SF Puts the ‘X’ Back in Xmas: Occupying Human Rights for Naked Santas

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The R rated uncensored version is here….you will want to burn your eyes out.

What do the Occupy movement, foreskins, an ice rink, international human rights and the world’s largest gathering of naked Santa Clauses have to do with each other? Under normal circumstances, nothing — but this is San Francisco after all, where anything is possible, so come along on a guided photographic tour of several separate socio-political events that inevitably overlapped and coalesced into an unforgettable political mashup.

It’s not often that one must wear a Santa costume as part of one’s job, but on Saturday, December 10 that moment had finally arrived for me: I suited up and made my way to San Francisco’s Justin Herman Plaza, where I hoped to blend in with the rest of the protesters and revelers on this Santa-themed day.

For our first event, I joined up with some of the scattered remnants of OccupySF (recently evicted from their camp) and marched up Market Street to sing awful satirical carols and deliver coal to naughty banks. Santa suits were required to participate, but a few elves and other slackers snuck in anyway.

Every time we came to a bank branch, we stopped and harangued them with off-key renditions of various Christmas carols, re-written à la Occupy.

Here, for your listening displeasure, is a sample:


To spare you further listenings, I snapped a photo of one of my fellow Santas holding the lyrics sheet, so you can safely read the satirical versions and not have to hear us singing any more of them.

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Evicted from THEIR camp? That line stopped me cold. Demented thinking at it’s most dangerous. If you want someone else’s land you just take it. If you want someone elses property you just take it. I sure do long for days gone by when being a communist in the USA was a bad thing.

Jesus warned his followers in advance that they would be reviled for their faith.
He prayed that we would be able to make a reply if our faith were questioned.
People who use ”the holidays’ as a means of reviling the faith of Christians don’t bother me OR require a reply.
But, surprisingly, in this regard, Hillary Clinton made an astute remark at an international conference on religious freedom Wednesday.
In attendance were national representatives from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

Some of her remarks:

“Every one of us who is a religious person knows there are some who may not support or approve of our religion, but is our religion so weak that statements of disapproval cause us to lose our faith?”

“Especially when one person’s speech seems to challenge another person’s religion’s belief, or maybe even offends that person’s religious beliefs … we defend our beliefs best by defending free speech for everyone,”

she said, while citing her own experience as a Methodist — a Christian movement made up of many Protestant denominations, and where debate is common.

Throughout her speech, Clinton returned to the argument that religion requires freedom. And she repeatedly, although diplomatically, prodded Islamic governments to tolerate other faiths. Without citing any countries, she directed her criticism at Iran, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, where laws actively penalize or bar rival religions.

“We know governments which fear religion can be quite oppressive, but we know that societies that think there is only one religion can be equally oppressive.”
