“Well, I will say this. First of all, you’re absolutely right. There were those who cheered when Jesus was crucified, and we have found that despicable from the beginning of history to this time.”
I would like to know how millons of people have no jobs and this whako does??????????
Common Sense
13 years ago
Let’s face it, if anyone points out 0-bama’s failure he/she will be labeled a racist. Please, this nonsense position only points out how racist those who support 0-bama are. They can’t see past the fact that he’s almost black to see the fact that he is unqualified and has failed.
13 years ago
I regret to say that Mzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Lee (Irefuse to recognize hyphenated names-pick one and stick with it) is in a Congressional district near to me, so I have to put up with that ridiculous hat, as well as her hyperbole. We also have a “Black Muslim” named Quannel X who regularly spews vitriol about how the Black man’s been held down, and its all Whitey’s fault, yada, yada, yada- I automatically have to change the channel when either of those people are in the news.
Ever notice how those people who claim that they or their race have suffered wrongs will never help someone of another color?
They should remember the tale of the Good Samaritan.
13 years ago
I am faaar from a biblical scholar. But, it occurs to me, that Obama is not being crucified like Jesus.
Jesus was crucified in the upright position, as opposed to Paul who was crucified upside down.
Obama would have to be crucified with his head up his but.
I would like to know how millons of people have no jobs and this whako does??????????
Let’s face it, if anyone points out 0-bama’s failure he/she will be labeled a racist. Please, this nonsense position only points out how racist those who support 0-bama are. They can’t see past the fact that he’s almost black to see the fact that he is unqualified and has failed.
I regret to say that Mzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Lee (Irefuse to recognize hyphenated names-pick one and stick with it) is in a Congressional district near to me, so I have to put up with that ridiculous hat, as well as her hyperbole. We also have a “Black Muslim” named Quannel X who regularly spews vitriol about how the Black man’s been held down, and its all Whitey’s fault, yada, yada, yada- I automatically have to change the channel when either of those people are in the news.
Ever notice how those people who claim that they or their race have suffered wrongs will never help someone of another color?
They should remember the tale of the Good Samaritan.
I am faaar from a biblical scholar. But, it occurs to me, that Obama is not being crucified like Jesus.
Jesus was crucified in the upright position, as opposed to Paul who was crucified upside down.
Obama would have to be crucified with his head up his but.