Sesame Street received $1 mil stimulus bill grant – created “1.47″ jobs

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Sean Higgins @ The Washington Examiner:

This grant was brought to you by the letters “A” and “R” — as in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, aka the “stimulus bill.”

Sesame Workshop, the independent nonprofit corporation that produces the popular childrens’ program Sesame Street, received a $1,067,532 stimulus bill grant in August 2010, via the Department of Health and Human Services.

The funding was to promote healthy eating according to the federal website:

SW [i.e., Sesame Workshop] will carry out an expansion of its highly successful Healthy Habits for Life initiative, which promotes improved nutrition and increased physical activity, targeting low-income preschool-aged children and their families and care providers.

The projected created “1.47″ new jobs, the website reported. How they could calculate this to a hundredth of a percent is anybody’s guess. In any event, that comes out to about $726,000 per job created.

The money is separate from the funds Sesame Workshop receives from the federally-funded Corporation for Public Broadcasting to run the Sesame Street program on PBS stations.

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welcome to the opie world of grand theft. if either you or I did this in the private sector, a revolutionary hangman’s rope would be waiting.

There was a time when Sesame Street was educational fun for kids.
During that time, if you were around young children you would see quite a bit of brand loyalty on them….
Sesame Street character clothes, bedding, lunchboxes, jewelry, accessories.
Not so much anymore.
Still, the Sesame Street brand brings in enough cash to where gov’t funding is unnecessary but nice.
Isn’t that sweet?
They don’t NEED our taxpayer money (OOPS! I mean China’s lent money.) but they take it because it’s there.
Time to stop that merry-go-round.

Not everything can be measured by the number of jobs created. PBS is an educational endeavor, and, although the conservative wing doesn’t like it, education these days is a liberal characteristic.

@Liberal1 (Objectivity):

education these days is a liberal characteristic.

Don’t you mean RE-education? As in, re-educating kids to believe the fairy-tale nonsense you Obama-bots go on and on about?

Sesame Street just told barry and company to take down the ad with big bird in it. They are apolitical, they say. Just like AARP they are thinking about their bottom line. Both organizations can see the forest for the trees and know that barry is sinking fast and they want to ensure they are not caught in the net when he sinks to the bottom.

Just wanted to cite a source:

Looks like Obama’s bandwagon lost another wheel.


Romney pulled ahead in the RCP poll average today.

Nearly $300 billion in cumulative DoD contractor cost overruns through 2008, and Romney is worried about the pittance that goes to PBS. It’s like comparing a drop to a bucketful. And nobody ever promised Big Bird would actually fly.

Will you all please stop picking on Big Bird?
Sesame Street is a liberal icon.
Where else can you go to have the village educate your child?
Especially with Mama Michelle telling your kids what to eat.
It is just another attempt to get the 1% to donate to Obama after he trashes them!
You did hear, didn’t you? PBS is the media favored by the 1%. Yes, all those loathed billionaires contribute to PBS.
And for this PBS needs Government Subsidies.