secrets of the jihadist leadership

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Then, in November last year Jamal reappeared in a video in which he pledged allegiance to Isil and dubbed the rebels from the FSA “apostates”.

By April, Jamal, now sporting a long beard, was himself leading a fresh Isil attack on the still rebellious al-Bukamal, capturing it and declaring it part of the “Islamic State”.

Over the following months, he grew all-powerful in the area, coming into his own when a local tribe, the Shaitat, rose up against Isil, but were savagely repressed. A total of 700 Shaitat men and boys were killed in retribution.

The children whose beheading Jamal oversaw were members of the tribe.

“It would take days to recount to you the violence I witnessed,” Abu Abdullah said.

The killing of the children was not even the incident which horrified him most. He recalled Abu Abdullah al-Qahtani, the “emir” in the nearby town of Shehil, forcing his eight-year-old son to slit the throat of a prisoner:

“He held his son’s hand with a knife in it and made him cut the head of an FSA fighter accused of organising attacks on Isil,” he said.

When he could no longer face the brutal behaviour of his boss, Abu Abdullah, along with two other groups of bodyguards, decided to leave.

Four were killed after their intentions were revealed.

Some foreign fighters too, lured by promises of “holy jihad”, wanted to leave once they saw the true behaviour of the group, but were unable to, Abu Abdullah said.

“There are of course some who really believe that killing and whipping is the correct way to spread Islam,” he said.

“But for Jamal, he doesn’t really care if the mission spreads Islam. All he cares about is becoming more powerful. Now, if a stronger organisation emerges, he will join it. And there are lots of men in Isil just like him.”

Read from the beginning

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Good to see the Telegraph writing criticism of Islam right up until the law prohibits it.

This is from 10 New Signs of Britain’s Impending Demise
Will sharia conquer the United Kingdom by stealth?

4. New UK law would ban critics of Sharia from broadcasting, protesting or even posting messages on Facebook

And if the Cameron government gets its way, every last person in Britain will soon share it – or else. Home Secretary Theresa May has announced new “Extremism Disruption Orders,” which would empower the British government to prevent people from broadcasting, holding public rallies, or even posting on Facebook and Twitter if they promoted “extremism.” Chancellor George Osborne emphasized that the new orders were designed to “eliminate extremism in all its forms” – including the justification of “hatred” against a particular religion.

Critics of the proposal have pointed out that this would criminalize criticism of Sharia, even in its most oppressive aspects – the stonings, amputations, and denial of equal rights to women and non-Muslims.

If this becomes law, Britain is finished as a free nation. As the law would also forbid opposition to gay marriage, it would be interesting to see what would happen if a proponent of Sharia protested against gay marriage — but Muslim groups are largely for it, since it opens the door to the legalization of polygamy.

Future free historians, if this becomes law, will look back at David Cameron and Theresa May as essentially saboteurs and traitors who administered the coup de grace to their own nation as a free society. If Britain were still a sane society, as soon as this law was suggested there would have been a no-confidence vote and the Conservative government would have fallen — followed by the arrest of Cameron and May and criminal proceedings against them.

Instead, Britain appears prepared to go quietly, although civil war still very likely looms in its future. And the criminalization of criticism of Islam is already de facto in place.