner being a notable example)
  • Background check confirmations of SSNs and birthdates

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Oh, she is IN FOR IT NOW!! Pelosi is serious about upholding the ethics and integrity of the House (when she isn’t breaking the rules herself) and she will be holding Omar fully responsible!!! You just WAIT!!

@Deplorable Me: I hope you dont mind if while waiting I dont hold my breath. Pelosi and her decent into madness will sway in he winds of “wokeness”, or Hate for our country.

@kitt: Um… my tongue was practically poking through my cheek as I wrote that. Pelosi has no interest in the ethics of her own party, only to use ethics as a political weapon. Only if and until she is convicted and goes to jail would Pelosi address the issue.

@Deplorable Me:

agree. polosi was a bar fly in her younger days. nancy is still a whore, once a whore always a whore. this is the pattern of the socialistic democrat party. kenney, whore billy, gay terrorist obama, and chucky with his nyc prostitution operation. the mayor is part of chucky’s operation. the pathetic ny gov. is still have affairs while he lives with his girlfriend at the expense of ny residents-no different than cock hold nelson rockefeller or drunk kerry. recall when nelson’s ex wife came home early and discover the gov and gf in bed and torched the gov’s mansion?? to much history for most readers.

So, despite the crimes she has committed that other people would be serving prison time or deportation, Omar is supported by the Democrats. She supports the Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist groups. She advocates changes in the US government by violence as evidenced by her support of ANTIFA. But that is accepted by the left because anyone who criticizes her is a racist since she is a “woman of Color”. So the media and the left allows her to continue her destructive efforts as Omar (real name Ilhan Nur Said Elmi before her fraudulent immigration declarations) and her associations with terrorist organizations.

@Randy: Well, Randy, let me explain something to you. Democrats don’t care about laws. They don’t care about racism, sexual abuse, gun violence or immigration. All that concerns them is political power and all these things, and others, are mere political tools they use to gain that power.

They are so blinded by their mindless pursuit of power that they don’t envision the danger to themselves, as well as the rest of the nation, if the agenda of Omar and those like her ever get more power than they currently have. So, they don’t mind assisting them in gaining more power as a means to counter the power held by conservatives, which opposes everything they stand for.

Thus, by living by the “enemy of my enemy is my friend” credo, they enthusiastically embrace and endorse anti-American hatred.

@Deplorable Me: There are too many “real Americans” in this country registered as independents who will not stand for the far left agendas. They are independents so they do not get their cars keyed or get ridiculed while having dinner, or criticized for their military service. When it is time to vote, they will reveal their views. “Real Americans” voted for the Republicans who supported the Civil Rights amendment and laws , They know what racism is and despise it. What we are seeing now and hearing from the left is not racism but an effort to entice ignorant people to their political cause. They are only successful in aligning stupid people to their cause. People who are ignorant of the situations take the time to understand the facts and move to the center. I believe that after the 2020 election, the Clinton election success will be considered much better than the 2020 effort.

Why are the lefties not requesting Omar’s tax records? Isn’t there evidence of wrong doing? Maybe Congress only wants to pick on the President. Democrats are immune from Congressional inquires.

@Randy: Why isn’t Pelosi conducting an ethics investigation? She pledged she was going to hold the House to a high ethical standard, yet ignores anti-Semitism, racism, immigration fraud and tax fraud.

The answer is that Democrats don’t care about such things except when they can use it as a political weapon.

An update hot off the press. Someone must be getting nervous.