Stay classy Obama
President Barack Obama allegedly told a Texas schoolteacher in a handwritten note that pursuing the Affordable Care Act was not “politically” smart, but that it was the “right” thing to do.
The president also defended the rights of so-called “tea baggers,” a derogatory term used against supporters of the Tea Party, to protest his signature health care law.
Obama’s note on official White House stationary was made in response to a letter from Thomas J. Ritter, a fifth-grade teacher at Sally B. Elliott Elementary in Irving, Texas, according to the New York Post. Ritter bemoaned the “toxic” political environment surrounding the Affordable Care Act.
“This bill has caused such a divisive, derisive and toxic environment,” Ritter wrote, according to the Post. “The reality is that any citizen that disagrees with your administration is targeted and ridiculed.”
“I hesitated to write for fear of some kind of retribution,” he added. “I watched you make fun of tea baggers and your press secretary make fun of Ms. [Sarah] Palin which was especially beneath the dignity of the White House … Do the right thing not the political thing. Suggest a bill that Americans can support.”
Much to Ritter’s surprise, he received what appeared to be a genuine response from the president.
“I … appreciate your concern about the toxic political environment right now. I do have to challenge you, though, on the notion that any citizen that disagrees with me has been ‘targeted and ridiculed’ or that I have ‘made fun’ of tea baggers … [I] defend strongly the right of everyone to speak their mind — including those who call me ‘socialist’ or worse,” Obama wrote.
“I believe that health care reform will be the right thing for the country … It certainly wasn’t the smart ‘political’ thing! And I hope that in the months to come, you will keep an open mind and evaluate it based not on the political attacks but on what it does or doesn’t do to improve people’s lives,” he added.
The irony is rich.
Obama’s context is, ”I do have to challenge you, though, on the notion that any citizen that disagrees with me has been ‘targeted and ridiculed’ or that I have ‘made fun’ of tea baggers …”
By his use of that word he does worse than ”make fun” of TEA Party members.
He derided them.
He called them an N-WORD equivalent.
The article shows how one liberal after another is waking up to the CON-MAN in our White House.
Ritter said, “The president told me what he thought I wanted to hear. The letter is just words on a paper. It doesn’t mean anything to me because Obama doesn’t mean any of it.”
Obama told us his words were ”only words, just words,” way back when he stole lines from Deval Patrick’s “Just Words,” speech.
Thomas J. Ritter, you’ve been mugged by reality.
@Nanny G:
Perhaps not. Remember, Mr. Ritter is a Texan and for the most part, Texans who vote Democrat are 10 times more conservative than a Northeastern “conservative.”
But with Obama’s approval rating now at under 40% with CNN/CBS viewers, it is clear that no one is buying his lies but the very 47% that Mitt Romney talked about.
EVERYone or EVERYbody is singular. It is improper English grammar to use “they” with those words in sentences. Instead it is proper to say “he” or “she” instead. But maybe he’d know that if he were at least American.
@Sam: Good catch, Sam.
The ”smartest man to ever be president,” always has had issues with proper English.
Jack Cashill has taken apart some of Obama’s examples of writing, too.
See also:
@Nanny G: Yes, he does make a lot of boo boos for such an ‘educated’ man.
@Redteam: You Said:
Let me know when you get to see his transcripts
Barry Boo-Boo
@Budvarakbar: You did note that I put ‘educated’ in ” didn’t you? He has no transcripts.