At first I couldn’t believe what I was reading. I was sure it was a mistake. But no, she really did say it.
“We anticipated at the outset that everyone would never use the website.”
At about 7:05.
What does that even mean??? Why would you spend $600 million on a website no one would ever use????
H/T BuzzFeed
To reward cronies and campaign donors?
Since we cannot find out how much was paid for the website, or to whom the money was paid, nor can we learn how many have actually enrolled. . . perhaps we can have a lottery?
Also: we cannot learn who supervised the Contract, whether it was let on a bid or through a crony capitalist contact, or what the specifications were.
We also cannot learn whether the website was beta tested, and what the results were.
In short, we know NOTHING!
$600,000,000 out and $500,000,000 back to a nice offshore account for the DNC.
@UpChuck.Liberals: Bingo Chuck. Follow the money on this turd and you’ll find the pile of crap!!
For the same reason you would spend almost $1,000,000,000 on “shovel ready” jobs that weren’t there, and spend billions of dollars on banks to help keep people from loosing their houses, but only one house was saved, and spend billions of dollars on the auto companies so the unions can keep giving their workers benefits that would have bankrupted the companies.
They had to come up with some kind of an answer for the failure of the web site. I’m guessing that Sebelius was caught off guard with the question. Keep in mind that the democrats are usually asked easy questions, or are given the questions ahead of time. Whenever a liberal talks without their TOTUS or prepared speech in front of them, they either babble on and say nothing, or they tell the truth. I think she was babbling when she tried to answer the question.