The Right Pundit:
Obama claimed multiple times that he called the Benghazi attack terrorism from the very beginning. Yet a clip from his interview with Steve Kroft, which was held by CBS until 2 days before the election shows Obama saying he doesn’t know yet what to call it. The topic was a huge issue in the presidential debate.
Sharyl Attkisson told Howie Kurtz that CBS deliberately sat on the clip because it would have been damaging to Obama’s reelection
“They, in my view, skipped over it, passed it up, kept it secret throughout the whole time when it would have been relevant to the news. And I think that was because they were trying to defend the president and they thought that would be harmful to him”
Shocking…. oh, wait; this is our corrupt, liberal, cheerleading media we are talking about.
Never mind.
@Bill: …and what is SO amazing is…the MSM doesn’t appear to care. CBS has NO COMMENT about anything Attkisson has charged! Nothing. They apparently are going to do with her what they did with the IRS investigation…ignore. If they don’t report on it…it must not be important. Who watches/reads these people anymore? Likely, only the Hard Left. And CBS and the rest of the MSM does not care. They are ready to take more hits in ratings…and profits…rather than dessert their ideology. Amazing.