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Seattle high school teacher who failed student on quiz for saying men can’t get pregnant praises Hamas in classroom

by Ari Hoffman

A Seattle Public Schools history teacher, who is also chair of the school’s social studies department, displays images of terrorists in his classroom and claimed that “Hamas didn’t behead anyone. Hamas didn’t rape anyone,” and that atrocities committed on October 7 by Hamas were actually carried out by the Israel Defense Forces. His profile also includes imagery affiliated with the movement to abolish the police and Antifa. He has also protected his tweets.

Ian Golash teaches “Ethnic Studies World History” to 10th graders at Chief Sealth International High Schools in the Seattle Public School district. He is also chair of the social studies department at the school and the school’s representative for the Seattle Education Association teachers’ union which recently passed a pro-Hamas resolution.

In his classroom and in the halls, Golash has hung images of Hamas terrorists along with calls to “Free Gaza” and “Long Live Palestine.”

After the Oct 7 attacks on Israel, during which Hamas terrorists massacred, raped, tortured, and murdered over 1,200 Israelis and took captive over 200 more, Golash wrote on Facebook, “This is what I understand. Correct me if I’m wrong… With evidence, please…On October 7-9…Hamas didn’t behead anyone. Hamas didn’t rape anyone.”

“The bodies found charred beyond recognition were made that way either by Israeli tanks, missiles or helicopter gunships… Hamas soldiers were not carrying weapons that could do that kind of damage to human bodies…” Golash said.

“A body looks very different once it’s been vaporized by a Hellfire missile or an explosive tank round as opposed to being set on fire with, say gasoline, for example,” Golash said, though the origin of his claimed expertise is unknown.
The Seattle Public School teacher also claimed that Israel “…chose to obliterate Israeli civilians, including at least one child, in their efforts to kill Hamas militants.”

He concluded, “I’m just trying to get it straight for myself… I don’t know how into the weeds y’all are on this… also, f*ck Hamas, f*ck Israel, I’m a communist.”

In 2020, Golash led student protesters into the King County Jail and attempted to block news cameras.

He is also listed as a plaintiff in a lawsuit against the city of Seattle for the wrongful death of Summer Taylor, and failure to protect BLM/Antifa rioters, who marched onto a freeway to protest during the summer of 2020. One protestor was killed and another was injured when a driver ignored the closures and sped onto the closed freeway.

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