Senate Blocks Partisan Star Chamber January 6 Commission

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by Ace

It got 54 votes, with 35 voting nay. It takes 60 votes to close debate on the bill and proceed to final passage.
A lot of people abstained, it looks like. Some real heroes there.
Fox News:

[T]he legislation faced an uphill climb in the 50-50 split Senate, with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., also opposing the commission. McConnell argued there are already enough investigations into the Jan. 6 attack.
“I do not believe the additional, extraneous ‘commission’ that Democratic leaders want would uncover crucial new facts or promote healing,” McConnell said Thursday. “Frankly, I do not believe it is even designed to.”

From a friend, the six Republicans who voted to advance the bill, below.

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Just guess.
And after you guess, don’t bother checking, because your guess is 100% right.

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We are at a point where no Democrats should be allowed to be involved in any investigations that have national security implications. Probably no investigations whatsoever. They lack credibility. They lack objectivity. They lack honesty. They lack the ability to set ideology aside.

In the case of the January 6 riot, Democrats are desperate to parlay that, Reichstag Fire style, into suppression of civil liberties on law abiding citizens and implementing a police state. Look at their Mueller investigation and their embarrassing, unconstitutional impeachments. Democrats need to restore their credibility and dedication to serving the American people, not their socialist masters.

Agree with everything but Mueller. The liberal President making him FBI chief 20 years ago has told us many, many times the last 15 years he is “Republican”. Including the many times on national TV the last 2 months calling Don “…xenophobic, white nationalist”!

This same liberal’s men pushed the “1/6” Witch-Hunt; naming just few GWB’s toadies: Adam, Ben, Liz, MiTT, Tony G(2 times, twice)…

Forced to read Bill S at 15, did not like him. At 18 (grown up some) I loved him. My favorite has been for 60 years JC. Many relevant quotes! Relating to: “Some real heroes there.” ” A COWARD DIES 1,000 TIMES; BRAVE MAN DIES BUT ONCE!”

MANY IN DC ARE COWARDS! I personally have no respect for them; and have not for 60 years!