Seattle Hospital to Heart Transplant Patient: Get a Covid Shot or Drop Dead

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The University of Washington Medical Center has dropped a man who’s been on the heart transplant waiting list for 2-1/2 years because he won’t get a Covid shot. He’s not the only one.
Sure, nobody had ever heard of Covid 2-1/2 years ago, and UW didn’t require the shots then because they didn’t exist, but all of a sudden the teaching hospital’s attitude has flipped. The shot is not a choice, but a command. It’s a policy. A policy that doesn’t seem to be written down anywhere, apparently.
Sam Allen told Jason Rantz of KTTH radio:

“The cardiologist called me and we had a discussion, and he informed me that, ‘well, you’re going to have to get a vaccination to get a transplant.’ And I said, ‘well that’s news to me. And nobody’s ever told me that before.’ And he says, ‘yeah, that’s our policy,’” Allen recalled.

Now the doctors are all-in on the experimental shot, the fall-out from which no one fully knows. Their attitude is: We know better than you, so shut up, sit down, take your medicine or the ticker gets it.
And, indeed, the ticker is getting it. Getting booted from the waiting list Allen has been on for 2-1/2 years means he’ll die much sooner.

It’s not like the 64-year-old Allen is shooting up heroin or smoking meth and living in a tent city blighting one of Seattle’s finer neighborhoods. He hasn’t blocked any freeways or burned a police precinct. He’s not a pimp or a crack-ho, both of whom have no problems getting free medical care and free drug paraphernalia. No, Allen is a guy who lives in a rural area and has been reading the evidence of how the Covid shot isn’t the best thing for his compromised heart, as he told Seattle radio host Rantz.


Allen says he wrote a letter to UW Medicine to express his disappointment with the decision. He shared the letter with the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH.
“I understand that my choices have repercussions but I did not change the policy. I am most put off, not by your decision to remove me from the list, thereby removing any opportunity to live out my life at a near-normal level, but by the lack of scientific logic that dictates your ‘policy,’” he wrote.
He points to the side effects associated with the vaccine as why he did not want to get it.
“As a person who has spent much time and money at UWMC as a heart failure patient, I am being told I cannot get care for my condition unless I take an injection that has shown to cause cardiac problems,” he wrote. “It seems that a wise choice would be to not make a panic move and run to get injected with the experimental gene therapy until more is known.”

The CDC says there have been at least 1,300 heart problems associated with the Covid shot reported in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data
But it is interesting to note that at the same time the learned professors and poohbahs at the University of Washington Medical Center cut off Allen, these concerns about the heart ailments were being widely reported. It’s odd that the heart doctors appear to have missed the information about the heart problems associated with the shot. Sure, millions of shots have been given out and the heart issues are a small fraction of that, however, let’s remember that VAERS is a self-reporting system. Only the people who bother to report the problems are counted.

Allen has a lot of heart issues.

[M]itral valve regurgitation, tricuspid valve regurgitation, aortic valve regurgitation, aneurism of thoracic aorta, and dilated cardiomyopathy.
He says three leaky heart valves impact the blood pumping into his lungs. Allen says it makes it difficult to breathe, which played a role in why he wouldn’t wear a mask. He previously underwent open-heart surgery, and he says his heart was damaged in the process.

Many other patients got in touch with Rantz to verify that they too had been removed from the transplant list over not getting a Covid shot.

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To the University of Washington Medical Ceter two words Malpratice Lawsuit

Ironic because people who get the shots are less likely to donate body parts that wouldn’t be compromised by those micro-clots.
Thus the organs from non-vaccinated people are best for a better outcome.

Nan G, very true. cardiac architecture is damaged in some patients that receive the bogus vaccination. the cardiac valves in the heart are showing micro changes that have yet to develop over time-not good. likewise cerebral vessels in the white matter of the brain are showing minor clotting issues. long term effects of the bogus vaccine on cerebral tissues and degrative changes are yet to be defined. Do not be suprised that in about 3-5 years: “If you have suffered any medical issues: stroke, memnory loss, pulmonry loss than call the law office’s of do-we-cheat and How (three stooges). you may have a claim”.

This defies logic, but tends to prove that the left simply wants to impose arbitrary rules for the sheer fun of making people jump through hoops.

So, this guy goes into a hospital for his transplant. He is tested and then stays in a sterile environment. So, why does he need a vaccine?

Maybe he should take the vaccine based on all the studies done on the effects of the vaccine on transplant patients. Here, I will list them for convenience.


Oh, wait… there aren’t any. We don’t know how the vaccine works with anti-rejection drugs and the effects of surgery. But, it seems “sciencey” to mandate that a vaccine that might hurt and destroy a valuable and had to come by transplant organ or complicate the body accepting the new organ… just ’cause.

That’s leftist thinking. Or, lack there of.