Sessions Reminds California: “There’s No Secession, No Nullification”

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Yesterday, we pointed out that Attorney General Jeff Sessions has finally acted to stop California from ignoring federal immigration authorities and laws, with the DOJ suing the state to nullify Assembly Bill 450, which stops private companies from voluntarily cooperating with federal immigration authorities.

And shortly after the suit was filed, Sessions warned chided the state for disobeying federal laws, saying American law provides no room for secession or nullification, per the Hill

“I understand that we have a wide variety of political opinions out there on immigration. But the law is in the books and its purposes are clear and just,” Sessions said during a speech to the California Peace Officers’ Association in Sacramento on Wednesday.

“There is no nullification. There is no secession. Federal law is the supreme law of the land. I would invite any doubters to go to Gettysburg, to the tombstones of John C. Calhoun and Abraham Lincoln. This matter has been settled,” he continued.

The lawsuit filed by the DOJ aims to block three so-called sanctuary laws passed by the state’s legislature this year.

The laws being challenged prohibit private employers from voluntarily cooperating with federal immigration officials, while preventing state and local law enforcement officials from giving federal immigration officials information about the release date of removable immigrants in their custody; and create an inspection and review scheme that requires the California Attorney General to investigate the immigration enforcement efforts of federal agents.

In its complaint, the DOJ alleges that the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution should require California to enforce federal laws. Sessions added that the state’s laws are harmful to its residents and prevent law enforcement from doing its job.

He also singled out Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, who tipped off illegal immigrants that there would be an ICE raid in the Bay Area starting within the next 24 hours, for criticism.

Acting ICE Director Thomas Homan slammed Schaaf for the unauthorized warning, saying she was serving the same purpose as a “gang lookout” on a corner where drugs are sold.

However, despite Schaaf’s warnings, federal immigration agents said they’d arrested more than 150 people in Northern California who they say have violated immigration laws for deportation.

Still, Sessions said he had a “message” for the mayor.

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Gotta love Moonbeam. California is the engine of America’s economy? Is that why people and businesses are leaving it in droves? Let California leave. Think about how much freer the rest of the country would be. 55 less electoral votes for the loony left makes it almost impossible for another far left anti-American like BHO to get elected President again. It’ll mean a net loss of 35 loony lefties in the House and 2 in the Senate making it very difficult for the left to ever gain control of the House again and next to impossible for them to ever get a fillibuster proof majority in the Senate. It’ll also be the end of the activist 9th Circuit Court. Add in millions of illegals being gone and the rest of the dem party having to shift back to the center to avoid perpetual defeat and what’s not to like about them leaving? Let them go and don’t allow anyone from that state who is a dem to move back to the USA so they don’t infest any other states with their neo-Marxist garbage.

@another vet, #1:

California is the engine of America’s economy?

Yes, it is. California’s economy is the sixth largest in the world. There are only five larger, and those are the economies of entire nations. If California were itself a nation, it would be one of the world’s top economic powers.

Jeff Sessions is an idiot. But he can wiggle his ears on command if he concentrates very hard, and that surely counts for something in the Trump administration. Alabama’s GDP is slightly greater than that of Bangladesh; $207,303 million per year vs. $205,715 million per year.

@Greg: Perhaps at one time it was, what industry is left? We get steel from PA, Dairy from WI, Cars from MI, they have nearly ruined their farming fighting them for water. Taxation for the welfare state they run. We can import fruit from the entire world. Electronics can be made anywhere, textiles big in the south. The liberals have ruined the film industry did you see the ratings for the oscars? No one cares anymore. The streets are full of poop, and homeless very 3rd world. 1/2 of the state wants to form a new state, tired of supporting looney half witted policies.


1/2 of the state wants to form a new state, tired of supporting looney half witted policies.

Let them go! A good chunk of the 13% (respectable but by no means the engine of our economy) of our GDP they (actually the businesses located there) make up will beat feet out of there because of high taxes and massive state debt. If the northern part of the state decides to stick around like the western part of Virginia did during the CW, the rest of the state will have a very hard time with fresh water needs. But hey, if the Big One hits, they can always turn to the Clinton Foundation to help them out the same way they helped out Haiti.

Moonbeam Brown needs to be arrested along with the Oakland Mayor for aiding and abetting crinimals

@kitt, #3:

Perhaps at one time it was, what industry is left?

Advanced technology and aerospace. There are 250,000 high-tech workers in Silicone Valley alone. California’s agriculture industry is enormous—more than double the size of any other state.

California is a “donor” state. It receives less back in federal funds than it pays in federal taxes. On the average, states receive back $1.20 for every dollar they pay in federal taxes.

Even “racists” like Gov Wallace are not as unreasonable as liberal Californians!
June 11, 1963, George Wallace, the Democrat Governor of Alabama, in a symbolic attempt to keep his inaugural promise of “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever” and stop the desegregation of schools, stood at the door of the auditorium to try to block the entry of two African American students, Vivian Malone and James Hood.

In response, Democrat President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 11111, which federalized the Alabama National Guard, and Guard General Henry Graham then commanded Wallace to step aside, saying, “Sir, it is my sad duty to ask you to step aside under the orders of the President of the United States.” Wallace then moved, and Malone and Hood completed their registration.

Will the Moonbeam or the mayor be that reasonable?

I love this.

No, they won’t.
They, like Greg, here, will drag their party’s position so far to the Left that they will disgust many reasonable Americans on the Left.
Siding with illegals over citizens doesn’t endear you to taxpaying, voting citizens, does it?
The genius of Trump is that he keeps doing this.
Dems keep painting themselves into tinier, nastier corners all in their reaction to him.

@Nanny G: The left is much like a possum Opossums carry diseases such as leptospirosis, tuberculosis, relapsing fever, tularemia, spotted fever, toxoplasmosis, coccidiosis, trichomoniasis, and Chagas disease. They may also be infested with fleas, ticks, mites, and lice. Opossums are hosts for cat and dog fleas, especially in urban environments.
Such a great state they cant fix potholes.

The laws being challenged prohibit private employers from voluntarily cooperating with federal immigration officials,

One of the excuses liberals used to try and deflect blame for unrestricted illegal immigration was that employers would not use E-verify or honor immigration law, thus cruelly luring illegal immigrants to the jobs. Now liberals are openly BANNING employers from obeying the law. Not to long ago, liberals were complaining that Arizona did not have the right to enforce immigration law because that was the federal government’s realm, even though they were not enforcing them. Now, liberals are saying the federal government does not have the right to enforce federal immigration law and STATES have the right to violate those laws.


Jeff Sessions is an idiot.

An idiot, you say. I know you are used to the 8 lawless years of Obama and watching and hoping Hillary will go unpunished for her latest disregard and disrespect for law and order, but expecting laws to be enforced is “idiotic”? By what tortured logic would this make sense?

@Nanny G:

Will the Moonbeam or the mayor be that reasonable?

Another state refused to comply with federal law and used as one of their excuses how they drove the nation’s economy. That state was South Carolina circa 1832 and 1860. Perhaps Moonbeam can follow in their footsteps and bomb Camp Pendleton. I’m not too sure who they could get to do it though because the California National Guard would side with the Marines given they are some of the few America firsters in that state. Perhaps they can get those whose violence they defend- the gangs comprised of illegals and ANTIFA to do the deed. I’m sure a Marine regiment or two would make quick work of them throughout the state.

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

An idiot, you say.

Another prime example of “if you want to know what a lefty is guilty of just look at what they accuse others of.”